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Troll Town Hall T1-3  (lost)

Troll Town Hall T1-3 (lost)

This was a Troll Town Hall I was working that sadly was lost due to a hardware crash.
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On a serious note, Handclaw, I can't thank you enough for this. Even though you never finished it due to hardware failure, the fact that you took a picture of your unfinished 3D meshes served as more than enough inspiration (more even than 2D concept art, I believe) to help me get someone to create this, one of the most important structures in a custom faction.

I'm still tinkering with the textures a bit, but I'm pleased with where it ended up & I have you to thank for that. Pleasure working with you. ; )
>It can be remade, even better.
Did... you see the link in my first comment? : )
>Not uploaded in the resources section?
It's kinda nice to have *some* of my custom assets be private-until-release... ; )

>The transition from the 2nd to the 3rd tier is a bit too sudden.
That was one of my primary issues with it (though the Human "Keep -> Castle" transition sorta mirrors that one), but the 'finished' version I have helps alleviate that, I think.

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Handclaw's Timelost Modeling Stuff
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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File size
482.8 KB
Date taken
Fri, 16 January 2015 11:45 PM
1920px x 640px

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