• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Now that's some stuff you're doing *clap *clap*. be careful.
    I'm glad to hear that you have old ideas going on:)
    Well I'm good. I'm full of terraining ideas, but not that much time. Other than that I'm pretty relaxed (maybe too much). ^^
    SO sorry about that cool-peon! I had too little time to post something these past days. I hadn't even had the chance to respond on your last VM ^ ^'
    Anyway, I'll do my best to post something today.

    By the way, 'Kyosuke' has 'u'. 'Kyousuke'! :D

    EDIT: I'll interact with the other characters with the butler on my next post!
    The Easter Games logo drawing, I see the map of Easter Land in it, look closely at the forehead.
    Hey bro!
    Is it okey to involve Pyvir in the CV of my character? Thought it could be fun knowing each other.

    You know what, i will post the character idea, and you can decide if you fit in afterwards :)

    Also, i could color the Kaelicious cover. I dont know how yet
    Good idea cool-peon! I'll add it on the next post :D

    By the way, please tell me if I broke the lore or something. I haven't read the whole storylines for the past RPs.

    About my story, I will make it clear where my character is on my next post. And my character is not yet aware that the Easter Games had already started :D
    Nah I'll just stick around and read. I don't want to ruin your roleplay-discussion in the Gen Dis Thread since I'm not participating yet.

    I already read the lores, rules, guidelines and some of the storylines. And I must say, the way you're handling the group is impressive! :D
    Really? Thanks cool-peon.

    Okay then.. How do I start?
    I mean, where would be the perfect place to spawn my character?
    My idea is to make him powerful but useless and idiotic. Making use of it only for his personal needs, like summoning a pillow for taking a nap and magically stealing women's underwear.
    Amargaard, is it okay if I let GreeN!X use my character for now? I really don't have the time to RP and I don't want to ruin it either.
    Idol of Easter!? I don't know, sounds like a huge responsibility......... I'll take it!
    So, should I go for the villainous act or?
    yeah, i wanted the water to perfectly reflect the atmosphere of the sunset, and to make the field a little more lively around the dead stuff :p
    But I won't lie to myself, I got more important things to do..

    Man, i love to see how Paillan's roleplay improved so much in the past months. If only he changed his 'I dont care' style, he would be a big player, im tellin' ya!

    Also should i make a post in the contest thread about this picture to make it my final entry?
    Okay, but maybe I can't finish in time. But can you explain what's happening on the current roleplay? I'm too confused.
    I don't know what but maybe...I'm being confused with the RP. But I made the St. Patrick's Day post.
    Response to the PM:
    Yeah yeah, I think its been 3 months! It's so good to be back again!

    Oh cool!

    Yah too bad for me. Well at least I had a cheesy ending, I always wanted to have one!
    It would be great if I can join! I have other plans, but I think It'll manage somehow. What Easter powers, specifically?

    Tsk, my English is getting pretty rusty, It'll be a problem don't you think?
    Ouch... that hurts... thiefs have feelings too\

    I'm not really going to steal anything... to much effort... why would I... 99 percent of artists suck
    What you're saying is, that instead of reclaimimg what is mine, I should join a silly game and reveal myself. And you pretty much said that those who do not participate can shut their flytraps.
    Can you talk to me in the rolepley? I think Paillan is finished talking to you.
    That's good to hear, oh uh since I've been drastically away here for a while, how's the reputation points that I must give in one of the contests? I guess I'm too far away right now.
    Heyas, sorry for the month delay:

    1) Couldn't remember the exact mandate of us exchanging maintain group settings, looking at my sent messages it should be around: 06-03-2012.
    2) Group members increased, I expressed few rules like post 1 thread only and refrain from speaking our local tongue which I believe is formal in some way. And some good historic events was having a 50-50 success of playing online with some members via Garena.
    3) I've realized I'm growing old in maintaining a lot of things here, plus getting busy RL I've end up making a thread which I posted about resigning my role as social group leader and pass it to accepting member, which somehow resulted in me up picking a member instead.
    4) I was active, young, beautiful, and rep loving member during that time that I selflessly ask permission if I could be the next leader of the group, hence it was a success.
    5) The_Weird_Human is quite inactive because of school and his other more active mod on a game called 'Black Mesa', while I am taking a current position of map moderator and RL is taking my toll, chances of my inactivity gets high.

    LOL, I finished my story, now , I'm working on the translation and how are u?
    So who is this Yarrick? and why is Kari a ghost? :/

    EDIT: and what does paillan mean with " As the third part of Paillan walks around he stops to think "Hmm, I don't have a name for this part... and Paillan would be rather obious, so let's call myself... PATRICK" Paillan says"?

    EDIT2: Leila is your wife!?
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