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Customizing tile pathability

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Hello, I want to ask if it is possible with the current editor to change the pathability (ex. Unbuildable, Unwalkable) of the tiles? This is possible before using JNGP with two checkboxes but I still haven't figured out if the current editor can do this? Currently there is no blizzard tiles that doesn't block the units from walking through it (like the pathing blocker - but tiles). I can put pathing blockers yes, but the current amount of doodads + destructable of my map already hit 20K and adding pathing blockers will raise it more - and I still have alot of stuffs to add in my map, plus the spells in my map are currently dependent on terrain pathability (for collisions).
You can try to import a modified Terrain.slk into the map with using import path "TerrainArt\Terrain.slk".

For example, if you want to make LordaeronSummer-Dirt not walkable, you have to change following number in the .slk file from "1" to "0":


"0" means deactvated, "1" means activated.

The terrain.slk is in the attached terrain.7z archive. But you can also extract it by the game using CASC View.

@Ralle , .slk is an blocked extension for uploading files, in case you aren't aware of.


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I guess you can add entries, yes. Example to add flower terrain data entry:


^it would expect there's file imported in the map named "Flowers.blp" with the path "ReplaceableTextures\TerrainArt\LordaeronSummer\Flowers.blp".

However, in the end I'm not very sure how helpful this would be, in terms of being superior over replacing existing tiles in editor

The editor does not care for imported .slk files. The usage of the terrain when working on map in editor would not change. New terrains are being ignored and won't be seen.
You can't pick it with trigger GUI, change overlapping priorities, etc. What should work I guess is using when working with JASS, then using the new trrain type 'Ldrf', to correctly apply it. But I honestly have never tried it, and I don't have imported any completly new terrains, yet. I guess it should be correctly formatted file, idk about these things.

I believe the best with current editor is really to keep with default ones, and work with replacing textures if needed, like you already said. :)

@Spellbound uses custom slk import to add completly new and wonderful lightnings.
Hey man, I tried changing the pathability of the terrain like you suggested, unfortunately it doesn't work unless I cover the Terrain.slk (by putting the file on TerrainArt folder inside war3.mpq folder in Warcraft 3 directory).


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@Strydhaizer, oh damn. It's stated that only some files are allowed to be loaded from the map itself, but I thought it might work with terrain.slk. :(
Then I think it doesn't make sense to bother with tile pathing on your own. I would wait until HiveWE 0.6 comes out, being compatible again with the latest Warcraft 1.31 patch. There's stated that editing pathing is supported.
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