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What character(s) should Blizzard kill of?

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Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Ok Garrosh is a given, no one liked him, he was a rude, arrogant, tiny headed brat. But, I find it funny that other than him it's mostly alliance characters, given that the Horde has gone through not 1, but 2 warchief changes throughout the last couple expansions i'd say yes let's kill off a night-elf or two... better yet, kill the gnome king and have them all freak out about a new leader, gnomes need some spot-light (they weren't even shown in warcraft III)

However, I love Sylvanas dearly, which is why I think she should die, she has been trying to get dead for so long, she forgot why she hated Arthas, yeah he wiped out her people but the worst part was he made her wipe them out right along side him... all in all she needs some peace, I think the forsaken could use a new leader with the pure intent of guiding a cursed people like Sylvanas was in the beginning of her career.

--Any thoughts?
Nobody liked Garrosh? You bite your tongue. I like Garrosh and ive seen alot of other people who like Garrosh. He is one of the most badass Warcraft character. He even made those old god bugs to do his cool work for him. He even mastered the Sha. And could have easily kicked Alliance butt out of Azeroth if only Vol'Jin would have not betrayed him.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Vol'Jin made it clear that he would, Garrosh just didn't act accordingly. I remember a talk of their during Cata, where Vol'Jin said something about firing the arrow that kills Garrosh.

I know exactly what I'll be doin' about it, son of Hellscream. I'll be watchin' as ya people slowly become aware of ya ineptitude. I'll laugh as dey grow ta despise ya as I do. And when tha time comes dat ya failure is complete and ya "power" is meaningless, I will be dere to end ya rule, swiftly and silently. Ya will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulda and fearin' tha shadows, for when tha time comes and ya blood be slowly drainin' out, ya will know exactly who fired da arrow dat pierced ya black heart.

He even mastered the Sha.

Mastered is stretching it way to far, he might not have been aware of it but just like Deathwing he was playing straight into the hands of the Old Gods.

And could have easily kicked Alliance butt out of Azeroth if only Vol'Jin would have not betrayed him.

That depends on your viewpoint, Vol'Jin and Cairne both swore allegiance to Thrall they never said anything about serving Garrosh and shortly after he got elected they both turned on him. Garrosh had been dead before Cataclysm had even launched had it not been for foul play in his battle against Cairne.

Garrosh also sacrificed blood elves as he saw their lives less meaningful than orc lives, Lor'Themar simply payed back the gesture. If your concern is only the orcs then yes Garrosh could be considered a good leader but if you take one look outside that race you'll understand if he's hated.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Well i'd like to pose a counter point for the sake of the discussion :grin:

Humans : Racist (some, since the first warcraft)
Night Elves : Overbearing, known to crave power (Naga were night elves)
Dwarves : Ok, to be fair I have yet to see the dwarves bad side :wink:
Gnomes : What do they REALLY contribute?
Dreanei : Cowards (you failed to mention them)
Worgen : Uncontrollable


Orcs : Honorable Warriors
Trolls : Skilled and Cunning (they can't be evil because of their race)
Tauren : Ancient Protectors of Earth o,o
Forsaken :Striving to find purpose
Blood Elves : Almost massacred by... humans
Goblins : You got me, I don't like em either.

So the point of this is not to shift the Alliance to having the lesser traits, all i'm saying is there is more than the perspective of the Horde being the "bag-guys" however I completely agree that blizzard has been making them look that way recently, I think the reason is, they have been focused on the Drama of the Horde way more than anything on the Alliance.... but you have some excellent points :ogre_haosis:

Humans: They're the most powerful and most numerous of all races
Dwarves: They're the treasure hunters/Indiana Jones of the Alliance
Gnomes: The designers of War Machines and other inventions among the Alliance ranks
Night Elves: Skilled hunters of the night and they have very powerful druids
Draenei: The religious leaders of the Alliance - for the record, they're not cowards. They were at the brink of extinction that's why they had to leave. Plus Prophet Velen is also a pacifist.
Worgen: They seem more powerful than Tauren and Trolls


