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Solo Mini-Mapping Contest #7 - Boss Fight

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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
I guess I can call my map a beta version now that all of my boss skills are done, a loading screen and map preview is added, and some other minor things. Anyone have any suggestions for balancing damage, prices, etc.?


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Tickles what to say u except UNIQUE. New age of TFT.
Here is one little bug what I have seen. When I get message to shot with arrow it written use F2 for arrow, but arrow is using with F3. I suggest u to make it a bit easier because it's easy for u to master it xD. And my suggestion is to make jump just little stronger when I should use ''9'' or ''7''. It's hard to get on something

EDIT: I am now working on my map with 300%. For two days I should upload entry with first boss. PLS WISH ME LUCK xD
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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Tickles what to say u except UNIQUE. New age of TFT.
Here is one little bug what I have seen. When I get message to shot with arrow it written use F2 for arrow, but arrow is using with F3. I suggest u to make it a bit easier because it's easy for u to master it xD. And my suggestion is to make jump just little stronger when I should use ''9'' or ''7''. It's hard to get on something
Thanks. I fixed the bow message, slightly increased jumping power, and fixed a pathing bug that kari0003 showed me.

Do you mean to make the whole map easier? I was thinking about doing a difficulty selection, so I'll definitely work on that now :thumbs_up:

EDIT: I am now working on my map with 300%. For two days I should upload entry with first boss. PLS WISH ME LUCK xD
Oh, did you find a model/skin to replace the ghouls? And good luck :xxd:



Level 4
May 4, 2012
Is it okay if I switch the map I want to submit?
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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
I would maybe suggest replacing the texture used on the multiboard :).
That would be interesting to experiment with, and also easier to pay attention to surroundings with more (or full) transparency. Thanks :thumbs_up:
Tickles, your map is truly unique, it will definitely make it to the top 3 :D

Anyway, WIP coming from me as soon as I finish Archers abilities :D
Thanks, and did you work on the terrain for your map yet? I've been curious to see what that's going to look like paired with the boss/epic systems.

It's rare however not unique... The only way as well for it to be the new age of TFT is a multiplayer version of that which would be quite awesome Tickles.
I won't be making this one multiplayer, but that sounds like something fun to try after the contest is over. This was more of just a platformer test after I was inspired by Castlevania :xxd:
Tickles, I just played your map. I found the movement system quite awkward, which is disappointing seeing as how it's single player and everything. But the attack combo system was very cool, and in general it's very well made.

It's undeniable that the environment over all is extremely good looking too. Very impressive.
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Tickles, I just played your map. I found the movement system quite awkward, which is disappointing seeing as how it's single player and everything. But the attack combo system was very cool, and in general it's very well made.

It's undeniable that the environment over all is extremely good looking too. Very impressive.
Thanks. Any suggestions to improve the movement system? Or what made it feel awkward?
I think the weirdest part was that running faster made you jump higher (which isn't the case in physics), but another nice thing would be to increase the starting velocity. When I tried to nudge my character forward/backward by tapping on the arrow keys briefly, nothing really happened.
Actually, running faster DOES make you jump higher. You transfer your forward momentum into upward, so it increases your vertical. Try to jump while standing, then while walking, and then while running.

Anyway, Tickles: You could add some more decorative doodads. And I think the place is under water, but it doesn't show too much. Try to work on that, too.
You're right. That should be fixed.

Also, I suggest you put some other animation when you Dash, or get rid of the Dash. I finished the map few times, but I never used Dash.

Items are nice, maybe they need some more cost balancing, but they are good.

Boss is too easy, and so is the Guard. All I needed to do is spam with arrows and burning arrows. You could put some ammo, so you couldn't just use arrows.
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
The way I pieced movement triggers in together is so messy, so it's like having all of the same color on one side of a Rubik's Cube except one block when I go to try to fix that one little thing :xxd: Well I'll work with movement over the next few days to make it more realistic. I know I need more doodads and price balancing, but I'll save those for last.

So far I tweaked difficulties to make the harder ones live up to their names, movement actually responds to a simple tap of a side arrow key, and the multiboard is completely transparent (and seems to look neater that way). Thanks for all the suggestions.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Anyone knows if a model can cause errors ingame while playing? I get an error that I never got before when fighting the third boss I am making. I checked the triggers, stopped them one by one, removed parts then restored them. Still...

