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Mini-mapping Contest #9: Poll

Which one has the right to win? Vote for the best entry.

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Map Size Limited



1. Dalvenger's Ring Out
2. TheWhiteWolf's Project Orb
3.Cokemonkey11's microrunnertd
4.AKA.GywGod133's Shockwave War
5. Filmting's The Arena
6. ruleofiron99's Ancient Protector
7. Guramax's The Pandaren Tavern
8. Galles' Play Hard
9. frettory's Mortar
10.noob's Marine blood
11.Kino's Creation's Crucible
12 Imago's Forsaken Island
13. kari0003's entry

Inviting your friends to vote for you, bribing random members with rep and otherwise cheating with the VB poll system will get you DISQUALIFIED, BANNED from future contests, -REPPED, and possibly INFRACTED. So don't do it!
This includes, but is not limited to, sending PMs out to various users, getting other people to send those PMs, advertising this contest on other sites with the intention to gain more votes (whether it is explicitly stated or not), and so on. If you are suspected of cheating, the staff will notify you and interrogate you (hopefully) over PMs.

Contest :fp: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/arena-226/mini-mapping-contest-9-map-size-limited-251172/
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Is there a contribution reward for every participant? Or just 3rd 2nd 1st?
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Interesting how the top 3 on the list match up with my top 3 for voting. Dalvengyr and TheWhiteWolf's entries are both highly polished, but in terms of gameplay I had the most fun with Cokemonkey11's TD. Maybe I'll like a RNG decide.

Can I vote multiple times?

Judging by the poll style (radio buttons instead of check boxes), it's one vote per person. Voting multiple times using smurf accounts is prohibited.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

So much maps to play through. @_@

I know, I'll still review through all of them :D I didn't participate myself because I have too many projects atm, but I can still review others' projects ^^
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Yes but banning have an mechanical malus so it is not the same thing.
Also I consider I merit 5 negative reputation as I add useless work to judges by participating.
It is true Kino entry is really good I played without interruption until I won his mod.
If there was more waves I would have played more.
Some stuff looked weird for example the voidspawn boss were from far the strongest of all bosses as he had tons of ground control by sending his minions letting permanent deadly rifts and going the farthest possible for not being reachable by attacks but the next boss was pretty weak and the last boss was far less strong than the void spawn and looked less endgameish so I think it would be better if there was the devourer boss then the void dragon and finally the voidspawn (The voidspawn really gave an impression of end of the world as he covered anything with black rifts)
There was also an pretty weak monster who could not move and sent some monsters he was pretty trivial to kill.
And I did not understood what were doing those perpetually burrowing scorpions who dealt no damage and were nearly static.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

My list so far:
  1. Ancient Protector 77.5
  2. Forsaken Island 66
  3. The arena 61

Didn't honestly expect to see something like Ancient Protector, and Forsaken Island is really unique.

I suggested project orb to mmh, then there's mortar wars and shockwave war that need battle.net to be reviewed, otherwise I'm done (I went through them in a hurry :grin: )

Can I get 5 neg rep instead.
Were you the one who did "ENCORE UNE CARTE WARCRAFT III", it scored 39 and I tried to be as kind as possible..

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Very precise scores :O

Any chance of a detailed review?

Here, but I made all of those in great hurry, criterias might be dumb.

And I'll revisit the bartender game, it felt entertaining ^^
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Thanks. I'll definitely add more sounds.

On the 30th I was actually in the process of selecting which sounds to use at the start of each round (e.g. peon round will play the "work, work" sound), but I got distracted and just kinda forgot about it.
I also wanted to add a system similar to something I made a few years ago: random dialogue sounds playing when certain actions happen. For example, when a grunt attacks there would be a 20% chance to play the grunt warcry sound, or a 30% chance of a random grunt sound being played when he notices you as a target.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Well you'll most likely have my vote anyway :D if those unreviewed maps won't turn out to be godlike..
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
It is me who made the "ENCORE UNE CARTE WARCRAFT III".
I recognize it is an epic fail to not have seen this when posting my final version of YASMB
Also if you did not exited just before the third minute know that it is the end of the map where the player with the most gold wins(But I did not put the end game dialog).
I should have done an quest section where I would have put the effects of the circles and beacons and how to win.
I am pretty sure you are ironic when saying an good AI it is just an move toward center order.
And the terrain is randomly generated with something like 40 lines of code.
But the judges do not have to judge my map they can instead give me negative reputation.
Also there is no music nor any imports for allowing this map to be playable with Bnet as it is under 40 Ko (The Bnet limit of patience of players with 1 Ko/second)
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Good AI means an AI that fulfills the needs of the map. AI did everything it possibly could without causing lag. Even if map'd be bad, I can't say everything in it is bad.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I did have music on, on about 20% while my sounds were about 70. I can revisit the map if you want.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Warlock maps, they offer knockback effects, sliding effects, off level damage events, obstacles on field.

