• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    (Post) kudos, cookies or whatever for stating that having great lore is not important (cake is a lie)
    Why would I? I only wacth TF2 shit =/
    Cuz it be funneh, laddie!

    You know whats annoying about L4D? Go to DeviantArt and type Witch Hunter in search.
    Hm... Im still watching you. You may be a passive infestor.
    *The pod vibrates*
    We're landing!
    *The pod suddenly changes direction and flies to US*
    Oh no! They have taken control of the pod! Initiatite the fail-safe! Start the emergency escape protocol sequence!
    *Puts on a jetpack, grabs Tleno and jumps out, flying to the lights of the Arctic Base*
    You have succumbed to corruption! D=
    Dont come close to me!
    *puts on hazmat suit*
    Code 14-J! CODE 14-J!!!
    *People come in and grab Tleno*
    Take him to the Room 23!
    *Tleno is brought ot Room 23 and tied to a sit*
    Quickly, three cubes of RXP0N7!!!
    *Injects Tleno with the medicine*
    Its gonna be alright...
    *Turns on brainwash video*
    Initiate neural resocialization sequence!
    I don't think I have good terraining skills. I was going to read lots of tutorials, and see if anything good was available from the resources here. I'll probably cut and paste if I find good stuff. Sure, I would like to take a look at it. Would it bother you if I only used some parts? Is that type of thing frowned upon even if they make their terrain available in resources? Also, I was planning on working on terrain last. Is that a bad idea?
    "I love you!"
    "Coop, you were right, this game is way better then it used to be!"

    Nah, I mean the one where he accidentally got to the parallel universe where he is evil, Kiva helps him, world is under his evil rule, the alien dudes(forgot their name) have long been defeated and the survivors lead by Jamie live in the Mothership. And you know, when Evil Coop tried to leave good Coop's reality, Jamie blew up the portal and he got stuck in the dimension between dimensions with cute but evil gnomes, of whom he was daydreaming in the same episode.
    Wait, werent there ponies there? Oh no, those were weird gnome things from the dimention in-between dimensions.

    God, that was one heck of a cartoon.
    I tried to write on Gollum's profile, but my message was too long. You can only write 1000 characters, but my message was 5700.

    The editor sounds very good. I can't wait to try some of the maps made with it. Have some good custom maps been created already? Is the theme only space? Can Warcraft III models be used?
    My poor computer won't run Starcraft II. Is modding that very similar? Is it better? Are you able to use fantasy models too or are all the maps space maps? Hopefully, I can get a new computer in a year or two and maybe make a map for that. It would have been nice to do something early while there are still lots of players to enjoy it. I am surprised there are still so many Warcraft III players. :)
    I say we capture him, bring him to Room 23 and then experiment on him to create an ultimate pony cure or a deadly anti-pony virus
    But Saruman is a retard D=
    Though he is strong. And he has his own tower fortress.
    And his own land. And his own force. Hmmmmmmm...

    *Tolkien comes to L.F.*
    You bitch
    *Slaps L.F.*
    *L.F. runs away crying*
    Noticed that too =D
    I bet there is a Horset Union there.

    Though is it just me or does this map look darn lot like the map from the book Hobbit?
    Wait... so do you work for him or not? And I am not neceserrily the light side, or I am just part of it, so you working for me but working for it means you actually plan something against me with the rest of the light side! And that can mean only one thing... 2+2=BOB! you work for the Dark Voice!

    Princess Alagremma? D=
    Thats princess Gremmya to you, peasant.
    Excellent. I know its hard for you... but we have to do it. For the Greater Good DP! Now... to destroy SoA!
    Though that Marry villain Pony (ex. Villain) part sounds awesome... added to one of my side-plans!
    and they had rainbow flavors too! *drools*
    well, I'll be back in ork images again lol!
    What are you talking about? Kerrigan will become zerg again(whats the point of the whole WoL plot then though >>) and then she will start going round the universe, evolving the Swarm to get new broods and improve the old, so I doubt its over.
    However you do have a point, zerg threat is over. And she will kill Mengsk in the end of HoS.
    but ponies tastes like of apples too :D
    anyways, I'll change back my avatar again, I feel cranky using pony avatars for some reasons
    nub lol whut? lawl.
    I r nut telj u mah reel intentionz. I haz a reel mane planzorz!

    ...Having side-plans is nice, but remember - having a failed side plan is of no importance - the main plan is what matters.

    The creation of the sword is near... and nothing can stop me from creating it.
    I won't tell you what my plan with it is - Just know that it is a part of the plan. It's no fun if the enemy doesn't know about your plan 100%, right?
    Umoja? It(and presumably Kel Morian Combine) are set to appear in HoS. But seeing as its Blizzard, Ill bet they will make them destroyed by hybrids, worship the hybrids, clone hybrids like idiots and become evil, be conquered by Dominion, be destroyed by the zerg(most likely really >>) or be infested by the zerg and then purged by protoss.
    Pony cultist you say?...
    ...Good. Very Good...

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Muahahaha...</span><span style="font-size: 15px">MUAHAHAHA...</span> <span style="font-size: 18px">MUAHAHAHAHA!!!</span> <span style="font-size: 22px">BWAHAHA!!!</span> <span style="font-size: 26px">BWUHAHAHAHAHAA!!!</span>
    Pill? Ask Louis, he knows where Pills are.

    Sadly Tleno, sadly. However Blizzard will put them in the Heart of the Swarm... but what troubles me is the word Blizzard. No doubt theyll ruin them. I actually am suprised they werent in Wings of Liberty
    Really? Then who annoyed me to join...
    Yeap, Al's my name, persuesion's my game.

    Oh noez! To enslave me?! The Pony Legion wants me Tleno. I fear the worst.

    Huzzah! And i told you, only I am Umoja fan. And why do you dislike them?

    Oh yea? i heard Blizz is going to kill Thrall in the next patch. Check XGM.
    Still I'll stick witha godd old crack. I mean, two sorts of crack are made by me, plus I'm on crack for like half a year already...
    Not like you can only be in one RP at a time. Plus Im getting annoyed really, you never go to Skype(in which you yourself dragged me in), you are barely active in DP...
    Not when Vel plays zerg. True though, they are a bit... unsocial. Unless someone includes infested terran >=D
    Well me too actually, but this is mainly in such RP as Dragonson's, where you have to write a small novel to say that your character looked around, saw an orc and then killed him. SC RP doesnt include that much writing if you will check it out.

    And nobody in the group really cares about Umoja =/
    Me being the only exception really.
    Hmm, IT has some weird machines in it... much of them look like robots, but nope - not the kind of robots we're talking 'bout right now.
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