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Northian Frost Caller

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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007

Hello, im Keiji, known for terraining.


Actually it has not been made yet, cause of the lack of models needed for this, but i plan on making a champaign for a race i like to call "Northians", which is polar bears living in the harsh north of Orientia.


The request is about a model, well, actually its THE model :p Anyways, the model would be prefered if it was made frim buttom to topp, with a sort of spear/sabre weapon. But if there is no1 who wish to do this, then i want to request to make it out from the Polar Furbolg Shaman model, with some special spesifics:

- A new helmet, little Viking looking.

- Some shoulders, prefered something like metal spikey something.

- new claw weapons, though i CAN import claw weapons so this is not a MUST.

- Some sort of "War kilt" though i dont really want it to be closed, something like the orc shaman model's kilt :p

- and some armor which has some metal chains here and there, and some cloths here and there.

- Hero Glow.

The point is, hes part mage part warrrior, so i dont want him to look to warriorish but not to mageish either :p

Name: Skarn Stonefist (Northian Frost Caller)

Type: Warrior/mage/Shamanish

Details: I think ive made the point clear :p

Images: 2: one of the model, and one poor drawing of somewhat how i want the model, though your completely free to choose yourself how to make it.


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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Oh, can i do him without the whole armor thingy? or give him someones armor? wait, do you know a unit in wc3 that got that type of armor? if you do, please tell me.

EDIT: Just noticed u need a kilt. OMG, Scottish Furbolg? :xxd:

EDIT 2: W.I.P. pictures! only shoulders and helm for now, im working on armor.


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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
New W.I.P.

New W.I.P pictures! now i (think) i done armor! i double posted because its a W.I.P, and i already have a W.I.P up there

There is only one problem: the death anim is VERY bad... i added the mdx so you can look at it in magos.


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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
hehe, well, i dont got magos. But its comming along great, though i really think you should custom do the texture on the stuff making in look more vikingish, or something, and for the kilt, i didnt MEAN kilt, but some sort of robe over the legs, cause i think that part looks ugly, but back to the point, i would like it for you to do it with its own custom texture, no matter the size, but you decide, but really, it got this orcish look that i dont like that much, but ill wait and see for the final result ^^ Not that i dont like it or anything though :p
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Nice Cavman, and it looks better in the WE than i thought it would, so thanks to both of you, still its not finished, i hope? :p

And dont forget to at least considre the re-texture part cause it would look 10 times better, and the filiesize wont matter cause its for a champaign not a battlenet map ^^
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Oh, please... the only custom textures i know to do is Cn'P+ Hue And Saturation. But, i gont an idea: IF nastyboy will agree, he can make the texrue... but if you want the WHOLE model to be textured, it will be 6 skins because you will have to skin the orc marine, that furbolg, Arthas1(cinematic arthas), and more... anywas, i almost done the kilt, even that this isn't moving which the legs, because if it will move, it will look FrEaKy.

EDIT: More WIP's! i done the skirt, but i need someone(please cavman!) to fix the anims: the skirt has an special bone(the bone for hero glows), but it look weird... can someone fix that please?


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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
yeah so, you dont need to do anything with the furbolg hiself, its only i think the armor as it looks now makes him look like barbarian from the desert or something orcish, and not vikinish.

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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
W.I.P's !

New W.I.P.'s! i done the claws! it the magnataurs tusks... i think it fits PERFECTLY. i recorded the animations on HyperCam Unregistered and found the image quality of that program sucks, but nvm. Oh, and i HIGHLY suggest u will check that model in-game/in-magos.


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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Can you guys stop ditching MY request for your own project! :p

And btw, its looking awesome! Only thing now is to get a hero glow, and if you got some other ideas that would be nice, and some retexture on the shoulder and helmet, also, he needs a portrait and it would be nice if you made some frost particles at his arms while doing spells or something, else it looks great :D
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