

the lighting will always be harsh on the sharp edges of the abominations mesh in bright areas, but in dark sections of the map, it really does, look glorious...

credits to Mr.Goblin, this is one of my planned initial 6 flickering light skins im going to try to do tonight...
Abomination looks realistic now :) Looks fleshy and swollen, which in turn, looks better.

And the shadows, how do you make them in Starcraft 2? Are they automatically generated. I hope Reforged will provide something like better shadowing for units.
yes, the shadows are automatically generated, by the shapes of mesh of objects, every thing even plants have shaped shadows. its really cool seeing complex shadows showing the hooks of the abomination and stuff like the dinosaurs tail swinging about.

glad you like it.
I liked it man, and how you have the textures implemented into a more powerful system of SC2. That shadow thing, brilliant and unlike old WC3, wonky shadows :p
lol thanks, I know these skins are made for a darker map, and the very nature of my map is tropical, and thus, sunny.. but im glad they still worked out. the next screeny will have, the ghouls and meat wagons im hoping.

Im also going to replace the human UI with 67chrome's ''cave'' ui similarly to how I changed the orc ui into the naga one. might be a bit harder due to the details....that ones coming soon.

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