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Arthas Campaign - Humans

Arthas Campaign - Humans
Created by [The]Blood_Head - Sagi5533

Map Info:

I thought to myself, Why not to try something different? Why not to give Arthas Menethill other choice instead of turning to cold hearten Death Knight? this is about alternative timeline where Arthas is exposed to what might happen should he purge Stratholme, And by doing so changing the entire Warcraft III lore. I hope you would like it, Comments will be appreciated. And yes, Grammar Nazis will probably kill me.


- Story stays true to belive despite major lore changes.
- For each chapter there's special Difficulty system.

Campaigns Progress:

Arthas Campaign - Humans
Arthas Campaign - Undead
Arthas Campaign - Orc
Arthas Campaign - Curse of the Worgen
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????

Characters and Screen Shots:

Prince Arthas Menethil:
Prince Arthas is son of Terenas and Lianne Menethil, And Brother of Calia. Heir to the throne of Lordaeron and one of the most powerful paladins on Azeroth. Since in this time line Arthas will not claim Frostmourne, There's no telling how much that will affect the warcraft III History..


Terenas Menethil:
Terenas Menethil II was born in the court of the kingdom of Lordaeron, one of the strongest human nations, as a member of the royal Menethil family, which had ruled the kingdom for generations. An old friend of Thoras Trollbane, Terenas grew up to become a wise and just ruler, greatly loved by his people. His long years of reign saw peace and brought prosperity for Lordaeron. However, now his future might change..


Lady Jaina Proudmoore:
Jaina was one of the most talented and trusted sorceresses of the Kirin Tor. She was dispatched by Antonidas to discover what was happening in the northlands of Lordaeron. She was escorted by her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest, Prince Arthas Menethil, to uncover if the plague had magical origins. In this time line she will have major affects on Azeroth's fate..


Uther The Lightbringer:
Uther The Lightbringer, was the first paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand who led his Order in battle against the Horde during the Second war. Uther is the Mentor of Arthas and a close friend of Menethil Family. Uther has witnessed the rise of the Undeads and that might not affect him well..


Bloody The Seeker(Custom Character):
Bloody is not a real warcraft lore character, I named him after my eurobattle account However Lore should be told. Bloody was born in Darrowshire, Bloody's family were poor as his father died durning the second war. Bloody has two brothers, however durning the Orc invasion his brother Marywn fell in battle. Bloody swore to protect the innocents and joined the order of the Silver Hand as a Paladin, under the guidence of Uther The Lightbringer. he moved with his other brother and mother to Hillsbrad, however their fate is unkown.


Chapter One: The Vision:


Chapter Two: The Evacuation:


Chapter Three: The Undercity:


Chapter Four: The March to Silvermoon:


Chapter Five: The Landing:


Chapter Six: Into the Woods:


Chapter Seven: Rise of Empires:


Chapter Eight: New Starts:


Chapter Nine: The Siege of Zul'Farrak:


Difficulty Choose for each chapter:


Change Log:

  • Cheats for now are enabled
  • Difficult system on every chapter

Bugs Fixed:
  • King Terenas Icon
  • lag problems caused by Arthas's aura
  • AI on Chapter 2 and chapter 4
  • Lich Timer on Chapter 4 is fixed
  • Some other minor bugs/glitches on chapter 3, 4 and 5
  • Fixed Arthas's Rays of Light key and King Terenas's Bind keys
  • AI on chapter 4 doesn't mass towers anymore

  • 2 New Spells to King Terenas instead of Holy Light and Divine Shield
  • Custom icon for one of King Terenas's abilities
  • Custom spell model for one of King Terenas's abilities
  • Custom Aura for Arthas instead of the old one
  • Limited the number of Meat Wagons on chapter 2 for player 4 to 5.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Chapter 3 at koblads vs bandits part, the players units were turning hostile.
  • Arthas's new spell can be learned at chapter 9.
  • Goblins spawning at chapter 9.
  • Most of the Grammar issues.

  • Millita for the Custom High Elves race at chapter 4.
  • Arthas may learn Wave of Light instead of Holy Light durning chapter 9.
  • Water Element may be upgraded at chapter 9.
  • Custom models attachments at chapter 9 for Arthas's and Jaina's Crowns.
  • Chapter 9 changed, better spawning, Tome of Knowledge reduced to +5, Crowns give more stat, Trolls and Humans are more balanced now.
  • The campaign is no longer editable.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Dialog Speed fixed.
  • AI on chapter 2 improved.
  • Banshees spawns on chapter 6.
  • Some other minor bugs.

  • Added another attacking force (Orange) on chapter 1. (affected by the difficult)
  • More Undead Forces on chapter 2.
  • Pings on mini maps on some chapters to help the player.
  • Terrian Improved on some chapters.
  • on Chapter 9, added reinforcements spawn every 15 minutes to aid the player.


Special Thanks:
  • CY The UnGodly
  • Yuefang
  • Rufus
  • Verb8im
  • blancfaye7

Alexstrazsa - By 67chrome, Sellenisko
Inferno Knight- By Tarrasque
Forest Troll Blademaster - By Zack1996
Mummified Troll - By Red
King - By Tranquil
Thrall on foot - By strongwill
Undead Arthas on foot - By Kuhneghetz
Undead Paladin - Bart_Illidan
DivineBarrier - by JesusHipster
WarStompCaster - by JetFangInferno
BTNHolyWave - by Avex
King's Crown by hell gate, Tranquil
Pearlescence by Shyster

High Elves Models/icons:
Wandering Soul

From WoW Expansions

High Elves - Chapter 4 - CY The UnGodly

Preview map Picture:

Author's notes:

This Campaign has a sequel: Arthas Campaign - Undead. I want to add also 2P Campaign for it, but I guess I'll foucs on it later. If you have any ideas/offers/willing to help in thee campaign leave a comment/private me :)

Arthas, Lordaeron, Azeroth, Jaina, Proudmoore, Bloody, Uther, The, Lightbringer, Kalimdor, Thrall, Cenarius, Menethil, Stratholme, Fall, Destruction,

Arthas Campaign - Humans (Campaign)

[2016-05-16] Rufus ReviewMap ScoreGameplay:21 / 30Aesthetics:11 / 20Total:32 / 50 Rating Chart 45-505/5 Highly Recommended35-444/5 Recommended25-343/5 Useful15-242/5 Lacking0-141/5 Unacceptable Gameplay The gameplay is quite fun! Although the...




Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:21 / 30
Aesthetics:11 / 20
Total:32 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

The gameplay is quite fun! Although the campaign is using mostly sandard units, the author has managed to put together a fun blizzardy gameplay style. It feels like an extension of the standard warcraft campaigns, which is good.

You can select difficulty before each map, which is great! If you lose, you can just pick easy next time. The difficulty is going up and down (I selected normal on each episode) from map to map. Map 2 was pretty hard, and I had to cheat on the last 5 minutes in order to clear it, but it is manageable.

When you first encountered the blood hill bandits, the cinematic didn't cause my units to stop fighting. I had no control for the first part of the fight, which could have caused irritating losses.

Perhaps additional drop on the ghostly archmage? It is not really necceesary killing him. only 47 gold extra

Aesthetics is not outstanding. It is pretty much the standard warcrafty look with a few imported moels. I don't really have much to say here.

Captain falric summon ability has the water elemental buff.

King terenas has a green disabled icon.

The elven warriors doesn't defend the village. You could also share vision with the village so you know what you protect, as it was hidden in fog now.

A warcraft standard mission extension with good execution, making it feel as colourful as the standard blizzard campaigns.

Approved with no rating.

Old review (before it became single player):
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:11 / 30
Aesthetics:13 / 20
Total:24 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

Chapter 1:
The players don't really need to depend on each other in any special way. This might have aswell have been a single player campaign.
We had pretty fun the first chapter, but immidiatly stated that we realized that the game might be a little slow. We were pinned to the top-right cornor of the map with an entire city in front of that we din't even needed to explore. all we had to do was basically build a wall of towers, and then not do anything else. We tried to be a little sportmanlike and avoided this however by just building a few each. It turned out that the towers were only needed on one front, since there were barely any enemies coming from the west. We held out and was victorious, but it didn't really feel like we accomplish anything. Also, the gold mine expansions to the west was never a target for enemies who just walked past if they were going there at all. Normally in vblizzard campaigns, you have to complete and optinal quest to obtain one extra gold mine. Those two were completely free however, resulting in lots of extra gold. One would have been enough, or perhaps you should have placed them further apart so one player can't take them both with one townhall.

Chapter 2:
Arthas stated that he was going to go see his father, and left Uther and Jaina to build a few bases, which doesn't make sense really as they are already in a heavyily fortified city in the middle of the human kingdom. Additionally, for some reason Arthas was placed outside the gate in the middle of the road for no appearant reason. However, only player one got to control a hero here. Uther was computer controlled, and even though the heroes wasn't needed in that stage, it was strange that one player had a hero and the other didn't.

The waves of enmies in this map was much harder than the first map which is good. hHwever, we barely hold on, by building a bunch of towers in a narrow walk way. That is the only reason we could live until the timer ran out. You might want to consider to nerf this a little.

Chapter 3:
All units save for the heores was not really needed in this mission as out heroes were super-strong already. You should either make enemies stronger, or heroes weaker. The item drops only made it all easier. It was a nice feeling of power, although unbalance and not very fun in the long-run.

Chapter 1:
I like that you used the original warcraft map as a template.
The opening cinematics were great! Your future vision was a good idea, however, it would have been better if arthas was a little transparent, indicating that he wasn't really there. Also, his animation is set to unanimated, holding him in a strange stiff position with his book floating beside him. This needs fixing.

I won't take the terrain into consideration as it is not yours.

Chapter 2:
The city was quite beautiful. Well created in most aspects. The outside and the walls wasn't very good though. I think most mappers can agree with me when I say "noise is bad". The noise tool never create an appealing terrain. you didn't use it much, but the few areas outside the walls it was applied on, didn't look very good. the walls also had the higher / lower tool used on them, making them look strange and tilting. I also don't approve the cliff caves in the city, they don't fit and have visual bugs.