I'm not one of the judges fyi ^^' I'm practicing my reviewing skills and gathering proof that I can review.

If you want I can revisit the map, but I found it really difficult vs AI.. Is it on makemehost?


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011

What makes you think that my idea came from that warlock? they are just 180 degrees different. And for AI, I have said that you should play with normal AI so that you won't be slaughtered. I have made normal AI equal to my skill, and I can win 90% of the match againts normal AI. You just need to play more. Ancient Protector simply get high scores with invalid reasons like this one
The game was a surprise to me. I'm looking forward to playing this one with friends :) (8/8/7)
I think that's a bit strange :)

I'm just affraid judges can't give a fair review, like this one.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
What makes you think that my idea came from that warlock?

No one is saying your idea came from Warlock. What they're saying is that your map is similar to Warlock, since the core gameplay is that you slide around on a platform and attempt to knock each other out. Warlock is a pretty popular map, so I'm sure there have been many clones of it.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I dunno why people think they are similliar. But I'm sorry rullerofiron, but your map also similliar with another archer war. but yours have bounce effect and another abilities. Am I wrong? :) I dunno about the other, I have only tried Acient Protector among the others. I think originallity should be scored based on how the mechanism of the gameplay, not what basic systems build the gameplay.

The concept of death-match arenas with X gimmick as your main attack is revolutionary.
This will truly hail a new era of arena maps in wc3.

Thanks! :D
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
No. Fundamentally, my map is more similar to maps like X Hero Siege or Enfo's Team Survival (with one team). The CORE of the gameplay is that you defend an objective against waves of weak enemies. If I added an FFA mode to my map, then yes it would be similar to Archer Wars.

You don't have to apologise for pointing out that my map has similarities to other maps - it's true! Every aspect of my map is inspired by some other game or movie that I've played/seen. The non-structured waves is inspired by Tree Elder of Ancients (check it out on epicwar, very good hero defense), the ability to pick up and throw small units is inspired by Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War (the game), the randomised hero ability selection is inspired by Crimsonland (the game), the water item that spawns during rain was inspired by seeing that model in the model section, the boulder physics was inspired by... well.. physics!

Your map, as well as Warlocks, is basically sumo wrestling. Two or more individuals are trying to push each other out of the map. The main difference is that Warlocks is much slower and has a larger play area.

The most original map in this contest, IMO, is Kino's. We have seen elemental/combo systems before, but this one has a very unique implementation. As my personal rule of thumb for determining whether or not something is unique, I measure how quickly I can think of a similar map or game. When I play my map, I instantly think of Tree Elder of Ancients. When I play your map, I instantly think of Warlock. When I played Kino's map, I initially thought it was a map where you create the world using volcanoes and stuff... and if a map has me not only be unable to think of something similar but also has me guessing it wrong, then that is very unique.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Imago's entry was found out to contain resources from DOTA 2 (Not Blizzard Owned Game) which is against the map submission rules. His entry has been disqualified.

Didn't anyone warn him about it?
It was very obvious from the WIP's that DOTA 2 models were being used, yet no one spoke out.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
General impressions after playing through everything.
Bottom two are troll reviews, ignore those.


Good reviews. Well, not exhaustive of course, but spot-on and efficient.

Just want to point out:
- Rock targetting is wierd, you cant throw a boulder at point blank range it seems.

This was intentional.
- Ranged abilities are meant for ranged combat, melee for melee.
- Throw animation makes it look weird to attack point-blank.
- (Obsolete reason) Melee-range throwing had the best damage output, which makes the range aspect almost pointless.

But now that you bring it up again (one of my friends testing the map had the same gripe), I think I will change this. I'll remove the Bowldering upgrade, and rocks thrown within ~300 range will automatically be thrown at the "bowling" arc and starting height. This will also allow me to remove the artificial range limitation on headshots, since hitting a headshot with a rolled boulder is basically impossible.
Level 10
Jul 5, 2012
Didn't anyone warn him about it?
It was very obvious from the WIP's that DOTA 2 models were being used, yet no one spoke out.

No, he wasn't warned. No, he wasn't aware and neither was I. But yes he asked for a chance to still take part because he put a damn amount of hours into it, but as you see, he got disqualified - sadly, just because it is not allowed to use models of non-blizzard games. Imho this is rather harsh. It's not like the game is based on the models.

It pains me nearly as much as him since I know how much he wanted to take part.
Maybe for the offical released version the models will be changed... If there's any motivation left inside him after so much time was spent for nothing.
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