World of Warcraft 3 is a map , designed to play on LAN or recommended for 3v3 or 6 players.
The pictures you see are the land and the models contained in the map .
All places belong to the same map.
There are 6 heroes in each race, and 24 in tavern to choose from, among them are :
Jaina Proudmoore Kurdran Silverhand Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner Sky ree Kael Thas Danath Trollbane Malfurion Stormrage Illidan Stormrage Tyranda Whisperwind Maiev Shadowsong Lady Vashj Akama Teron Gorefiend Lich King Varimathras Eredar Dreadlord Archimonde Mannoroth Grom Hellscream Sylvanas Windrunner Thrall Rexxar Carnie Vol jin Deathwing Thuzad Kel Mal Ganis Gul Shandris Feathermoon give Nazgrel Medivth Naisha Arthas Garona Halforcen Uther Gazz tiracerrojo Fictio warpotion Lord Xavius Cho gall Jubei thos Samuro Anub arak Sir Anduin Lothar Chen Cenarius Lord Garithos Muradin Antonidas Proudmoore Thassarian Ragnaros Zul jin etc
There are also naval battles and islands pve , the balance is made from scratch. And possible strategies are countless.
There are new items , new playable races, new skills and new units, countless arrangements to the original game, cant neither appoint it.
All in a size less than 3 mb.
Sorry i cant upload the map to this site. This site not international, is only in english.
Warcraft 3 Expanded.
Video in rol mode xD
(map, models, skins, skills, detos? go here >