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The leaders of the Alliance of Lagosh remnants and Ned'oanik's men had a meeting to discuss their pasts and future problems.
Calliope: Wait, aren't y

The leaders of the Alliance of Lagosh remnants and Ned'oanik's men had a meeting to discuss their pasts and future problems. Calliope: Wait, aren't y

To be correct it doesnt really corrupt hippies... much. Its most important effect is corrupting the surrounding lands and hippie minions(Ancients and some races like humans and elves), and also making everybody's but eredar's minds vulnerable and thus easy to control and influence, hence why hippies easily believe demons and do their every command like attacking the rebels.
Well, the "Hippie minions" are the hippies. A hippie is not a race, it is a curse that any race can bear. Evillizard, for an example is an Elf and a hippie.

Also, the Demons doesn't control the Hippies fully yet, though almost. That is also one of the main points in this plot that you must remember. The Legion waits to give orders to the Hippies, until they are sure the Hippies can't resist any longer.
I could have sworn someone said the Nerub'als weren't corruptable... or am I getting my facts mixed up here?
Nope. You are right, I think. They are immune to all sorts of mind control... if I am not mistaken.
Yeah, Nerub'als & Eredars are fully immune to Hippifiction. Demons and Draeneis are almost immune. All other races can easily be hippified.
Yeah. Only weak of those two races can be succumbed. Either that or you have to torture them and continually corrupt them for a very long time

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The Daily Peon (Social Group roleplay)
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