• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Btw, i'll use thrall's skin as base skin, the model will have some editable mesh, such as the wolf, also thrall's wolf will be modifed into something different :)
    the deadline is 24 agust 21.00 (our GMT)
    is that enough?
    the start is today, at this time
    yeah, you could still take him, here's the requirement on the model:
    must have at least 2 different stance
    max stance is 255
    must present a battle between two forces (more is welcomed)
    btw, i have a good time here, could we start the "challenge"?
    and, i prefer something smiliar, some kind of statue, btw, our theme was same isn't it?
    why don't we just merge them?
    making a ne vs burning legions?
    seems my workshop is doing very well, so, how about you?
    got new interest?
    or even your modeling skill is higher now?
    I have read your problem, seems some geoset didn't attached properly to the bones, do you positive that all vertices attached to their respective bone?
    i had the same problem before with one of my models(which i never had time to fix)
    i think you should re-import whichever geoset is the roof. that should solve the problem..i think
    Haven't got the free time, maybe in the end of agust?, some people rushed the models request :(
    it only takes 5 hours:Dit is more taller, bulky, sc2-ish, and more looks like walking prison:DIt is still in earlier stage, that is v3 from the wc3 marine:D
    Yeah, azahara was a night elven queen who search for more power, and she found the naga, after that, she worshipped by naga as goddess
    And, she got a tail!
    Do you want to see them?
    Btw, i'll make azahara, check night elf expansion campaign, where maeiv chase illidan to sargeras tomb
    Well, the sapper is done, it's pretty basic, but it have 6 backups, and 4 different statue anim (static of course
    Well, you could save it for our private contest
    I'll start making sapper's action figurines
    Well, in that time i'll be busy...
    Since i'm a prefect in my class, and next week i must take care for my junior (some thing like,you know, signing to a school and take some 'jokes' from the seniors)
    About the theme, how about 'remake of the worshipped gods'
    We got many god here
    Human - uther, not a 'god' but he's one of the elite paladin
    Night elf - elune, we even didn't know how 'she' looks like
    Orc - thrall, much more like some kind of respect statue
    Undead - kiljaeden, archimonde, lich king?
    Naga - azhara, much more like warden in night elf's roc campaign
    Blood elf - illidan stromrage, same like thrall
    High elf - uther maybe?
    Dranei - akama
    Satyr - archimonde
    Fel orc - archimonde?
    Well we, got plenty around here
    And, if we finish this, we could make a 'action figurines' for thw
    Yap, that's how we did it
    When we want to start?
    So i can contact ampharos and some of my friend to ask them if they want to be a judge
    You agree?
    Well, we must ask ampharos first
    If he agree then we could start this
    I don't want to use the challenge section, too much risk (neg rep)
    The winner receive +rep from the loser
    Btw, the model shouldn't started before the judge is agreed
    And we must discuss about the theme
    Well nvm, the challenge section give neg rep to participant..
    How about make our secret model contest?
    Just two of us?
    How about doodad challenge?
    I want to test our limit
    Btw, did the loser always got neg rep?
    Btw, the attack anim will cause odd visual effect if the attack cooldown is above 0.86 (object editor)
    Or do you want me to change the attack animation speed?
    Enable the vm just from your contact, it will make you easier to read the vm
    And not letting any spam vm
    Btw, the necromancer's spire,right?
    It's okay, but i'm not helping you made it, just giving some inputs, and credit me as the animator
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