Orcs: Most are blinded by their pride and tend to do crazy things like Garrosh
Trolls: They're most likely the fewest among all the races
Tauren: I completely forgot that a lot of tribes were massacred during the Grimtotem Occupation
Undead: Everything they do seems evil to all, even among the Horde. It's not their fault they were brought back to life unwillingly
Blood Elves: Disgusted by other Elves since they once fed upon fel magic
Goblins: Driven out of their homes and they're also very greedy


Pandaren: Everyone knows they're just plain honorable so nothing much to talk about here


The Horde has a dirty image while the Alliance is shining brighter than the sun. They're also too few in numbers(not in online players but in terms of lore).
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Humans: Racist and alot of them now serve the Undead Scourge
Dwarfes: They had a civil war, but mostly they arent very evil
Gnomes: Meh
Night Elves: Guardians of Azeroth, but some of them are working for the Old Gods and Burning Legion, because Nagas and Satyrs were once Night Elves
Draenei: Pure good, but escaping too much
Worgen: Just some crazed wolfes

Orcs: Honored and Strong warriors
Trolls: Mostly they are good and very skilled
Tauren: Most peaceful race in Horde
Forsaken: Evil walking corpses who even betrayed the Horde at the Wrathgate, but it wasnt their fault that Varimathras was a bastard
Blood Elves: They had to feed upon fel magic, because a human destroyed their sunwell
Goblins: Small and Greedy version of Green Orcs, but they can make powerful war machines for the Horde

Pandas: Just some fluffy bears who are afraid of the Sha alot
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Im not even saying the Alliance or the Horde is evil xD All Im saying is that Blizzard is making the Horde look bad since all the latest villains and bosses are coming from them. Yeah sure they're honorable, but that's exactly what's making them repeat their mistakes from the past. They value honor too much and having too much honor makes you think like Garrosh.

"For the GLORY and HONOR of the True Horde, I will purge Azeroth of all races except for orcs" -Hellscream

See what I mean? Its just crazy! While the Alliance goes all
"If you ever fail to uphold HONOR like how Garrosh did, we will end you" -Varian
Honor-shmonor I think it would've been a better storyline if Deathwing blew up Azeroth instead because everything's leading to nonsense nowadays xD
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Im not even saying the Alliance or the Horde is evil xD All Im saying is that Blizzard is making the Horde look bad since all the latest villains and bosses are coming from them. Yeah sure they're honorable, but that's exactly what's making them repeat their mistakes from the past. They value honor too much and having too much honor makes you think like Garrosh.

"For the GLORY and HONOR of the True Horde, I will purge Azeroth of all races except for orcs" -Hellscream

See what I mean? Its just crazy! While the Alliance goes all
"If you ever fail to uphold HONOR like how Garrosh did, we will end you" -Varian
Honor-shmonor I think it would've been a better storyline if Deathwing blew up Azeroth instead because everything's leading to nonsense nowadays xD
Really? Jaina: Oh i wanna kill everybody in Orgrimmar, because why not.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Yeah Jaina is just one person. She wasn't even influential when she went crazy for that short time because no one believed in her ideas. Now, Garrosh is VERY influential. He managed to gather up some members of the Blackrock Clan, Black Tooth Grin Clan and most if not all of the Dragonmaw Clan to join him. He also managed to convince Shamans to summon Molten Giants to do their bidding. And remember, Jaina never did genocide. She forced an entire race out a city but that's nothing compared to destroying Theramore, attacking Darnassus, setting wild Magnataur free on Ashenvale, using Molten Giants, reviving the Heart of Y'something(forgot the name), and declaring war upon everyone on Azeroth who stand in his way. Blizzard is making the Horde look evil because of a few individuals' doing.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Exactly. They could have put Ogres, who may be stupid but they have honor (the Stonemauls seemed like they value honor through brute strength) but nooo someone in Blizzard had the stupid idea of pairing up the twisted undead with the Horde who just returned to shamanistic ways.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Exactly. They could have put Ogres, who may be stupid but they have honor (the Stonemauls seemed like they value honor through brute strength) but nooo someone in Blizzard had the stupid idea of pairing up the twisted undead with the Horde who just returned to shamanistic ways.

