• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

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  • embertilton1979, but I'm heading to sleep in a minute. Soon though. I mean it man, best map I've seen in since sonofjay's CoD. Nice job!
    I'd be willing to trade multiplayer testing time with you. I also need to test my project which is nearing release. The High Road - AoS
    Well, I've moved to a small city because of financial problems. No computers, no mobile phones, no internet for me. Luckily things got pretty smooth now.
    I just can't believe that he passed away, oh well. Btw wasn't Dark Wizard administrator or what? Why is he a normal user now?
    What mod are you doing now?
    Hey ghost, I was just back looking around and I got that shocking news about grendel. Late, I know.
    I went offline from the early phase of the hive cataclysm and whatever. So I don't understand most of the situation, what happened with Dark Wizard and so on.
    By the way, how are you old friend?
    Hey, I was wondering if it would be alright if you could send me the unprotected version of your map Battle for Outland? There are some models there that I might have a use for, but I couldn't find them anywhere.
    Yeah I still have your Avatar you made on my hard drive, I should use it again. And I don't have a skype yet but I really need one so I'll make one right now, but I don't have a webcam :(
    Anyway I've had a look around and noticed a few things, mainly that I saw something about my old friend -Grendel being dead? Is there like a post somewhere about that because he was one of my first and best friends on here, and I'm really sad to hear that. Then I saw the same thing about Apheraz and even though we didn't talk much, she was also one of the first people I met :( Things have changed around here almost as much as for me irl. Hope everything's okay with you.
    Hey GT do you remember me? I used to be around here all the time from 2010 - late 2011ish. We were pretty good friends if I recall. I've been inactive since then, for a number of reasons, mainly because last year my dad passed away and I've had to quit school and start working. I still might not log on every day but I'll try to be around when I have the time.
    Hey man... I am planning to use your LotR UI, but before I do use it, can I request from you to make a LotR cursor? To complete the set?
    Oh well damn, the hive in a nutshell. Stop making promises you can't keep.
    Make it a golden rule.. or offical rule? One could only hope. XD

    Anyhow, I guess I'll mail it to CrazyRussian and he'll deal with it when he gets the time.
    So, how's it going man, did you give up or what? ;O
    With the UI, I mean.. The final touches..
    I don't see anything wrong with your judging from what I tested. As far as the "0/10" for Balance, I'd say he at least gets a 1.
    For when exactly do you need this? I'm a bit busy and will only be available on Wednesday.
    edit: Looking at my schedule now, I have no time at all. >_>
    you call it bitching I call it complaining due to the incompetence of those who are supposed to give an example. ""can you not see how far your own head is up your arse? no wonder ur butthurt"" and what intelligent being would say such thing without any explination following it? I told you I don't have time for such internet confrontations(flame as you describe it)
    . And when the grammar fixing starts I know I'v already won an argument. English is not my first language, not even my third for that matter. But why am I explaining this...

    What I join and when I join it is a gap that I got between work and university. Now that terms come and the summer approaches both the studying and the banking get a front line. That is why I had time then and no time now. I hope you comprehend it well so I don't have to explain the complexity of a grown man's life.
    But since you seem to think I was only talking about the dull explination of the 'siege unit missing' (in a contest about a super unit, not to notice THE super unit's siege capabilities is a big mistake, so its not just simple remark) I will make a full explination why your judgment lacks logic and partially common sense in the days to come. Also feel free to send my entry to whomever you want.
    It is imperative to know that I don't have anything personal, in my work as a manager and accountant I always critique people when I see (that in my opinion) they are wrong. A second opinion is always wellcome but in the enviroment of gaming communities none can expect an in depth thoughts because people are just lazy. For example of laziness look at the last 2 mapping contests that I judged and compare my judgement to the one of the other judges who participated.
    And total example of what bad judgement is you can see in the recent mini-mapping contest: boss fight , where the other judge made the only entry without an actual boss win it. Thus my faith in contests goes dimmer.

    p.s. Sorry for my english. If you are buglarian, russian or french I can write better on these languages.
    Funny how you don't remember my remarks then. I wouldn't even think of bothering anyone else, as I have also judged quite a bit of maps and can clearly see unlogical thoughts in yours. The described in the threath was just a sample. I am a busy man and don't tend to make huge statements on what I don't agree on every time someone got his head stuck between his butt cheeks. I feel obligued to warn others of what may (or may not anyway) happen. Have a nice day and don't put me in a polemic conversation I don't tend to answer for the future. What I said is what I think and see.
    Hello I'm new here, But had already played your Outland-type Map and I was wondering if you could give me the links for the following- Vindicator
    and a tip of how to change the wisps into Peasant-like workers?
    It would be appreciated if you could and Understandable if you could not
    Hello GhostThruster... I know this is out of the blue but I'm having a hard time using you GUIFSI_MPI... I did everything (imported all the imports, CnP the regions and cameras, set the PaladinClView to the correct unit, CnP of course the units, set all of the slot variables, set the camera in the Camera trigger) but still the problem (I press ESC, the camera is brought to the destructible inventory, but I click and click but nothing hapens, though the item I picked up is already there; though in a different icon). Please help. If you don't mind I can send you the map.

    It would mean great to me if you fixed or help me fix this problem. =)
    Well, wonderful to hear there's still motivation in there. Have a happy easter and whatnot.
    On an unreleated note, my site is coming along great. Not the uploaded version.. drupal sucks, will switch to something entirely different.

    However, I successfully created a design for the model download section. ;D
    Eh, still not high enough. Edited my post as well and posted a fullscale image and not just the tiny one, might be easier to gauge the level and style I was refering to. Compared the height to the Undead UI. This should work. We should really get some kind of Template to be a hundred percent sure though.

    However, artistically, I think this.. looks.. better. In my opinion.
    Anyhow dude, gonna sleep now. Will check in on your progress tomorow.

    Just a quick thing before I go, what's that strange thing you added to the top right? It doesn't look good imo. ;P
    I don't remember where the border went though. I think you should be fairly okay with about the lenght in the tiny picture I gave you as reference. Will check out your progress regularly tho.
    I figured you could just replace the texture for those holes with something transparent, thus no glowing holes, leaving you with a single glow-hole in the middle. I've never actually tried this, so I don't know if it'll work though.
    I made that in MSPaint, so no layers, sorry. I was planning on making that time indicator look as if it was cracked, like a cracked glass ball, the light seeping through the cracks would then tell you if it was night or day. If you're in the mood, help me out with that too. ;D
    Hm, I'll consider your offer, since you do seem to have the necessary skills to be able to do the job. ;D
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