Chapter 3:
You used many "statues" in this mission. I think it was at perhaps six occasions that the golems came alive. It felt repetetive and it is not very original. The atmosphere was good, however there were a few areas that had been left pretty blank and dull. The terrain could be improved by adding more doodads.

What really bugged me about this mission was that king terenas ahd changed. He no longer used the king model, but instead looked like the white-haired Paladin.

Also, Jaina couldn't possibly know what the lever releasing the deom did, yet she told everyone as if it was natural. This didn't work completely either. see bugs section.

I like the touch that it was the bloodhill bandits that made a comeback.

Chapter 1:
Jaina's return timer restarts after it expires.
Jaina just appeared. No teleport in or anything. Suddenly she just stood beside us.

Chapter 2:
Arthas appeared on the road instead of in the throne room as stated in the gameplay section of this review.
Before launching the chapter I had to fill the enemies and allies with computer players myself.

Chapter 3:
The lever outside the bandits demon prison under the capital of the human kingdom didn't work properly. it opened the demons cells, but the demons didn't attack.

There are quite a lot of things that doesn't work as intended. The campaign in general felt a little repetetive, and slow-going. The best mission according to me was the third one, were you didn't rely on a timer as main-game function. In general this campaign is approvable in its current state when the bugs are fixed. If you want a good rating however, you'll need to work further with each episode, and perhaps a few side-quests and new ideas.
I also think that you should add save codes. No data or items were transferred between the maps, which caused each map to be a reset of items and resources. Although since there wwasn't many items to pick up, it wasn't the biggest of issues.

The terrain was well done overall. The city in the second chapter was grand and beautiful, though with a few flaws. The third chapter was not as good looking as the second, as a few areas were left blank and uninhabited, but still provided the right vibe and atmosphere.

The storyline was interesting andwell done. The cinematics also looked really good, save for a few details.
Those two were the biggest pluses of this campaign.

This map can be approved with a rating of 2/5 when all bugs have been resolved. For now, its status is set to Awaiting Update.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Good, good!
You made it singleplayer. :)
I will try this soon enough.

PS: You have some broken BB code in the top of your description, and by the changelog.
You should also explain why the uploaders and creators name are different.
Haha yeah, I'll leave it for now as singleplayer.
You caught me while uploading the map, I think I fixed everything at least it shows up fine for me. If you notice it again let me know what image is it :)
also just changed it to [The]Blood_Head - Sagi5533. Read the Characters description and you will understand why :D
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
This definitely looks interesting. Why didn't you used some custom models for characters? You have plenty of them. I only dislike the thing you used Terenas in battle. I mean, he i old and he is king and should not be in battle.
Well There's custom race of High Elves, and I like the classic look of Humans. Call me lazy but I think the classic humans models will fit better in this time period of the game as it takes part in RoC campaign.(I'll definitely use custom models/races in the sequels..) I used some custom models durning the campaign too.
Also Terenas didn't have much choice and had to join the battle, according to wiki Terenas is a paladin so I used him for couple of chapters. :)

P.S just by looking on your page I can understand how custom models are important to you :D
If you will have models for my sequel later I'll make sure to use them and credit you.
Last edited:
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Just a thought:
I remembered on my first playthrough of this, King Terenas, Arthas and uther are all paladins, wich makes their skillsets a little repetetive. You could make king terenas stronger because of his wisdom (or weaker becuase of his age) and add new abilities perhaps? :)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Just a thought:
I remembered on my first playthrough of this, King Terenas, Arthas and uther are all paladins, wich makes their skillsets a little repetetive. You could make king terenas stronger because of his wisdom (or weaker becuase of his age) and add new abilities perhaps? :)
Well they are still paladins, That's possible. but I changed King Terenas aura and ulti from normal paladins, and the ulti changes again later. and later one of them gets a new spell for a chapter. I didn't plan to change it much since I think paladins combo as they are is very powerful. Test the chapters as they are, and let me know what you think later :D To be Honest I like it the way they are since I didn't want to change it too much from classic wc3 campaign as it's the first in the sequels.
Level 56
Dec 29, 2014
Well There's custom race of High Elves, and I like the classic look of Humans. Call me lazy but I think the classic humans models will fit better in this time period of the game as it takes part in RoC campaign.(I'll definitely use custom models/races in the sequels..) I used some custom models durning the campaign too.
Also Terenas didn't have much choice and had to join the battle, according to wiki Terenas is a paladin so I used him for couple of chapters. :)

P.S just by looking on your page I can understand how custom models are important to you :D
If you will have models for my sequel later I'll make sure to use them and credit you.

Well, i am currently working on custom Arthas model so if i finish it you can use it. I like to make altered characters models. :)
Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
Oh yes forgot to mention something :p... I forgot to mention the other people that are to be credited for some icons I used in the high elf race.. Comment here if you see any of your modles/skins/icons and you shall be credited! Thank you!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Great job!
You have fixed most of the issues I mentioned in my previous review, and now it is a fun and functioning campaign. I haven't played it all yet, but I can say that this is a really good campaign so far!
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:21 / 30
Aesthetics:11 / 20
Total:32 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

The gameplay is quite fun! Although the campaign is using mostly sandard units, the author has managed to put together a fun blizzardy gameplay style. It feels like an extension of the standard warcraft campaigns, which is good.

You can select difficulty before each map, which is great! If you lose, you can just pick easy next time. The difficulty is going up and down (I selected normal on each episode) from map to map. Map 2 was pretty hard, and I had to cheat on the last 5 minutes in order to clear it, but it is manageable.

When you first encountered the blood hill bandits, the cinematic didn't cause my units to stop fighting. I had no control for the first part of the fight, which could have caused irritating losses.

Perhaps additional drop on the ghostly archmage? It is not really necceesary killing him. only 47 gold extra

Aesthetics is not outstanding. It is pretty much the standard warcrafty look with a few imported moels. I don't really have much to say here.

Captain falric summon ability has the water elemental buff.

King terenas has a green disabled icon.

The elven warriors doesn't defend the village. You could also share vision with the village so you know what you protect, as it was hidden in fog now.

A warcraft standard mission extension with good execution, making it feel as colourful as the standard blizzard campaigns.

Approved with no rating.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Great job!
You have fixed most of the issues I mentioned in my previous review, and now it is a fun and functioning campaign. I haven't played it all yet, but I can say that this is a really good campaign so far!
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:21 / 30
Aesthetics:11 / 20
Total:32 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

The gameplay is quite fun! Although the campaign is using mostly sandard units, the author has managed to put together a fun blizzardy gameplay style. It feels like an extension of the standard warcraft campaigns, which is good.

You can select difficulty before each map, which is great! If you lose, you can just pick easy next time. The difficulty is going up and down (I selected normal on each episode) from map to map. Map 2 was pretty hard, and I had to cheat on the last 5 minutes in order to clear it, but it is manageable.

When you first encountered the blood hill bandits, the cinematic didn't cause my units to stop fighting. I had no control for the first part of the fight, which could have caused irritating losses.

Perhaps additional drop on the ghostly archmage? It is not really necceesary killing him. only 47 gold extra

Aesthetics is not outstanding. It is pretty much the standard warcrafty look with a few imported moels. I don't really have much to say here.

Captain falric summon ability has the water elemental buff.

King terenas has a green disabled icon.

The elven warriors doesn't defend the village. You could also share vision with the village so you know what you protect, as it was hidden in fog now.

A warcraft standard mission extension with good execution, making it feel as colourful as the standard blizzard campaigns.

Approved with no rating.
Thanks a lot! I'll look into those minor bugs, the other chapters will be much more interesting :D
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Hi I've just completed the first and started the second chapter; perhaps you can make a compromise between the idea of identical and totally different paladin abilities? My suggestion would be in them having diffent auras so it would stack.
Will give a full report of my impressions after playing it all through though :) From what I've seen so far, everything is good.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hi I've just completed the first and started the second chapter; perhaps you can make a compromise between the idea of identical and totally different paladin abilities? My suggestion would be in them having diffent auras so it would stack.
Will give a full report of my impressions after playing it all through though :) From what I've seen so far, everything is good.
I thought about it too aswell the campaign testers, but I wanted it to fit the real wc3 campaign.. So I couldn't change much of Arthas's and Uther's abilities, however keep playing and will be glad to know what you thought about the campaign. ;)
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
played first four missions and I must say, the story is interesting, but there are some massive, MASSIVE things that make this really uncomfortable to play, you almost want to ragequit.

General: When arthas is in mission, his special effect, presumably from the gift from Alextrasza lags more and more, I started at 60 fps and by the time I finished mission 3 I had like 20 fps, but it was only happening when arthas was on screen, when I move off, he is normal.

Also King's portrait as well as crown have no DISBTN so they go green when you open f10

Mission 1: The gold in gold mine kind of surprised me, I was like "Ok lets build double of everything" and then I was left with 80 gold :D that was a surprise

Mission 2: This mission was kind of interesting. It said "Build this and this and this building and you are ready", but thats utter lie, because on normal mode I get sieged by countless meat wagons. The AI flipped up and rallied at the cave they were coming out from however, so it was like 15 min afk map after that.

Mission 3: Nothing apart from arthas' insane lag. However having 3 heroes with holy light maxed and Jaina with lvl 3 aura is like, "healing for everyone!" You cant die, literally.

Mission 4(Incomplete): I dont know whats up with this, but you have to fix this. Whenever the lich dies the timer starts, as it should, presumably. But when the timer hits around 30 second mark, the game goes ape shit and it starts lagging for like half a second every 2-3 seconds(didnt count exactly) and it goes on for like minute or so after he revives(so like 1,5 mins).

Here is the playthrough which you can analyze for my words: https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66859952
AI going to shit: ~52 min mark
Dungeon lag from Arthas: ~1h40min mark
Mission 4 lag: 2:08:45(lag starts at 2:09:13 and goes up until 2:11:30, at which point even the Lich is dead), and many more(this is not the only instance, it happened literally every time he died.