As Cokemonkey suggested my spells choice for the heroes are a bit basic ( but nontheless I aim not at hardcore fights) I think of adding rune-like buffs scattered across the caves and droping from enemies that will for instance ''empower next ability'' with aditional effect or for example heal will do double the amount. I am also considering switching this to a 2 players map but I am not sure yet.

One question for everybody : How to make spells that I cast on the hud of a dummy hero (the left top hero icons) to be actually casted on for example player 2's hero. Is it all done by dummies or is there another way to do it?
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
I could do it if some one could list all the ppl who has a map etc...

The moment when the judge puts conditions into making his job and sais he ''could''... makes me loose my motivation too. There must be no 'could'. We are not making entries so you could probably browse them ''if some one list all the people who has a map''

Anyway I will do such list when the contest is over.
Think it like everyone is working really hard and have no time to post wip's and stuff.

This is true, in my case.

I've finished the terrain, worked out some basic gameplay, and I'm doing the heroes right now. Because the heroes have very customizable spells, they take forever to implement. I'll probably post a WiP my friday and be finished monday/tuesday.

I will most definitely be submitting an entry to the contest unless some crazy thing happens like my computer lights on fire or my mom gets cancer.
Not really expert, but judge must understand code and compare 2 scripts or GUI triggers created by different users.

Judge check is code working, not how fast or stable it is.
If 2 guys created arrow key movement system, guy with jass code will have better score than GUI if they both cleaned leaks and shits as expected.

Simple as that, code isn't 2 most important thing here, this isn't spell creating contest so we don't really need expert programmers here.
Finally, a playable WIP from me. At least partially playable.

Things to work on:
-Name for the Boss (could use some help)
-Loading screen (!!!)
-Shit load of balancing
-One more spell for the Assassin
-Some more balancing
-Maybe some minor terraining
-5th phase (last one)
-Again, balancing
-Importing music (I was thinking about Two Steps From Hell - Strength of a Thousand Men or Two Steps From Hell - To Glory)
-Finding leaks (will be very grateful if you point them out)

When you test this, do not feel bad if you need to use a cheat. This is a very unbalanced version.
However, you can play and finish it without cheats.



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In the trigger "Boss HP", why are you saving it in a variable? You can directly put "percentage of life of boss" in the Set Player Lumber action.

Also when you declare a point in a variable, destroy it in the end with call RemoveLocation(udg_VARIABLENAME). (I see you've done it in some triggers, but forgotten it in others)

There are lots of location leaks in "CC init", store all of the locations in a point variable and at the end of the trigger, destroy it.

And in your spell triggers, why do you save the damage amount in a variable and then use the variable as the damage in the Cause damage action? Just put the damage calculation in the damaging action.

The class selection system is neat, but maybe also add the spell tooltips to the window or as quests to the quest log.
Also once you've selected your class, maybe spawn the hero a bit further so you can see him?

Add some kind of healing spell to each class, as a Wizard I was already dying in the beginning against those fire elementals. (Also nerf those fire elementals)

And write at least how much damage each spell deals etc., the idea of having simple spell titles is creative, but still a bit lacking.

Find a better icon for "Teleport", I don't see how it's supposed to fit.

The second wave of spiders and warriors (I believe during the first phase) isn't coming.

Move the camera higher.

Play the boss' stand animation once you've forced an animation on him, so that he's not awkwardly paused.

Fix this: (The same message is always shown twice)

Overall I suggest you definitely remove the memory leaks and try to optimize the triggers as much as you can (I started lagging and my fps dropped to 10 after 3 minutes), nerf the minions drastically and add a short spell description to both the spells and to the hero selection.

@Tickles, I... have nothing to suggest actually, except that you really should make the map longer and post it in the maps section after this, it's definitely dc-worthy.

@DSanhueza, Why is your map protected? :/


A memory leak in "BEGINNING":
  • Item - Create Knockback Dummy Item at (Center of (Playable map area))
Also those undead building death effects that appear all of a sudden are rather op, even on easy :/ My heroes died instantly.
And why not use QWER hotkeys?


