• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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A townhall building for the Gnolls.

9/02/10- Changed category to new Gnolls category
Update: Minor texture change, Mesh adjustments, and added a particle emitter for work anim.
Update: Standardized crater-base.
Update: Fixed un-shaded crater.
Update: Improved birth animation

gnoll, townhall, camp, outpost, fort, hall, creep

GnollCamp (Model)

05:42, 4th May 2008 BlinkBoy: The quality may not be the best; but I think you did I very Good Job. It works well, maybe not as I expected from first view, but it indeed does it's job. Approved 4/5




05:42, 4th May 2008
BlinkBoy: The quality may not be the best; but I think you did I very Good Job. It works well, maybe not as I expected from first view, but it indeed does it's job. Approved 4/5
Level 6
May 13, 2007
All I can say is, that I'm not a big fan of the Gnoll Fort one, it reminds me too much of the Orc stronghold. And doesn't fit with the Gnoll style, they make smaller camps, maybe it should be more like the shop structure for the orcs (Can't think of name) when it comes that it'll be a more complex tent but its made of more durable materials! Or maybe make it metal... They can forge maces.. Why not armored walls? Having a metal main building would make the final tier stand out and could have the upside of making the Gnoll race (If anyone uses this for a race map) have a unique tier 3 town hall, like undead can attack, theirs could have much larger health and armor.. But its only a suggestion..
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
Very groovy. I've been downloading this guys work. He consistently produces reliable and artistic things. I hope to accumulate enough to assemble a complete gnoll army one day. this guy has a good niche.
-peace and chicken grease
Level 2
Oct 1, 2008
really neat, but when i compare it ingame to the elemental groove, it looks kinda " pale " or " cheap " ( maybe add some decoration, like spikes, pile of bones, flag, maybe few trees or something - in short - it should be looking much cooler, as should any faction main building)
Like when i look in Necropolis lvl 3 i can immediatly recognize it as main ( same goes for elves, orcs and humans of course ).
But newertheless, i like your work, im a huge gnoll fan too, soo good luck, in your creative work :)