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2P Campaign: Orc 03

Orc Campaign: The Invasion of Kalimdor
Chapter 3: Cry of the Warsong

"Meanwhile... Back in Lordaeron, the Burning Legion commences its invasion..."

"Five days later, near the foothills of the Stonetalon Mountains..."

Version: 1.4
Extra Score: No. of Grom Deaths

Level Description: As Thrall heads to the north to find the oracle, he finally encounters the Warsong Clan, but they are in battle with humans who have also fled to Kalimdor. Thrall orders Grom to leave the humans alone and help him get the zeppelins he needs, but Grom disobeys.

Version 1.0 - First release.
Version 1.1 - AI Fix, Insane Creep Drop, Minor Typos.
Version 1.2 - Cinematic Fix, Upkeep Fix, Spell Fix, Save/Load Fix
Version 1.3 - Exchange Bug Fix
Version 1.4 - Music no longer plays after the interlude.
General Changes:
- Features Nazgrel War Seer
- Added Interlude
- Base adjusted for two players

Insane Mode:
- Upgraded enemy creep troops and heroes
- Improved Final Boss: Inferno Harpie


If you wish to report a bug, reply with feedback, or find out more about the project, please visit the Hosted Forums.

2, player, campaign, orc, horde, kalimdor, thrall, cairne, nazgrel

2P Campaign: Orc 03 (Map)

00:44, 7th Mar 2011 Cweener: Approved How could it not be.




00:44, 7th Mar 2011
Cweener: Approved
How could it not be.