• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Dear DimoHell0o0o, recently the owner of the Daily Peon social group changed and there are new rules. Now, only users that really partipiciate in our RP can be members of our group. You have three days to become really active in our RP or to leave by yourself, else you'll be kicked out from a group by force. If you'll join DP, please read the rules and backstory. If there will be any questions, contact Alagremm.
    Ghost user is a user that has joined social group for nothing, I mean like you join DP and do nothing in it.
    A race as your own, read these posts by VeljkoM and you'll get it:
    Hey, I see you've joined the Daily Peon, are you going to make a race your own or gonna be a ghost user?
    well I said the phoenix is easy to defeat I didn't mean it's health is like 500, like if I am 30k, 40k or something, then the phoenix is 20k, 25k.
    The howl of terror should be different with the pit lord one, it reduces 60% for like 10 seconds.
    I don't know if blink works, but it's similar with warden one.
    the lighting bolts would be 6 waves, each dealing 200-250.
    Anything more?
    Also add some quotes to the boss, like this:
    Summoning Phoenix: "You shall be purified by the flames, behold now, the avatar of Al'ar"
    Howl of Terror: "Flee, or stay, weak ones."
    Blink: "I didn't evade, you missed it."
    Death: "This, isn't over" Any other quotes while an immortal or something similar is defeated?
    lol! :p
    I got much to say:
    First of all, you should use this if you aren't kidding which I think you aren't.
    Well, for the abilities I had long before, it's lighting bolts, focuses his powers and all nearby enemies are effected with lighting bolts and damaged.
    Another one, like when he is under 50% hp he will summon a phoenix named [Avatar of Al'ar], the phoenix is easy to defeat but when the phoenix is summoned, the boss is paused and invulnerable.
    He also would cast Howl of Terror in 75%,50% and 25% hp.
    He can also blink.
    Is that enough?
    hmmm, nature protectors, near the bosses that we should face after the first boss? that crazy doctor/professor or whatever it was?
    Hmm. Weird. I could try using pastebin, but i always manage to fuck it up.
    The Death Guard and Nightmare:
    Death Guard: I think his 350% attack speed at the last moments is a bit high, I suggest 275 or 300.
    Nightmare: I agree with the pig things but is the time enough to reach the sacrificial pit?
    Can you tell me about these four bosses first? Maybe I can help you improve them before updating the map.
    ok, tell me when you are ready, tomorrow i can't play because I should work on a school project.
    Even it has the least downloads in Top 20 :D But not with much difference with others, well maybe I can fix the green Icons for you.
    give me a reputation (if u want cuz i helpt u), if the boss tips made your boss map a success (don't forget to add my name on the credits about the boss tips)
    A boss tips: "Karken" Make a big room with a water pool in the middle then make a boss with the Naga guard pool thing model and when it comes to half life make it pause and invurable and spawn some mobs until all dead so the boss comes vuable and unpaused and start attack (make a pier for melee attack) (the pool must be a deep water to make it looks like a pool which the "Karken" lives) don't forgget to use tencals for damage to the melee damagers and the boss damages the ranged.
    But I don't think the file size can change using that, ask it in the forum section, there may be one, or go to the Tools tab right to the Models and Spells.
    Hmm, don't think so, no. I do it using the map options,it will cover parts of the map you want in black mask and you can't go through it, btw, for your map why don't you put third person camera view when you pick heroes?
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