Also Mission 4 towers in undead base are like, retarded, you spammed the shit out of that and it looks unnatural and makes no sense.

Thats all for now


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I thought about it too aswell the campaign testers, but I wanted it to fit the real wc3 campaign.. So I couldn't change much of Arthas's and Uther's abilities, however keep playing and will be glad to know what you thought about the campaign. ;)
Hey, use your imagination. Create spells that would fit a Paladin. That way the game will be much more entertaining and have less repetition.
For instance, instead of Holy Light, you could add Healing Wave or a spell like the Scroll of Healing etc. Instead of Divine Shield, you could add a Scroll of Protection type spell or something like the Crypt Lord's Spiked Carapace (that returns damage and gives bonus armour to the wielder; passive spell). You could replace Devotion Aura with Unholy Aura (regeneration and movement speed) and call it something else (you could only keep the regeneration and not use the movement speed for example). Resurrection could be replaced with Reincarnation or Big Bad Voodoo or I don't know, if you could create something via triggers, that would be better.
Level 1
Mar 5, 2013
can you make arthas a retribution pala, uther a protection paladin spec focus on taking dps and terenas a holy spec focus on buff and mass heal... all with different aura :v it would be great :D
Level 1
Jul 24, 2010
I enjoyed playing it. Interesting story and fun gameplay, even if there were plenty of shortcomings and few grammar mistakes (or missed letters ?).

Big plus for New Stromgarde (not Stormguarde :D)

If you will still working on it, more variation in character spells would be nice.
After repairing bugs of course.

Ps. But why Alextrasza ? Naaru as incarnation of light would not be better to convince hasty prince ?
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
some spelling errors on chapter 1,but all good
will check it out, thanks :)

played first four missions and I must say, the story is interesting, but there are some massive, MASSIVE things that make this really uncomfortable to play, you almost want to ragequit.

General: When arthas is in mission, his special effect, presumably from the gift from Alextrasza lags more and more, I started at 60 fps and by the time I finished mission 3 I had like 20 fps, but it was only happening when arthas was on screen, when I move off, he is normal.

Also King's portrait as well as crown have no DISBTN so they go green when you open f10

Mission 1: The gold in gold mine kind of surprised me, I was like "Ok lets build double of everything" and then I was left with 80 gold :D that was a surprise

Mission 2: This mission was kind of interesting. It said "Build this and this and this building and you are ready", but thats utter lie, because on normal mode I get sieged by countless meat wagons. The AI flipped up and rallied at the cave they were coming out from however, so it was like 15 min afk map after that.

Mission 3: Nothing apart from arthas' insane lag. However having 3 heroes with holy light maxed and Jaina with lvl 3 aura is like, "healing for everyone!" You cant die, literally.

Mission 4(Incomplete): I dont know whats up with this, but you have to fix this. Whenever the lich dies the timer starts, as it should, presumably. But when the timer hits around 30 second mark, the game goes ape shit and it starts lagging for like half a second every 2-3 seconds(didnt count exactly) and it goes on for like minute or so after he revives(so like 1,5 mins).

Here is the playthrough which you can analyze for my words: https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66859952
AI going to shit: ~52 min mark
Dungeon lag from Arthas: ~1h40min mark
Mission 4 lag: 2:08:45(lag starts at 2:09:13 and goes up until 2:11:30, at which point even the Lich is dead), and many more(this is not the only instance, it happened literally every time he died.

Also Mission 4 towers in undead base are like, retarded, you spammed the shit out of that and it looks unnatural and makes no sense.

Thats all for now

wowww ok lets see.. First of all none of the map's testers mentioned lags or fps problems caused by Arthas's special affect,
as for the king's icon i've noticed it and it wil be updated once i figure out some problems (i'm also working on Undead part and other project).
Mission 1: I added some gold mines around stratholme that can easly be taken, I've even added a quest for it because I wanted the players to explore the city. however it is still posible to mass some towers because It's the first chapter so didn't want to make it too difficult. (btw I kinda laughed when i saw in your vid you sent workers to find a mine near your town :D, can't make it that easy for you..). you spent all your resources on units that couldve been easly saved! you have 2 paladins!!!!, sleep can be avoided by 1 hit on the sleeped unit!
Mission 2: Will check it out, first time i encounter that bug and the difficult isn't meant to change the spawning units, just their upgrades/boss. you were lucky to choose normal because on hard difficult mal'ganis gets buffed hard :p (by the way, have you ever heard about towers?)
Mission 3: Again, can't say much about the lag but yeah this is the first campaign in a sequel and shouldn't be too difficult, however you bearly managed to pass chapter 1 or 2 so chapter 3 was baiscly for fun :) what really pissed me off wass you skipped the gold coins D:
Mision 4: lags never happend to me again, however the zig problem was noticed it's a problem with the AI..
anyways thank you for your review I'll update it once i will have time, hope you will continue the campaign and add a video because it was helpful. :)

Defiantly an interesting campaign, some little bugs but really nice work.

Thanks a lot, will try to find them all :p

Hey, use your imagination. Create spells that would fit a Paladin. That way the game will be much more entertaining and have less repetition.
For instance, instead of Holy Light, you could add Healing Wave or a spell like the Scroll of Healing etc. Instead of Divine Shield, you could add a Scroll of Protection type spell or something like the Crypt Lord's Spiked Carapace (that returns damage and gives bonus armour to the wielder; passive spell). You could replace Devotion Aura with Unholy Aura (regeneration and movement speed) and call it something else (you could only keep the regeneration and not use the movement speed for example). Resurrection could be replaced with Reincarnation or Big Bad Voodoo or I don't know, if you could create something via triggers, that would be better.

It's posible but as I mentioned, I like classic warcraft III and I didn't want to change Uther's and Arthas's spells because there's a sequel.. :p I can change king's Terenas holy light and divine shield prehapse, but that will be later :)

wow looks great will see it and good luck for the 2p :D

Thanks! however, the 2p will come once I'm done with the other campaigns :)

can you make arthas a retribution pala, uther a protection paladin spec focus on taking dps and terenas a holy spec focus on buff and mass heal... all with different aura :v it would be great :D

That's an intersting idea.. I really liked it however I wanted to make it fitting to the original wc3 campaign so.. I might just change king's Terenas abilities a bit.. :)

I enjoyed playing it. Interesting story and fun gameplay, even if there were plenty of shortcomings and few grammar mistakes (or missed letters ?).

Big plus for New Stromgarde (not Stormguarde :D)

If you will still working on it, more variation in character spells would be nice.
After repairing bugs of course.

Ps. But why Alextrasza ? Naaru as incarnation of light would not be better to convince hasty prince ?

Spelling and bugs will be fixed eventully, Abilities for King Terenas might change.. :)
Alextrasza is the leader of the red dragonblight, and kinda a major character in the dragonflight :D the bronze dragonflight are responsible to time travels (kinda reminds WoW currecnt expansion with garrosh).
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
Ok I finished the campaign yesterday and here is complete review of the campaign

The story is interesting, but things are quite a bit off. Cenarius is certainly not that nice, he would probably run at arthas and kill him.
Arthas basically performs multi-genocide.
Arthas AND Jaina seem very very naive, believing anything they are told essentially.
Kel'Thuzad being Lich is really not logical, since he was only raised after Arthas became Death Knight and fucked up the elves for the fountain. Yes I know he could've got someone else to do this job for him.

Thats all to story, lets get to per-mission

Your testers probably havent played anywhere near enough to finish one mission.
Yes Arthas WILL LAG like fuck, because you leak more than a waterfall. Here are the two triggers pulled straight from map 9, and it is most definately copied to all maps where arthas is:

  • ArthasIntroForm
    • Events
      • Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Arthas 0761 <gen> using Abilities\Spells\Orc\EtherealForm\SpiritWalkerChange.mdl
  • ArthasIntroForm
    • Events
      • Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Arthas 0761 <gen> using Abilities\Spells\Orc\EtherealForm\SpiritWalkerChange.mdl
Like damn...this is most basic leak ever.
This means that after 3600 seconds, which is equivalent to one hour, which some missions can easily take, the game will be trying to render 3600 special effects.
The funniest thing in here is that there exists GUI action to remove special effects, so its not like you had to learn Jass or anything.
This sole thing makes this campaign in my eyes Needs fix, and if this and only this gets changed, I am all for approval. Needs fix because this makes the campaign literally unplayable, just check my playthrough of the mission 9, near the end the game is playing at 3 FPS(which can be seen on the screen itself) when arthas is on screen, but 60+ when arthas isnt near screen.

Also Rays of whatever that you get on Arthas have S as cooldown, but S is stop, so its unusable. Saying this, king has summon on C which doesnt work either(pressing C does nothing).

Per-mission stuff:

Mission 1 - all said, but it wasnt that bad mission personally

Mission 2 - yea the AI, other than that it was good I would say

Mission 3 - Nothing much to say, other than nicely hidden lever :D and yeah, Jaina lvl 3 aura + 3 paladins with level 3 holy light = invincibility.

Mission 4 - The game probably glitched, because as you could've seen, the base was like mass spam of towers, probably from hard diff, + the lag I dont know the origination from. However next day I started the mission from anew, and it was all fine, no lag, the base was roughly normal, however Lich didnt cast single spell during that whole mission.

Mission 5 - One annoying thing on all missions is that you have to destroy every single building on the map of certain player, whcih is especially painful in mission 4 when there is side base as another main quest, which the quest gets completed before the base is fully killed, and so I had to teleport back with Jaina and go finish the buildings because otherwise its like "nope, not done.".

Mission 6 - Nothing game-play wise, other than the fact that you have to finish side quests for the gate to Thrall to open. The only thing I would like to say is that I really doubt Thrall would go down like this.

Mission 7 - I think that the barren zones are way too big, the map could be like 33% smaller, since most of it is unused. Nothing gameplay-wise really standing out here.

