• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • ellol but you were the one who remade it xD
    I guess I can try to set it up again, *sigh*
    BUT on the bright side, I was having a really bad time thinking up a decent idea for a map, so I suppose I could fuse together my current ideas with the TITAN project!
    Thanks!! ellol
    Yeah, My summer was.... well to put it bluntly, very shitty. I haven't touched WarCraft in a very, VERY, long time. I just picked it up again today. I don't really think I'll get back to it unless I somehow get C4D.
    I'm thinking of doing something new, probably a Final Fantasy-themed map. Lately I've been playing TONS of FF. So, yeah, I actually plan on coming to this thing now. I'd somewhat avoided the usual internet places I used to go to because of some personal issues I had. But yeah, I'm staying this time. (and ellol I know I've said that before tons of times)
    I forgot you're a terrainer lol. Feeling up to the challenge? I'll give you some info on my vJASS written map if you'd like to know about it before you terrain for it if you accept. It's not going to be the easiest job, but it shouldn't take too long to do as the area to terrain is relatively small.
    Haha Yea no talk for 7+ months lol. It kinda got cancelled as I continued working on a very old project that I cancelled long ago (that I re-cancelled a few months back). Currently working on a new map that is GUARANTEED not to get cancelled. AMF it is almost done and I just need to finish a few things:
    - Add 3 items
    - minimap preview image
    - Fix Help/Info (quests) text
    - Terrain :(
    I originally made the terrain but it sucked. 1 terrainer accepted to make it but couldn't finish it. 1 did a good job but didn't make it the size I asked him to so it made his terrain useless. 1 is making it right now and said he'd have it by Monday (2 days ago) but still hasn't sent it to me. Looks like I'll have to finish my almost-completed shitty terrain and use it. :(

    TLDR: SfH2 got cancelled. Working on amazing guaranteed not to be cancelled project that will be done 3 days at MOST after I get my terrain
    wow looks like i didnt keep to that promise >.> anyways yes hai dar im usually on chatango these days, and yeah ive been with my girlfriend sooo i will try to get on more often now seeing as i have spring break soon, but tbh i havent touched world editor in forever other than finishing my resident evil map and my SOS series
    >.> its strange i swear ive been checking this place, yet i got your old pms just now ellol
    tbh, ive been very busy im on roxas (YES STILL) and i also have a girlfriend so i promise to get on more often its just a lot of things have been happening lately and i like the new profile pic btw
    Well I have the beta map done. And it's bug free... but I'm workin on 2.0, which is more or less what I've been trying to achieve all along. v1.0 was more of a stepping stone for me not to get bored halfway through.
    Just to keep you up-to-date as to what I've left to do: finish 16 items, polish everything, and test it.
    To be honest with you, that signature is not made in Photoshop. Its made in something called 'Vector' which uses vectors to create buttons/drawings/banners.

    I can link it to ya. Here.
    Ahh, but that is for my flash game. Though, it only has 8 characters so far... :(
    Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Pikacu, Pichu, JIgglypuff, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, Mewtwo, Link, Young Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Marth, Roy, Ike, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Ness, Lucas, Cpatin Falcon, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game n' Watch (32 done so far out of 48 characters)
    Characters to do: Olimar, Pit, ROB, Samus, Wario, Yoshi, Snake, Sonic, Thrall, Arthas, Sephiroth, Master Chief, Naruto and Ichigo!
    Listen, it's spam, it accomplishes nothing, the thread serves no purpose whatsoever. Even threads in SE need to have a topic.
    I play on Azeroth, soooooo........
    BTW: I like you're idea about a TITAN map, and I will try to work with you on your elemental thing.
    The Brawl Forum.
    If it's buried to deep, look at the "threads I posted in" section of my profile page.
    BTW: What does chim mean?
    I'm not going to dictate to you when you should swear and when you shouldn't. I just said it's not against any rules so there's no point in reporting it. :p
    Just so you know, we don't really have a problem with bad language on this site as long as it's not used for flaming.

    So no need to report it. :p
    Hmm, well we don't really have a project together yet, we mostly take ideas and requests, that's why I have somebody of each specialty, I have been considering a hero arena with us in it, though. (Custom models I've already made for my friends and me, and I can make some for others, thing is I don't know what you guys are into, so, lets say, for you, I'd put some Nature Knight guy with Wooden Armore and kick-ass plant attacks, like summoning Man-eating plants, and encasing himself in thorns.) LOL, I even make a comic. (with my friends and me, NOT YOU GUYS! [that would be Freaky])
    I also have made a TITAN MUGEN in the past, but it was of such low graphics quality (like a GamBoy Advance), I don't usually talk about it. It followed the story of the comics, though.
    What's Tides of Chaos, and where are the crystals that are supposed to be all over Chtonian (yes that's his name) otherwise, good. I think I will make one on Illustrator, you should see it in about a week.
    yeah, i just checked, you have to download it, i'll do that later today, once i get my pc's internet fixed around 6, or something. Stupid law school library, deletes any cookies, so even if it didn't require download, i'd lose my account the second i left.
    uhh, not my pc remember:
    "when shall i have my map by, my battle.net should be workinh later today, as well as my home PC"

    Your avatar looks like he's mad at me.
    Msn, as in e-mail, i have that. But it's yahoo. But i havre it open all the time when i'm on hive so i can see replies to posts.
    that mushroom one was mushroom kingdom, i'm guessing, but by hills i meant cliffs, that'd be really good as a backdrop for Zelda's forest, or FE's forest, or Kirby's Dream World.

    Your computer is shiny.
    whaddya mean msn? I don't have one, and Destiny.Knight says that's the only way for me to contact him.
    u could, but you'd need to do that in the doodads section of the object editor.
    just use cityscape, it's got tile, dirt, grass, blight, and you could just use any doodad list, so you could have mushrooms, floating rocks from Outland, fountain from cityscape, world tree is a unit, and lordaeron summer trees. Not to mention Dalaran Ruins or Black Citadel should have tons of destroyed buildings and fire doodads as well as skeletons, and impaled corpses. Oh, and tents are units too.
    when shall i have my map by, my battle.net should be workinh later today, as well as my home PC
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