• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • lol. impatient (understandable). XD My parents will be leaving sacrid and I alone at our house every few days this week. So, I will have plenty of time to animate it. XD But I plan to finish it today. XD
    lol. I could just have it set up for the attack anim anyway. (Spell and attack being the same anim set)
    Ok, now only Death and Decay to go! =D I wonder, do you want a spell anim? (I'll add one in anyway. XD)
    lol. I had been losing track of which page I was on. :p
    HEY! Now my rep equals that of Donut 3.5's "Modeling and Animation 101" tutorial! XD
    lol. how does he like his cookies? Melted (chocolate) or scorched, soft, hard... crispy? :p
    of course. That's where I realized it was supposed to move. :p Then I tested it in real life for balance :p At what time the legs are supposed to move. XD

    Edit: I still haven't figured out how Lord_T managed to get certain geosets to be invisable when I need them to be. :/ It's possible in Magos. :p If only I could enter chat... D=>
    lol. I figured out what the starting pose has to be just to get a good walking effect. XD both legs on one side (left/right) must be stretched out while the other two are crumpled in. XD and vice versa. Front leg always goes first. XD It's funny how mimiking it in real life can help. XD
    8| Are you sure? -.- I still plan to animate it no matter what you do to me. Even if you cut me off from animating it for you, I'd finish it and send it to you. XD

    Edit:Although, it did make me get back to animating it a few hours ahead of schedule... XD
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) lol. I saw my rep earlier as 100 then saw yours, thinking it was mine, at 110. and I went, "WOW I don't believe it! =D So much rep, so fast!!! ^ ^" XD
    :p Woot more archons. :p Yes, I started to reanimate the dragoon over my busy weekend. But, I had planned it as a surprise. :p But since you asked...
    Masiah have almost killed me too....
    he made spoiler for Favorit cheese...
    and there was writen : This have to be in schrine of randomless....
    i have almost died(again)
    Lol. For some reason people keep thinking I'm Arabic, even though I'm maori (native NZ brown-skinned dudes). Which is AWESOME! I'm love to be that big Arabian joker off Hidalgo! :D Anyways, g2g, buh-bai buuuuuuuddy.
    Ah okay. I could do that. And I guess just because I never took the time to look. Okay sorry I just didn't have any idea what you wanted exactly I'll try again.
    I met an Indian fellow who's name was something like Milosh. Are you indian? I can't tell by your accent.

    And that bear's not silly! He/she/it is AWESOME!
    Misha's a real name? XD Lol, I'm from New Zealand. That place they made LOTR, if that rings any bells.
    Lol, sorry. You should probably change your name then. Misha's a girly name.

    And I'm just lovely, thank you. :D BE MY FRIEND!
    Here is what its at right now. Which Do you like better and how can I improve them for the final result?

    Hey I got a rough draft of the avi you asked for. But I don't know you changed your avi so do you still want it?
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