Mission 8 - This one was quite enjoyable actually, giving me the false hope of reaching stormwind was nice surprise :D but again, the road is wastly wide, could be compressed down quite a bit.

Mission 9 - This mission was a lot longer than it needed to be. Mainly because of absurd amount of health on those buildings. I also didnt really like the fact that the map relied on me buying tomes +75. The last priest got 19k hp, which means you have to hoard the books, but he has like 100 dmg whereas arthas with like 6 books under his pants has like 600 dmg with 50% life steal he is invincible.
I would say the boss fight could've been made more interesting, instead of just being about waiting for the gold for the tomes.

Also purple's AI rallies to the doors of the top floor of Zul'Farak and then goes back to base, which is not really helpful ally, but granted Arthas is running around with like 7k hp and 600 dmg, I dont think that was much of a problem.

Part 1(missions 1 - 3, part of mission 4): https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66859952
Part 2(missions 4 - 9): https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66976709 up until 5h33min roughly.

Thats all for me. With the current Arthas special effect leak, I cannot say anything else than Needs fix, because that sole leak makes this game unplayable.
When this gets fixed, I would say 3.5/5 would be appropriate rating from me, since the campaign is pretty good, even tho I disagree with the story at times, but its yours not mines :D
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
The Arthas lag is true, it is noticable in missions with many units. Framerate drops significally only when Arthas is on screen. The high elf mission with the enemy Lich - also the bug with slowing down the game, it's exactly as described above. These are the only things that bugged me, otherwise everything seems great. Hope to finish it soon, good luck with your work :)
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
the other chapters will be much more interesting
Yeah I hope so... because this is far from great. I played this campaign, however. Somewhere the plot attacked me greatly with it curiosity, than the legion of Abominations and Meat Wagons.

I see, that you upgrade your campaign! This deserves a bonus point.
1. Gameplay:

played first four missions and I must say, the story is interesting, but there are some massive, MASSIVE things that make this really uncomfortable to play, you almost want to ragequit.
I feel the same one.

When arthas is in mission, his special effect, presumably from the gift from Alextrasza lags more and more, I started at 60 fps and by the time I finished mission 3 I had like 20 fps, but it was only happening when arthas was on screen, when I move off, he is normal.
I lagged in the fourth mission greatly and with Arthas in the 2nd.

Also King's portrait as well as crown have no DISBTN so they go green when you open f10
Try a better icon... :(

The gold in gold mine kind of surprised me, I was like "Ok lets build double of everything" and then I was left with 80 gold :D that was a surprise
I gladly see that you fixed this error.

Mission 2: This mission was kind of interesting. It said "Build this and this and this building and you are ready", but thats utter lie, because on normal mode I get sieged by countless meat wagons. The AI flipped up and rallied at the cave they were coming out from however, so it was like 15 min afk map after that.
Hah! I learn Age of Empires II about this, so I just built a considerable defense with Towers, Mortar Teams and Knights. I successfully completed the 2nd, in plot part I will speak about it.

Mission 3: Nothing apart from arthas' insane lag. However having 3 heroes with holy light maxed and Jaina with lvl 3 aura is like, "healing for everyone!" You cant die, literally.
I liked, that mission. Only this one, the holy light makes the team unkillable if you gathered them by click and use the paladins to heal the troops.

Mission 4: I dont know whats up with this, but you have to fix this. Whenever the lich dies the timer starts, as it should, presumably. But when the timer hits around 30 second mark, the game goes ape shit and it starts lagging for like half a second every 2-3 seconds(didnt count exactly) and it goes on for like minute or so after he revives(so like 1,5 mins).
Oh... this is a bad, awful, boring, lagging mission, I hope you repair it, or already repaired that. Why you need 5000 towers? I think, that caused some lag. End cinematic is fair in mission four.

Also Mission 4 towers in undead base are like, retarded, you spammed the shit out of that and it looks unnatural and makes no sense.
Well, that towers is really not neccessary.

5th Mission is fair with some romantic outbursts. Warsong Clan is failing again, and where is Grom? Did he died or went away? I not saw him here or the following missions.

The 6th mission is hard for me, however I completed it, it just only mine gold, harvest lamber, protect your base, kill all your enemies (but in plot... ) I see no lag in here or the 5th mission.

Seventh mission is gameplay perspective is ok... I find no lag and able to surpass this map, somehow. However, in the blighted area the monsters not attacked to my units. In Noxious Lair, why you use sludges instead of Silithids? Even if they not appear in Warcraft 3, a traveler may meet with one in Tanaris.

Mission 8th with his majesty, Terenas: Long... it is long. I choose the route to Stormwind. I able to defeat Patrick (what? xD ) and follow the way to the town. And then I able to reach Kel'Thuzad and Bloody/Bloodly. (he look like Ghostrider, just a remark) In the end, his majesty is dead, just like the original game.

9th mission is hardest, I hardly found the Mojo Mask or make my way to the summoner priest and later I make my way to the hydra and Ukorz Sandscalp. Deal with the green colored trolls is the hardest.

2. PLOT (Huh... I do not find words, interesting, yes...)
but totally awful with some interesting point.

Arthas tried to clean Stratholme from the plagued ones. Arthas and Uther here begun their remarkable argue.
- How could you even consider that? There is must have been other way!
- Uther, as your future king, I ordered you to purge this city.
After this vision may be happened but not...
Vision happened before the arguing.
Alexstraza, the Red Dragon appeared, the Life Binder... so many titles. Well... that is wrong.
I think, that the Life Binder might be replaced with someone from the future, who came back with Alexstraza (if you insist to her) and evidence from Arthas' future madness. Visions is not enough here, as a stubborn man, who had clear goals, not step back, if somebody shows him cloudy visions.
I see, you are an Arthas fan, anyway. His memory is so glorified in this campaign, but in here his story is even darker, terrific and hopeless.
When I played in the first mission, there are no point to siege Stratholme undead bases. But, I saw that Arthas let the people to the hands of Mal'Ganis. You know, Mal'Ganis is sent by Ner'Zhul to lure Arthas to the North, his plan is broken here, but Mal'Ganis seems to collect dozens of zombies to his army. Jaina return here with reinforcements, but I think she just teleport them far away.
1. Plot hole question: How teleport work? Jaina why not used it to teleport far away them instead of wandering the town sewers? They have to port Dalaran or Terenas' throne room at once. (For example in WOW, casting people able to summon others from far away others or open portals to distant places, in the Warcraft 3 map bounds is the only one, which halted this, I think, that is will be your answer for my plot hole question, but you may just solved it teleport away them an unseen place and showed them in a following map.

Following the plot review: In second map, Arthas warns Terenas. They agreed about the protection of the capital city. Surely... if in original story Sylvanas owns a large army like Mal'Ganis in your story, she was crush Balnazzar with a breathe. Arthas, Uther and Jaina hold the undead army, which is contains a dozen of meat wagons and abominations. Oh... with this they should attacked the World Tree and Dalaran. (Some people will surely deactivate the Archmage aura protection)
2. Plot Hole Question: Have you ever played the RoC and Frozen Throne campaigns? Even if you changed the events, you should planned it more details. I tell you why.
The undead captured Stratholme with Mal'Ganis and grow his huge army even larger. Where is Tichondrius and the others? It seems Mal'Ganis are a pretty dumb leader, he wasting the undead horde to raid the humans. Did he not instructed about the larger plans and control the large-sized scourge army as he wants? Ok... I follow with 3rd mission:
Arthas, Terenas, Uther, Jaina and Captain someone escaped through the sewers with few more soldiers. Why they not teleport away? Or they wants to save the prisoners? Noble act, anyway in here nothing happened. In fourth mission their way separated. Terenas and Uther went away to Quel'Thalas, while Jaina and Arthas went with Kalimdor, however in original story Arthas rejected this, without thinking. In here, he gladly leave the people. If make this logical, the time travelers with Alexstraza must carry themselves a serious evidence to change a stubborn man to so willingly. So... Uther and Terenas make their way to the Elf lands... where they destroyed a lot of towers, the Scourge is really owns a lot of resource, if they build towers like in this great amount. His majesty and Uther make their way to Silvermoon (I guess) where they meet Sylvanas, who is not transformed.
PLOT TWIST: It seems Forsaken plot is driven out.
Return back: Sylvanas and the paladins (one of them is a king) captured by Mal'Ganis, who seems to be a larger ranked leader before, as he raiding Eversong and Ghostlands with his large army. In mission 5th Arthas and Jaina arrived Kalimdor to a camp, which contained humans, in their way they fought with gnolls, centaurs, and Warsong Orcs... when they reached New Stromgarde a relationship between Jaina and Arthas are begin to grow. The following mission things begun to malicious. Arthas entered Ashenvale and literally crush everything. He killed Shandris, Thrall, dozens of orcs and night elves. (In outro, night elves liked him, how? He attacked their land, did he shift the attention to the orcs? Not explained in story) Arthas anyway caused the destruction of the World Tree, or just make harder for Furion to protect it, he make it more harder. He killed Thrall and literally the Horde in Kalimdor. Only Grom and his troops remained away. The subplot with Bloody and Antonidas is silly... sorry.
He give him the book without suspect, that Bloody works for Kel'Thuzad (his ressurection is remained mystery. Uther guards the proper urn for his ressurection, how he can ressurected (Kel'Thuzad)?
4. Plot Hole question maybe: The next campaign will explain Kel'Thuzad's ressurect? I think that Mal'Ganis was the ressurector, but this make the story easily calculable with his grand-sized army. Hope it happens in a different way.
Return back: Bloody seems to be an ersatz of Arthas. Kel'Thuzad captures him and with the book, he can begun the summoning of Archimonde, who able to defeat the humans easier than the original story. However, the troops of Dalaran can able to strike the undeads, because Arthas do not attacked them and defeat them. So troops and archmages alive yet.