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Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Very nice map love it. 5/5 Only thing that reduced your score was the moving was sometimes abit stucky. Spin for the win!

Pretty nice, but the android boss is way too hard. Also add a defeat condition it won´t stop now. Environment is very nice. 3/5 Also tooltips should tell more to player.

Protected. Gonna check later.

Also protected. Gonna check later. Look pretty nice from screenshots. But you do not have to credit The Hive Workshop. And that is wrote incorrectly.

Very nice very nice. There was 2 things that reduced your score. Not custom items and that green shit that blew up my ass always against the boss. Exept in his "home" it was easier. 4/5.

I think I did something wrong. Do you really leave the player on a map that ghouls are roaming from everywhere. You did not even tell what to do. Also change maps name. Environment was pretty nice. 1/5.

Haaax. Love it! Even though I did not destroy single crystal. Check the ability. Casting time is 20 seconds and the water elemental always comes and rapes you ;< 4/5 change the casting time to correct.

Great job man! The boss electric thing was so cool and the music fits there perfectly. The final boss is maybe a little too hard.

Pretty nice. The knockback shit is lame. 3/5 music would be very nice. Also you could add lava cracks into lava to make it look cooler.

I can tell. I did not play your map trought even with cheats. The map is so fucking lame. The warriot "Q" hit is so useless. Does so low damage, and does not stun or knockback or anything and so short range and like you have to look straight at the target so stupid. Also set the unit "Can Flee" to false. When you go fight and enemy hits you your unit turns around and you miss your attack. Way too hard 1/5.

Pretty nice. I see you fixed the spawning system or then it just did not happen this time.
Not custom items ;/ 4/5.
Controlling 5 heroes that all has different spells is way too hard. And it wont make easier that only 1 of them have healing spell and enemy throws flamestrike on you all the time.
Too hard 2/5 balance it.
I've been thinking, maybe Triggers/Efficiency/Performance should only have 5 points, but an entry will get an even higher penalty should it really lag, then the triggering probably is bad and contains lots of memory leaks, other than that, if it's for example vJass, then we shouldn't expect too much efficiency and clean coding from the contestants. (This was a problem for a lot of contestants like the well known DonDustin who's not so good at triggering, but still had great ideas for the weekend mapping madness contest)
Basically I'm trying to say that more points should be put into gameplay. And jesus christ why is there so much for terrain, maybe raise the max points for originality by 5.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Vengeancekael said:
A memory leak in "BEGINNING":
  • Item - Create Knockback Dummy Item at (Center of (Playable map area))

WORLD IS BURNING! WORLD IS REALLY BURNING! We see a leak in the starting trigger that doesn't even loop... And one leak can... DESTROY THE WORLD! Oh seriously, I'm usually pretty accurate with memory leaks but that I have forgot!

Vengeancekael said:
Also those undead building death effects that appear all of a sudden are rather op, even on easy :/ My heroes died instantly.

I see you didn't paid much of an attention to the dragon while fighting against the minor spawns.

Vengeancekael said:
And why not use QWER hotkeys?

Excellent suggestion. Pardon me for being so used to old ways. I did that because it was so in the campaign. I'll change my ways and do like you've said. Yes, indeed, better way that is. Thank you.

...Basically I'm trying to say that more points should be put into gameplay. And jesus christ why is there so much for terrain, maybe raise the max points for originality by 5.

Oh, someone else have finally woke up.


I said this like in the beginning of the contest, terrain won't mean much in a competition like this.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Pretty nice, but the android boss is way too hard. Also add a defeat condition it won´t stop now. Environment is very nice. 3/5 Also tooltips should tell more to player.

How is he hard? It's practically a mini-mini-mini-boss with basic phases:
1 - heavy armor, deals a lot of damage and bash
2 - spams missles at locations that are easily dodged (in this phase you MUST not keep attacking the boss but start dodging the missles)
3 - boss is shut down and takes increased damage while radom locations are blasted with ion bolts, hardly hitting the heroes. Maybe you got unlucky and got hit multiple times.

I was even worried that this boss is not much of a challenge :vw_wtf:

Tooltips are already fixed in the new version + defeat condition + third boss. Now I am doing some basic items and will soon upload it again. Thanks for the thoughts I am working on solutions for everything that can go wrong.
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