• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Shade Da Scout

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  • it's also nothing special if you just attach the item version to the default rotating item's rig :p
    again, there's not much i can say without eyeballing the model itself in the viewer :p
    it's very hay-ish.. did you try checking the other textures like that 'arcane observatory' or something that you have in the first human mission in TFT, when you play with Kael
    maybe you could edit the geosets, texture and wrap with mdlvis, it is a pretty stable application
    that is light beige color that you're looking for :p

    and what do you mean with making parts darker?
    interesting so far, the bullet clip thingie looks pretty cool and sharp.. but there's only so much one can tell from looking at a picture and not having a actual model to eyeball

    as for the banana-like color all over the gun, you need some serious thinking how to wrap that and make it looks.. 'puskasto' if you get me :p
    yes there are... this is primarily an english speaking site.. now don't make me enforce them.. =3=
    mhm dude, jus' to remind you to switch to english, there are rules, y'know :p

    and as for the 'puska :D', it might be a good idea to delete one edge, (ili taj rub) and keep what's left. saves polys
    If for each spell you will have a different sets of parameter, you should create new variable per spell.
    The truth is that you can modify my icons any way you wish, I'm long done with this stuff already.
    I dislike draw modern weapons. :D Do not follow advices of this young guy (rulerofiron99). He really do not understand what dump advices he give.
    Waits would work fine and be MUI.

    Since we're using a buff anyway for the attack disabling, we can use that further:
    1. When ability is cast, add the unit to a unit group.
    2. Make a periodic trigger - every 0.1 seconds or so, it picks every unit in that group, and checks if it still has the buff. If it does not have the buff, remove it from the group and do the expiration stuff.

    If you want to use indexed timers, go read a tutorial, it will explain it much better.
    and do not forget, it will be an icon, not an weapon concept art for a 3D model. So, you can make it lil more rough, forget about some of details, but make it more impressive.
    and do not follow adviced of rulerofiron99 about using "wait". there is some passive ability that blocks attack. My advice - create a timer'based system like "GiveAbilityTimed", and use it for giving a passive ability that ban melee attack. (ability is "market", if i remember correctly. Last time coded around 1 year ago).
    Use a local variable.

    local unit udg_u
    set u = triggering unit
    to disable attack - have a dummy unit cast Soul Burn. Soul Burn has an option to disable attack. Set duration to 5 sec.
    to disable ability - remove it from the hero.
    Wait 5 sec
    Soul burn expires by itself
    add ability to u
    Try zooming in just a little bit more, and move the focus a bit to the lower right corner aswell.
    You have too much black space at the moment.
    Should you decide on adding a background, choose wisely.
    The weapon should remain the eye catcher.
    Omg, at first... that looked like a demonic Laugh Face. WOW, it scared me. But... I think you should show that Cgrin to MasterHaosis, he would love it.

    Any news on Rall.e :? What's he doing. I assume nothing.
    hahaha još jedan neuspeli eksperiment sa haosis molekulom, ali proradiće jednog dana, ima da mu nađemo caku :cgrin:
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