Next mission Arthas went to Tanaris from where? o_O Ok... ok. Let's see Cenarius. He seems that he not know about that Arthas killed many night elf in Ashenvale, he just talk with them and realize the aura of the Red Dragon, Alexstraza. He told him about New Stromgarde and Arthas turn back at once to save the humans. (This is a true Arthas moment) I think that version, that Cenarius may only wants to sent him off, because he may more powerful than Grom. In here Cenarius also lose against Grom and the fel orcs, who are without Thrall remained fel. So Archimonde gain another army, while Furion lost the orc support in the possible future. Arthas arrived Tanaris from Un'Goro and (you need to see the Tanaris map better, just an advise, because Uldum is not revealed by the Cataclysm, before that hills closed that region. :) ) begun to conflict with the local lifeforms. Both Centaur and Troll. In the end, he allied with Gadgetzan and help them to defeat stolen ships, also Arthas killed the centaurs and the trolls, because they attacked them. (this is also fit for Arthas) (I end with eight mission) In last mission, he attacked the trolls of Zul'Farrak, prevent the summoning of Hakkar and kill Chief Sandscalp, we can tell, that he goes through the whole instance. In here you reveal the cliché future of Arthas, where humanity is strong... the bronze dragons and the night elves liked him.

I follow with the 8th mission and the undeads with Bloody or Bloodly (ah... he needs a better name.)
Terenas with Uther escaped from prison and kill the monster Patrick and reach a town, where they choose between Ironforge or Stormwind. I chose Stormwind... they make their way, but the duo met with Kel'Thuzad and Bloody... the flaming-headed releases ghouls to kill them. His majesty, Terenas II died and Uther taking captive and later he became a death knight. In here, the Undead may control the Plaguelands and possibly destroyed Ironforge and Stormwind with their over-sized army and without formal resistance, also without the leader of Silver-Hand, the paladins may died easier and lesser organized in battle, without the Forsaken or anyone, Kel'Thuzad controls the region, while Thrall died Furion is not surely able to hold off Archimonde and make a trap for him.

5. Miscellaneous: Music is fine, however it too loud in campaign screen, even if I turn low the sound quantity. High elf models are average, except buildings. Buildings are beautiful.

Summary: Please do not tell, that taste is subjective or why I play through your campaign, if I not like it? Well I played it and I find it promising, but it contains a lot of plot errors. Gameplay is average with some lags.
Gameplay: 3,5/5
Story: 2/5
Music: 4/5
Models, skins: 3/5
Final Rating: 3

I make this review through more than two hours. Hope it was useful.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Ok I finished the campaign yesterday and here is complete review of the campaign

The story is interesting, but things are quite a bit off. Cenarius is certainly not that nice, he would probably run at arthas and kill him.
Arthas basically performs multi-genocide.
Arthas AND Jaina seem very very naive, believing anything they are told essentially.
Kel'Thuzad being Lich is really not logical, since he was only raised after Arthas became Death Knight and fucked up the elves for the fountain. Yes I know he could've got someone else to do this job for him.

Thats all to story, lets get to per-mission

Your testers probably havent played anywhere near enough to finish one mission.
Yes Arthas WILL LAG like fuck, because you leak more than a waterfall. Here are the two triggers pulled straight from map 9, and it is most definately copied to all maps where arthas is:

  • ArthasIntroForm
    • Events
      • Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Arthas 0761 <gen> using Abilities\Spells\Orc\EtherealForm\SpiritWalkerChange.mdl
  • ArthasIntroForm
    • Events
      • Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Arthas 0761 <gen> using Abilities\Spells\Orc\EtherealForm\SpiritWalkerChange.mdl
Like damn...this is most basic leak ever.
This means that after 3600 seconds, which is equivalent to one hour, which some missions can easily take, the game will be trying to render 3600 special effects.
The funniest thing in here is that there exists GUI action to remove special effects, so its not like you had to learn Jass or anything.
This sole thing makes this campaign in my eyes Needs fix, and if this and only this gets changed, I am all for approval. Needs fix because this makes the campaign literally unplayable, just check my playthrough of the mission 9, near the end the game is playing at 3 FPS(which can be seen on the screen itself) when arthas is on screen, but 60+ when arthas isnt near screen.

Also Rays of whatever that you get on Arthas have S as cooldown, but S is stop, so its unusable. Saying this, king has summon on C which doesnt work either(pressing C does nothing).

Per-mission stuff:

Mission 1 - all said, but it wasnt that bad mission personally

Mission 2 - yea the AI, other than that it was good I would say

Mission 3 - Nothing much to say, other than nicely hidden lever :D and yeah, Jaina lvl 3 aura + 3 paladins with level 3 holy light = invincibility.

Mission 4 - The game probably glitched, because as you could've seen, the base was like mass spam of towers, probably from hard diff, + the lag I dont know the origination from. However next day I started the mission from anew, and it was all fine, no lag, the base was roughly normal, however Lich didnt cast single spell during that whole mission.

Mission 5 - One annoying thing on all missions is that you have to destroy every single building on the map of certain player, whcih is especially painful in mission 4 when there is side base as another main quest, which the quest gets completed before the base is fully killed, and so I had to teleport back with Jaina and go finish the buildings because otherwise its like "nope, not done.".

Mission 6 - Nothing game-play wise, other than the fact that you have to finish side quests for the gate to Thrall to open. The only thing I would like to say is that I really doubt Thrall would go down like this.

Mission 7 - I think that the barren zones are way too big, the map could be like 33% smaller, since most of it is unused. Nothing gameplay-wise really standing out here.

Mission 8 - This one was quite enjoyable actually, giving me the false hope of reaching stormwind was nice surprise :D but again, the road is wastly wide, could be compressed down quite a bit.

Mission 9 - This mission was a lot longer than it needed to be. Mainly because of absurd amount of health on those buildings. I also didnt really like the fact that the map relied on me buying tomes +75. The last priest got 19k hp, which means you have to hoard the books, but he has like 100 dmg whereas arthas with like 6 books under his pants has like 600 dmg with 50% life steal he is invincible.
I would say the boss fight could've been made more interesting, instead of just being about waiting for the gold for the tomes.

Also purple's AI rallies to the doors of the top floor of Zul'Farak and then goes back to base, which is not really helpful ally, but granted Arthas is running around with like 7k hp and 600 dmg, I dont think that was much of a problem.

Part 1(missions 1 - 3, part of mission 4): https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66859952
Part 2(missions 4 - 9): https://www.twitch.tv/crerisrs/v/66976709 up until 5h33min roughly.

Thats all for me. With the current Arthas special effect leak, I cannot say anything else than Needs fix, because that sole leak makes this game unplayable.
When this gets fixed, I would say 3.5/5 would be appropriate rating from me, since the campaign is pretty good, even tho I disagree with the story at times, but its yours not mines :D

3.5/5? I've putted a lot of effot in this campaign mostly alone, and to be honest I didn't plan on publishing it since I was playing it in 2P mode with a friend. but seriously, I'll take your review to my attention, but I think with the idea and the sequels and once I'll fix those bugs the campaign will be worth more then 3.5/5, thanks anyways :)
and by the way in wc3 everything is much bigger then wow, like theramore and more zones I cant remmber right now, so barrens size is kinda ok :p

The Arthas lag is true, it is noticable in missions with many units. Framerate drops significally only when Arthas is on screen. The high elf mission with the enemy Lich - also the bug with slowing down the game, it's exactly as described above. These are the only things that bugged me, otherwise everything seems great. Hope to finish it soon, good luck with your work :)

bugs will be fixed I'm kinda busy work, army, working on other pprojects, friends and etc :p so it's hard for me to think about fixing those bugs that fast.
but thanks a lot!

Yeah I hope so... because this is far from great. I played this campaign, however. Somewhere the plot attacked me greatly with it curiosity, than the legion of Abominations and Meat Wagons.

I see, that you upgrade your campaign! This deserves a bonus point.
1. Gameplay:

I feel the same one.

I lagged in the fourth mission greatly and with Arthas in the 2nd.

Try a better icon... :(

I gladly see that you fixed this error.

Hah! I learn Age of Empires II about this, so I just built a considerable defense with Towers, Mortar Teams and Knights. I successfully completed the 2nd, in plot part I will speak about it.

I liked, that mission. Only this one, the holy light makes the team unkillable if you gathered them by click and use the paladins to heal the troops.

Oh... this is a bad, awful, boring, lagging mission, I hope you repair it, or already repaired that. Why you need 5000 towers? I think, that caused some lag. End cinematic is fair in mission four.

Well, that towers is really not neccessary.

2. PLOT (Huh... I do not find words, interesting, yes...)
but totally awful with some interesting point.

Arthas tried to clean Stratholme from the plagued ones. Arthas and Uther here begun their remarkable argue.
- How could you even consider that? There is must have been other way!
- Uther, as your future king, I ordered you to purge this city.
After this vision may be happened but not...
Vision happened before the arguing.
Alexstraza, the Red Dragon appeared, the Life Binder... so many titles. Well... that is wrong.
I think, that the Life Binder might be replaced with someone from the future, who came back with Alexstraza (if you insist to her) and evidence from Arthas' future madness. Visions is not enough here, as a stubborn man, who had clear goals, not step back, if somebody shows him cloudy visions.
I see, you are an Arthas fan, anyway. His memory is so glorified in this campaign, but in here his story is even darker, terrific and hopeless.
When I played in the first mission, there are no point to siege Stratholme undead bases. But, I saw that Arthas let the people to the hands of Mal'Ganis. You know, Mal'Ganis is sent by Ner'Zhul to lure Arthas to the North, his plan is broken here, but Mal'Ganis seems to collect dozens of zombies to his army. Jaina return here with reinforcements, but I think she just teleport them far away.
1. Plot hole question: How teleport work? Jaina why not used it to teleport far away them instead of wandering the town sewers? They have to port Dalaran or Terenas' throne room at once. (For example in WOW, casting people able to summon others from far away others or open portals to distant places, in the Warcraft 3 map bounds is the only one, which halted this, I think, that is will be your answer for my plot hole question, but you may just solved it teleport away them an unseen place and showed them in a following map.