You simply doesn't understand the concept of evil.

orcs, forsaken and blood elves, they are not meant to be as kind as they are. I am very happy that blizzard makes the iron horde brutal and gory. Sadly they can't change direction of the horde atm.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
orcs, forsaken and blood elves, they are not meant to be as kind as they are.

Lets see, the first historical mentioning of elves is in Beowulf and there they are described to be minions of darkness so we'd best be adding Night Elves to the list of creatures who aren't supposed to be good either. Tolkiens version of the typical good vs evil was a good concept but everyone has simply copy-pasted that idea which is rather boring. I wouldn't want Blizzard to also copy-paste a worn out idea.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Wow ive never heard that Elves were bad. They were always like the protectors of the Woods, but what sucks is that WoW is following LoTR too much. I mean like Alliance is alot the same as in LoTR. Humans, Elves and Dwarfes and then there is Horde who are like the ones who work for Sauron.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Wow ive never heard that Elves were bad. They were always like the protectors of the Woods, but what sucks is that WoW is following LoTR too much. I mean like Alliance is alot the same as in LoTR. Humans, Elves and Dwarfes and then there is Horde who are like the ones who work for Sauron.

I don't really agree on the horde part.

It fits well with the alliance though. Even though Dreanei and worgen stands out :p
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
By far, the only major Alliance-turned Villains are :-
1) Prince Arthas Menethil (Lich King)
2) Archbishop Benedictus (Twilight Father)
3) Fandral Staghelm (Archdruid of the Flame)
4) Lord Godfrey and Inc. (New Master of Shadowfang Keep)
5) VanCleef and the Masons (Defias Brotherhood)
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Yeah but they didn't cause as much as Gul'dan. Technically, if Gul'dan were never born none of those Alliance villains would be there. If you're gonna counter that the Horde would never have been formed, you're wrong. Ner'zhul was the first one to be contacted by the Legion so it's still possible for the Horde to be formed without Gul'dan. They just would've started a war with the Draenei.
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
Yeah but they didn't cause as much as Gul'dan. Technically, if Gul'dan were never born none of those Alliance villains would be there. If you're gonna counter that the Horde would never have been formed, you're wrong. Ner'zhul was the first one to be contacted by the Legion so it's still possible for the Horde to be formed without Gul'dan. They just would've started a war with the Draenei.

Actually None of the incidents wouldn't have happened if there were no
A) Old Gods
B) Sargeras
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
New villains.. Hmmm... Let's see... Illidan and Arthas were introduced in WC3, most of the Iron Horde, and Deathwing were introduced in WC2, the other half of the Iron Horde and Garrosh were introduced in the Invasion of Draenor, Blackhand was introduced in WC1... Nope no new villains. They were all introduced in previous expansions/different games.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Any chance we get of returning to Northrend I and all of the Nordic Countries will cheer for, it's always nice to see references to Norse mythology. But for crying out loud keep the leveling system the way it is.
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
Well, since the Lords of War is finished, and Warlords is coming soon.
Here's something to keep you interested..


Kargath Bladefist


Kilrogg Deadeye
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
I think they should finally bring Kil'jaeden and Sargaeras in for a final invasion on Azeroth. Would be cool to finally show Argus.

That would be pretty cool, plus new alien races :ogre_love:, one alien race I've been dying to see ingame is the extremely underrated, Tothrezim.

The demonic Tothrezim are a secretive race hidden in the darkest corners of the Twisting Nether with an ability to tap into the swirling invisible eddies of power of the nether. They are the distant cousins of the dread nathrezim. They serve Sargeras as laborers, researchers, businessmen, and debt collectors, particularly in constructing and selling infernals.

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
That would be pretty cool, plus new alien races :ogre_love:, one alien race I've been dying to see ingame is the extremely underrated, Tothrezim.

They were also part of the WarCraft RPG and are non-canon which means that as far as we know they are non-existing.
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