Following the plot review: In second map, Arthas warns Terenas. They agreed about the protection of the capital city. Surely... if in original story Sylvanas owns a large army like Mal'Ganis in your story, she was crush Balnazzar with a breathe. Arthas, Uther and Jaina hold the undead army, which is contains a dozen of meat wagons and abominations. Oh... with this they should attacked the World Tree and Dalaran. (Some people will surely deactivate the Archmage aura protection)
2. Plot Hole Question: Have you ever played the RoC and Frozen Throne campaigns? Even if you changed the events, you should planned it more details. I tell you why.
The undead captured Stratholme with Mal'Ganis and grow his huge army even larger. Where is Tichondrius and the others? It seems Mal'Ganis are a pretty dumb leader, he wasting the undead horde to raid the humans. Did he not instructed about the larger plans and control the large-sized scourge army as he wants? Ok... I follow with 3rd mission:
Arthas, Terenas, Uther, Jaina and Captain someone escaped through the sewers with few more soldiers. Why they not teleport away? Or they wants to save the prisoners? Noble act, anyway in here nothing happened. In fourth mission their way separated. Terenas and Uther went away to Quel'Thalas, while Jaina and Arthas went with Kalimdor, however in original story Arthas rejected this, without thinking. In here, he gladly leave the people. If make this logical, the time travelers with Alexstraza must carry themselves a serious evidence to change a stubborn man to so willingly. So... Uther and Terenas make their way to the Elf lands... where they destroyed a lot of towers, the Scourge is really owns a lot of resource, if they build towers like in this great amount. His majesty and Uther make their way to Silvermoon (I guess) where they meet Sylvanas, who is not transformed.
PLOT TWIST: It seems Forsaken plot is driven out.
Return back: Sylvanas and the paladins (one of them is a king) captured by Mal'Ganis, who seems to be a larger ranked leader before, as he raiding Eversong and Ghostlands with his large army. In mission 5th Arthas and Jaina arrived Kalimdor to a camp, which contained humans, in their way they fought with gnolls, centaurs, and Warsong Orcs... when they reached New Stromgarde a relationship between Jaina and Arthas are begin to grow. The following mission things begun to malicious. Arthas entered Ashenvale and literally crush everything. He killed Shandris, Thrall, dozens of orcs and night elves. (In outro, night elves liked him, how? He attacked their land, did he shift the attention to the orcs? Not explained in story) Arthas anyway caused the destruction of the World Tree, or just make harder for Furion to protect it, he make it more harder. He killed Thrall and literally the Horde in Kalimdor. Only Grom and his troops remained away. The subplot with Bloody and Antonidas is silly... sorry.
He give him the book without suspect, that Bloody works for Kel'Thuzad (his ressurection is remained mystery. Uther guards the proper urn for his ressurection, how he can ressurected (Kel'Thuzad)?
4. Plot Hole question maybe: The next campaign will explain Kel'Thuzad's ressurect? I think that Mal'Ganis was the ressurector, but this make the story easily calculable with his grand-sized army. Hope it happens in a different way.
Return back: Bloody seems to be an ersatz of Arthas. Kel'Thuzad captures him and with the book, he can begun the summoning of Archimonde, who able to defeat the humans easier than the original story. However, the troops of Dalaran can able to strike the undeads, because Arthas do not attacked them and defeat them. So troops and archmages alive yet.

Next mission Arthas went to Tanaris from where? o_O Ok... ok. Let's see Cenarius. He seems that he not know about that Arthas killed many night elf in Ashenvale, he just talk with them and realize the aura of the Red Dragon, Alexstraza. He told him about New Stromgarde and Arthas turn back at once to save the humans. (This is a true Arthas moment) I think that version, that Cenarius may only wants to sent him off, because he may more powerful than Grom. In here Cenarius also lose against Grom and the fel orcs, who are without Thrall remained fel. So Archimonde gain another army, while Furion lost the orc support in the possible future. Arthas arrived Tanaris from Un'Goro and (you need to see the Tanaris map better, just an advise, because Uldum is not revealed by the Cataclysm, before that hills closed that region. :) ) begun to conflict with the local lifeforms. Both Centaur and Troll. In the end, he allied with Gadgetzan and help them to defeat stolen ships, also Arthas killed the centaurs and the trolls, because they attacked them. (this is also fit for Arthas) (I end with eight mission) In last mission, he attacked the trolls of Zul'Farrak, prevent the summoning of Hakkar and kill Chief Sandscalp, we can tell, that he goes through the whole instance. In here you reveal the cliché future of Arthas, where humanity is strong... the bronze dragons and the night elves liked him.

I follow with the 8th mission and the undeads with Bloody or Bloodly (ah... he needs a better name.)
Terenas with Uther escaped from prison and kill the monster Patrick and reach a town, where they choose between Ironforge or Stormwind. I chose Stormwind... they make their way, but the duo met with Kel'Thuzad and Bloody... the flaming-headed releases ghouls to kill them. His majesty, Terenas II died and Uther taking captive and later he became a death knight. In here, the Undead may control the Plaguelands and possibly destroyed Ironforge and Stormwind with their over-sized army and without formal resistance, also without the leader of Silver-Hand, the paladins may died easier and lesser organized in battle, without the Forsaken or anyone, Kel'Thuzad controls the region, while Thrall died Furion is not surely able to hold off Archimonde and make a trap for him.

5. Miscellaneous: Music is fine, however it too loud in campaign screen, even if I turn low the sound quantity. High elf models are average, except buildings. Buildings are beautiful.

Summary: Please do not tell, that taste is subjective or why I play through your campaign, if I not like it? Well I played it and I find it promising, but it contains a lot of plot errors. Gameplay is average with some lags.
Gameplay: 3,5/5
Story: 2/5
Music: 4/5
Models, skins: 3/5
Final Rating: 3

I make this review through more than two hours. Hope it was useful.

First of all, yes I'm an Arthas fan, have you noticed the Campaign's name? :p Second I lost it at 2/5 for story! I've putted a lot of effort into this campaign and story. This story is possible, After Arthas saw him killing his own father, betraying his friend Murdain while he still had a bit clear mind it might have been possible to convince him without someone close - as they might be a fake vision as well! Arthas had Alextrasza's gift, Cenarious could've clearly known it, which would make him much less hostile, Thrall in this story had to die in my opinion because he's too major character in current wow.. this will open in this story much more posibilites to the fate of Azeroth wether you like it or not, this is MY story and that's what I chose as close as I could to the reality of warcraft, also Lordaeron was the strongest Humans nation on Azeroth! once Lordaeron fell they were just not orginized and died easly.. (and In this part the capital's citys citizens escaped from the city in chapter 2, that gives Arthas a good reason to save his people and flee to Kalimdor.. Stormwind and Ironforge and the Forsakens, Sylvanas and grom's fate is unknown because this is the first campaign in the sequels! If you didn't like it at all, and actually gave the story 2/5, Well I didn't find your review helpful at all, And clearly I won't like it much on my Undead part since it will be too negative. It seems you gave it a low rate mostly because you didn't find my story interesting for you without waiting for the whole story. (However I bet it took you a lot of time to write it down, Thanks but these kind of reviews really ruin my mood and makes me want to keep those projects to myself).

That is dedication my friend!
A solid and useful review. Well done!

Let's agree to disagree :D lol
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
3.5/5? I've putted a lot of effot in this campaign mostly alone, and to be honest I didn't plan on publishing it since I was playing it in 2P mode with a friend. but seriously, I'll take your review to my attention, but I think with the idea and the sequels and once I'll fix those bugs the campaign will be worth more then 3.5/5, thanks anyways :)
and by the way in wc3 everything is much bigger then wow, like theramore and more zones I cant remmber right now, so barrens size is kinda ok :p

bugs will be fixed I'm kinda busy work, army, working on other pprojects, friends and etc :p so it's hard for me to think about fixing those bugs that fast.
but thanks a lot!

This is the risk you take, making campaign is a huge job, but that doesnt mean that the campaign should automatically receive 5/5, high ratings have to be deserved.

Just because Theramore is giant doesnt necessarily mean that everything should be unreasonably extended. If you go back to mission 6 I think, where you rescue the King with Uther, the road looks just bad, because its wider than the whole screen.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
So, there's one thing about this campaign that's kinda bugging me, and that's Uther and Arthas have the exact same abilities, with no differences. Why? Why not give Uther an aura that increases attack damage instead of armor, or have Arthas use a holy damage ability as his ultimate. I only say this because it's just a bit of an annoyance. Like you misspell the same word every single time on an otherwise really good essay.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
After finishing it, there is something I think will make the final mission less tedious. I think the buildings' HP and armor can be normal, and unit armor too, so the mission has more action and less time spent hitting buildings. At last, remove the +75 tome? Or change/replace it, because the heroes become way too overpowered with it, and any other item is useless or can be just sold...
Well if you meant heroes to be so strong, I hope they won't be like this in the upcoming campaign(s), cause Archimone is then screwed, lol.

Actually I had no problem with the wide roads; liked it cause my units had plenty of space for me to arrange their positions :p.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
So, there's one thing about this campaign that's kinda bugging me, and that's Uther and Arthas have the exact same abilities, with no differences. Why? Why not give Uther an aura that increases attack damage instead of armor, or have Arthas use a holy damage ability as his ultimate. I only say this because it's just a bit of an annoyance. Like you misspell the same word every single time on an otherwise really good essay.

I've had this question over and over and clearly I could've made it easier for me with the reviews and just change Uther's abilities. However, I insisted on leaving it as it is because I wanted this campaign to be as similar as possible to Wc3 campaign. I've agreed about Terenas's abilities. I might change holy light and divine shield, but other then that Arthas and Uther are toghter for only the first 3 chapters, It's not like it will ever happend again in the sequel since Arthas is the only paladin left. (from those 3 atleast).
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
After finishing it, there is something I think will make the final mission less tedious. I think the buildings' HP and armor can be normal, and unit armor too, so the mission has more action and less time spent hitting buildings. At last, remove the +75 tome? Or change/replace it, because the heroes become way too overpowered with it, and any other item is useless or can be just sold...
Well if you meant heroes to be so strong, I hope they won't be like this in the upcoming campaign(s), cause Archimone is then screwed, lol.

Actually I had no problem with the wide roads; liked it cause my units had plenty of space for me to arrange their positions :p.

I agree, the tomes +75 make it easier. But that kinda balance it with the big amout of HP on towers and buildings and trolls because I wanted Arthas and Jaina to push forward, and not the humans. also that way it makes it much more harder at the begining of the chapter. Arthas and Jaina will probably won't have that kind of amout of stat in case Archimonde will show up(Didn't plan yet how and where to summon the burning legion, and not going to spoiler because haters will hate).
Also, to be honest I like wider roads too. I might edit them, but not by much.
Level 19
May 6, 2007
Well, played until the start of the Ashenvale mission until now, let's see...

The campaign is quite fun, sometimes a bit too easy with all the paladins around. Odd, but Arthas didnt lag for me, but I expected lag in the silvermoon mission.

Alright, let me try to go mission by mission from what I remember:

Mission 1: Was quite simple, but interesting. Saw the shortage comming a mile away, sowas easy to take a new base with two paladins and a bunch of knights. The idea for the campaign start is a bit odd, but now that warcraft has a multiverse... Well.

Mission 2: Also taken by surprise, but I knew something else was comming, just wasnt expecting an entire assault filled with meat wagons. So the second time I played the mission I made a foward base to caontain tthe undeads. It hold off ultil 10 minutes, and then the AI stopped attacking. Purple undead just stayed in place, attacking anything that came closer but not comming towards the city.

Mission 3: A little weird, but liked a lot the undercity layout. As everyone else, lost no unit in the mission, three paladins is OP.

Mission 4: Suffered the mass spam of towers to. If it is proposital, I would suggest using some doodads to make the undead base more protected instead of that, it would not only look better, but also the lag would fade away. Also, would be interesting if the ghost of Kel'thuzad was somewhere, just as a hint. Oh! and Falric is OP, he is pretty much a summonable one man army.

mission 5: Quite long and stretched mission at the end. The map is quite big and devoitdo of stuff. And why theres gnolls in the middle of the barrens? They are a species that live around lordaeron mostly. Some heavy clipping on the doodads in the romantic scene (the white walls) but I liked it... might be because I wished they were together and invincible was in it >->

Theres some small bad doodad usage round the maps, but nothing major that would kill gameplay.

Some custom content like King terenas icons is missing, that can be easily repaired with a disbtn, also, doesnt that king model have an icon to go with it? Using Theoden is a bit odd. Also, I would suggest to change king Therenas abilities more, not only he was not a Paladin, he was quite old. To make Uther and Arthas a little different, you can change to another paladin style, I bet no one woule complain. Having a lot of identical heroes is less fun than having three different ones.

All in all the campaign is fun, but has a lot of easy repairable errors. It reminds me of old wc3 RoC campaigns, wich I saw you were trying to emulate, so good job on that! But dont be scared of doing something creative along the campaign.
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
Gameplay is fair, I see the users like the gameplay in your campaign.

First of all, yes I'm an Arthas fan, have you noticed the Campaign's name?
Yeah, you glorify that fellow.
Allow me to quote:

Arthas basically performs multi-genocide.
Arthas AND Jaina seem very very naive, believing anything they are told essentially.
He just killed the people, who lured to the west by Medivh. Poor old man! :( Yeah you know, that I not know your ENTIRE lore, but look here: A story needs to be rateable, without background, inspirational lore, sequels, prequels, just stand-alone=itself, on it is own. Look Marvel for example, their films in one big collection are great, but alone they failed sometimes in their irrespective story.

Second I lost it at 2/5 for story! I've putted a lot of effort into this campaign and story.
I believe it, however good story not always came by the time, which you spend on it. You need to learn avoid clichés, the most basic 36 plotline. Read tvtropes for example, but I think Encyclopedia Dramatica is good as too.

This story is possible
All existing story are possible, even the one with the smurfs or Tinker Bell...

After Arthas saw him killing his own father, betraying his friend Murdain while he still had a bit clear mind it might have been possible to convince him without someone close - as they might be a fake vision as well!
I see, but this is not Arthas. Not even Medivh convinces him. He is very stubborn and rarely listens to others.

Arthas had Alextrasza's gift, Cenarious could've clearly known it, which would make him much less hostile
Oh yes? A dragon-queen showed you visions and put around you some flames, which empower you and I am the Arch-Druid... I let you alive with the fact that you slaughtered many from my people. :)D)

Thrall in this story had to die in my opinion because he's too major character in current wow.. this will open in this story much more posibilites to the fate of Azeroth wether you like it or not
I told you I am not subjective. And yeah I imagine some possibilties, you may use them, if you run out of ideas:
- Without Thrall and Jaina, Furion is defeated with the night elves and the Ashenvale creatures. (AND never ever say that I am negative, this is only a logical calculate of the events)
- Without Thrall Durotar never built or someone else may build an orc town, but without leaders the separated western forces is soon exterminated and the ones in Alterac is surely defeated by the remnants of the Alliance or the Overly huge Scourge Army.

- Drek'Thar may become leader and rise up the orcs, also Rexxar and the remainder of the Darkspears may be alive with Cairne and the Ogre Leader from Rexxar's campaign (sorry, I forgot his name)
- Humanity gains some reinforcements by Admiral Proudmoore.

this is MY story and that's what I chose as close as I could to the reality of warcraft
Every storyteller says this, when his/her respective personality feels, that him/herself attacked, but not. I not deny your rights or something else... and NO you went far from reality. OR you create a new reality! :D Who knows? (But please... do not kill this new reality with cliché choices which remembers 1000th fantasy copy)

also Lordaeron was the strongest Humans nation on Azeroth!
Fell of by days. Stormwind is the strongest... sorry.

once Lordaeron fell they were just not orginized and died easly
They are fairly good, but not strongest.

and In this part the capital's citys citizens escaped from the city in chapter 2, that gives Arthas a good reason to save his people and flee to Kalimdor
If you want the "reality" of Arthas, just play again the RoC campaign, if you not believe me. Arthas may equipped the peasants and lead them to their death or their glory(or both). Remember the ships?

Stormwind and Ironforge and the Forsakens, Sylvanas and grom's fate is unknown because this is the first campaign in the sequels!
Your writing style and story line is calcuable. You are a very young fantasy fan? True? You saw films, play games and read books and you receive motivation to write one? Good! :) Now, you need to learn to basics of the writing, which brings you above the most of the current known stories. (You know, that the stories of Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars or any detective books are simple as a tree buck?)

Watch this: http://jamesharris.design/periodic/ (This is only a small piece, the tvtropes is the true treasure)

If you didn't like it at all, and actually gave the story 2/5, Well I didn't find your review helpful at all
Really? After I write for you two or more hours? :D Not helpful? I write you the subplots, which is the most logical, I even found out the logical outcomes. My plot hole questions even showed the silliness of the story.

And clearly I won't like it much on my Undead part since it will be too negative
And realistic, the Undead Army with Mal'Ganis razing the East with it numbers. They are too great for Garithos. I even thinking about the reaction of Stormwind. Which makes me...
7. Plot Hole question: Where is SW and IF, or just Ironforge? They watched the destruction of Lordaeron, without sending them reinforcements? I missed it also from the original story, anyway.

It seems you gave it a low rate mostly because you didn't find my story interesting for you without waiting for the whole story
You again call me impatient or subjective? I tell you: Massive silliness gives your story 2/5 rating.

these kind of reviews really ruin my mood and makes me want to keep those projects to myself).
Oh... come on, you make me sad. Not everything is bright, critics and reviews arrived for stories and these things able to find the stories' bad, silly and incompetent part.

making campaign is a huge job, but that doesnt mean that the campaign should automatically receive 5/5, high ratings have to be deserved.
You know, that I work on a campaign, which I begun at 12-3 years old and I even now make it nowadays? I will be curious about your future review.
Last edited:
Level 1
May 13, 2015
When I'm playing I feel I am recapturing that time where I played the campaign of humans, but with a change in its history, if I tell you is right or wrong, would not have an answer for that, but it's pretty entertaining campaign I congratulate you on the project and hope that you continue forward with this, Arthas x Jaina forever haha.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Gameplay is fair, I see the users like the gameplay in your campaign.

Yeah, you glorify that fellow.
Allow me to quote:

He just killed the people, who lured to the west by Medivh. Poor old man! :( Yeah you know, that I not know your ENTIRE lore, but look here: A story needs to be rateable, without background, lore, sequels, prequels, just stand-alone=itself, on it is own. Look Marvel for example, their films in one big collection are great, but alone they failed sometimes in their irrespective story.

I believe it, however good story not always came by the time, which you spend on it. You need to learn avoid clichés, the most basic 36 plotline. Read tvtropes for example, but I think Encyclopedia Dramatica is good as too.

All existing story are possible, even the one with the smurfs or Tinker Bell...

I see, but this is not Arthas. Not even Medivh convinces him. He is very stubborn and rarely listens to others.

Oh yes? A dragon-queen showed you visions and put around you some flames, which empower you and I am the Arch-Druid... I let you alive with the fact that you slaughtered many from my people. :)D)

I told you I am not subjective. And yeah I imagine some possibilties, you may use them, if you run out of ideas:
- Without Thrall and Jaina, Furion is defeated with the night elves and the Ashenvale creatures. (AND never ever say that I am negative, this is only a logical calculate of the events)
- Without Thrall Durotar never built or someone else may build an orc town, but without leaders the separated western forces is soon exterminated and the ones in Alterac is surely defeated by the remnants of the Alliance or the Overly huge Scourge Army.

- Drek'Thar may become leader and rise up the orcs, also Rexxar and the remainder of the Darkspears may be alive with Cairne and the Ogre Leader from Rexxar's campaign (sorry, I forgot his name)
- Humanity gains some reinforcements by Admiral Proudmoore.

Every storyteller says this, when his/her respective personality feels, that him/herself attacked, but not. I not deny your rights or something else... and NO you went far from reality. OR you create a new reality! :D Who knows? (But please... do not kill this new reality with cliché choices which remembers 1000th fantasy copy)

Fell of by days. Stormwind is the strongest... sorry.

They are fairly good, but not strongest.

If you want the "reality" of Arthas, just play again the RoC campaign, if you not believe me. Arthas may equipped the peasants and lead them to their death or their glory(or both). Remember the ships?

Your writing style and story line is calcuable. You are a very young fantasy fan? True? You saw films, play games and read books and you receive motivation to write one? Good! :) Now, you need to learn to basics of the writing, which brings you above the most of the current known stories. (You know, that the stories of Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars or any detective books are simple as a tree buck?)

Watch this: http://jamesharris.design/periodic/ (This is only a small piece, the tvtropes is the true treasure)

Really? After I write for you two or more hours? :D Not helpful? I write you the subplots, which is the most logical, I even found out the logical outcomes. My plot hole questions even showed the silliness of the story.

And realistic, the Undead Army with Mal'Ganis razing the East with it numbers. They are too great for Garithos. I even thinking about the reaction of Stormwind. Which makes me...
7. Plot Hole question: Where is SW and IF, or just Ironforge? They watched the destruction of Lordaeron, without sending them reinforcements? I missed it also from the original story, anyway.

You again call me impatient or subjective? I tell you: Massive silliness gives your story 2/5 rating.

Oh... come on, you make me sad. Not everything is bright, critics and reviews arrived for stories and these things able to find the stories' bad, silly and incompetent part.

You know, that I work on a campaign, which I begun at 12-3 years old and I even now make it nowadays? I will be curious about your future review.
I reffered to my future Undead campaign, however most of the people seem to like a story where arthas actully manages to gain his sainty back and become invloved with jaina and btw theres a book about alternative time line somthing with dragons that thrall goes back in time and find out Arthas and Jaina got married and had a son named Uther, I took the idea aswell if you read the ending of chapter 9. haters will hate, and this story rocks. :)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
When I'm playing I feel I am recapturing that time where I played the campaign of humans, but with a change in its history, if I tell you is right or wrong, would not have an answer for that, but it's pretty entertaining campaign I congratulate you on the project and hope that you continue forward with this, Arthas x Jaina forever haha.
That was my goal, to show a timeline where Arthas isnt the lich king that betrays humanity. wether people think its posible or not, clearly this is diffreant timeline idea. everything is posible anyways. :D glad you liked it,I hope to finish the undead campaign in a month or more. Still need ideas for lore.. if anyone wants you can priv me an idea for lore about lordaeorn bloody and death knight Uther, and I might use it :D
Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
Okay, I only pointed one nitpick eariler, but after thinking about this logically, I realize that this is a story that the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of.
Firstly, I'd recomend you watch Nobbel87's "The Story of Arthas Menethil" ([1] [2] [3]), because you need to learn who the character is. There's a reason he decided to purge the city instead of listening to Medivh. If your wondering why I called it "A story the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of," it's literally because you seem to be taking every wrong turn. While I haven't completed it all the way as of typing this, I have heard that you killed off Thrall before they could reach the World Tree, and that's just a recipe for disaster, as he was a major character for the orcs.

Oh, and before you say "well, it'sll be better with the undead campaign," I'm sure M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender movie would be better by the squeal.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Okay, I only pointed one nitpick eariler, but after thinking about this logically, I realize that this is a story that the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of.
Firstly, I'd recomend you watch Nobbel87's "The Story of Arthas Menethil" ([1] [2] [3]), because you need to learn who the character is. There's a reason he decided to purge the city instead of listening to Medivh. If your wondering why I called it "A story the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of," it's literally because you seem to be taking every wrong turn. While I haven't completed it all the way as of typing this, I have heard that you killed off Thrall before they could reach the World Tree, and that's just a recipe for disaster, as he was a major character for the orcs.

Oh, and before you say "well, it'sll be better with the undead campaign," I'm sure M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender movie would be better by the squeal.
Uh.. dude, this is just a story. my goal so far was to keep Arthas menethill alive. why? because this is alternative timeline and beside, even blizzard relesed a book were arthas was married to jaina so evem by their point of view it was posible to save Arthas! how? i don't know but they just did, google it. jee you people should calm down. Archimonde can also be defeated by 1 level 80 player in wow xD there are always plot holes even in real blizzards game like what happend to sylvanas sister and turylon?(hopefully i spelled his name correct), Suddenly Arthas's sister calia shows up!, north lordaeron lands above stratholme. anyways chill down, this is the story by me.. and Bloody will take care of everything.. ;)
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
haters will hate, and this story rocks. :)
Oh... I admire your spirit! Oh anyway, you seems to be similar like GoT series' writers, they also killed a major character, who not died yet in books.

however most of the people seem to like a story
I never told that it is a lie... :)

You name me a hater, cause I write facts about simpleness and silliness, which not based on subjectivity? :O xD You got nuts... :) And yeah, people like "simpler" stories like Transformers, HPotter, LOTR, Star Wars, Johnny Test, Batman vs Superman, Twilight, Jupiter thing... (even title is forgettable), most of the action (not worth mention) and some adventure films, like Good, Bad and Ugly (not too complicated plot). So nobody told, that you will end on the same road with Birdemic for example. You may be successful, if you will be enough persistent.

theres a book about alternative time line somthing with dragons that thrall goes back in time and find out Arthas and Jaina got married and had a son named Uther
I heard about it in the past... maybe I saw it wowwiki, I do not know exactly.

I took the idea aswell if you read the ending of chapter 9.
I was not remembered the son... maybe the other things captured my mind, when I was made my review.

Still need ideas for lore.. if anyone wants you can priv me an idea for lore about lordaeorn bloody and death knight Uther, and I might use it :D
I wrote you subplots... Not too cliché-filled, but if you want I offer my services, you know I am skilled in plot making.

Okay, I only pointed one nitpick eariler, but after thinking about this logically, I realize that this is a story that the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of.
Firstly, I'd recomend you watch Nobbel87's "The Story of Arthas Menethil" ([1] [2] [3]), because you need to learn who the character is. There's a reason he decided to purge the city instead of listening to Medivh. If your wondering why I called it "A story the Infinite Dragonflight dreams of," it's literally because you seem to be taking every wrong turn. While I haven't completed it all the way as of typing this, I have heard that you killed off Thrall before they could reach the World Tree, and that's just a recipe for disaster, as he was a major character for the orcs.

Oh, and before you say "well, it'sll be better with the undead campaign," I'm sure M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender movie would be better by the squeal.

See, friend? :D You may call it one man's oponion, what he/she said, but the clouds begun to appear before you, I saw many good writers ended on failing, but you are fine, and you have a signs of competency. If you accept my offer for aid, the second campaign will be awesome. And no... the Avatar film is wrong, a shame against the series, not even sequel help on it.

Uh.. dude, this is just a story. my goal so far was to keep Arthas menethill alive. why?
I do not want to be a smug, but the true answer is: You a fan of Arthas... :D Not worry... when I was extremely young, I dreamed my story of Maiev, but that is also error-filled with many clichés, plot holes, and silliness.

even blizzard relesed a book were arthas was married to jaina so evem by their point of view it was posible to save Arthas! how? i don't know but they just did, google it.
You use this argument a bit too much. I seek this book: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects. Well, your argument is useless or... how I can say? In that book Arthas taken to Stormwind as a kid, and raised elsewhere. So... no! It is useless to compare that to your own, sorry.

jee you people should calm down.
Deal with it, as long as people write stories, there are always people who find the story errors. Even, if that story is praised by the people.

Archimonde can also be defeated by 1 level 80 player in wow xD
And some wisps too... :) Archimonde is not immortal, never was, he is a strong warlock, nothing more.

there are always plot holes even in real blizzards game like what happend to sylvanas sister and turylon?
Dead... though not confirmed, there are no other logical way.

Suddenly Arthas's sister calia shows up!
Her status is unknown, so she likely to be dead.

anyways chill down, this is the story by me.. and Bloody will take care of everything.. ;)
Intimidating, I remember, that director of Gods of Egypt also angered by the bad reviews, however he commited many faults.
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Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
Hehe the Paladin spells... I sssssoooooooo want to make them XD I just need approval from Sagi XD And Chapter 4's lag is caused by the sh*tly massive amounts of towers and as for the timer for the lich... it's basically like Mal'ganis' timer on the original campaign... btw on Chapter 1 Mal'ganis seems to attack the houses and doesn't even appear sometimes...

EDIT: I DO want to mention stuff about the cinematics but I have completely forgotten about that since I have been busy making the High Elf tech-tree... *hides*
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
Chapter 4's lag is caused by the sh*tly massive amounts of towers
I oh that part is remarkable, not even Age of Empires 2 is so hard. The spirit towers killed my units swiftly because of the lag, but when I destroyed them all finally... I was so relieved.
Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
I oh that part is remarkable, not even Age of Empires 2 is so hard. The spirit towers killed my units swiftly because of the lag, but when I destroyed them all finally... I was so relieved.

Let me guess.... you unloaded a sh*tload of Ballistas didn't you? :p anyways I do wan to fix that AI problem but I have no experience in the AI editor so I'm studying that stuff as of now.. hopefully in the next update there won't be anymore problems.... Also I do plan on updating the High Elf tech-tree since I found some problems in it.. so yeah.... :goblin_boom:
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
Let me guess.... you unloaded a sh*tload of Ballistas didn't you? :p
I made some ballistas, but I used every unit. I do not use known strategies, I just make a plan and use it. (I am not a battlefield commander type)