• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Note to self: do not use image recognition software on some images (like your avatar), or use? I'm not sure...
    Heh, just realized you are here from 2005, wow. I didn't seem to notice or cognize when I usually checked your profile.
    Congratulations for such a long and possibly continuing trip!
    I am considering it. It's still unfinished though, and current project takes up my free time so I won't be able to complete it soon.

    Oh yeah, I saw Acolyte of Life. It's a pretty ambitious project, really well done. I am working on a custom UI for the project too and it's been great so far. The only downside are that I had to work around the crashes on 1.31. But I guess the upsides are greater than the downsides.
    Whenever you feel it's ready then! It'd just be a waste not to put it on the site eventually since you put some of your soul in it.

    He-he, FeelsGoodMan does most of the work sadly for him but I'm not gonna let the project die. If it's gonna take a lot of time, so be it. As long as we're alive, we'll get it running for the community.

    Yeah, let's hope we don't get into game breaking bugs in the end products.
    • Like
    Reactions: Jamir
    Thanks Deep.
    Hey man, what's up? You good during this period?
    400+ deaths :\ 3000+recovered 11k+ cases total.

    We also have curfew until the half of May.

    Wow, really?
    Yup. Just a few months ago, China has been secretly building installations on the islands which belong to the Philippines. Then a few days ago, China gave the islands (that aren't theirs) different Chinese names. And then, a Chinese warship aimed their guns at a Philippine Navy ship. No firing, they just want to intimidate.

    All of this territorial expansion by China is happening while the world is fighting the virus. US and Australia has already noticed it though. Hopefully, and action will be taken soon.
    Yeah, hopefully. No US navy there?
    So, how come you didn't put music from that game too? Would make a better atmosphere I reckon.
    Sure Deep. I'll keep that in mind. ;)
    The great Kasrkin? I must be in a mirror world.
    The majority of the campaigns on hiveworkshop are adaptations of Wc3 stories/ alterations of wc3 lore. No-one accuses any of them of not being original/plagiarism.
    Why did you do that?
    Ok, I'll do that. Thank you Shar. You are very kind. :)
    Shar Dundred
    Shar Dundred
    Hi Shar, sorry for the late reply. I will just post a link of it here in my profile page so that people can download it. I don't want it to cause any trouble in the future. So sorry.
    No problem. I enjoyed making it and getting all the feedback from the testers. Took far too long though. :/
    That is great news about your project, Jamir. Lots of people will enjoy playing it~~
    Thanks tulee. Expect it in a few days. Happy holidays! :D
    Curious to know which Final Fantasy Tactics do you recommend? I own a PSVita and it is wondrous at playing classics. Should I play the PS1 or the PSP version?
    I don't own the Ps1 version so I can't say for sure but I think the psp version (War of the Lions) is the superior one. IIRC, that is the remake version with added animated cutscenes and has a shakespearean english (a much better translation). They should be the same gameplay wise (i think).

    Hey! I love the Vita too. Lots of great games on this one. :)
    Alright, good to know. Thanks.
    Yes! I know it gets a lot of flack but it has a neat amount of original games but it also shines brightly with the amount of PS1 and PSP games that are playable on it.
    True. To think that you can play A LOT of JRPGs on this one is mindblowing. The games are cheaply priced too, unlike the Switch. -_-
    Oh, by the way! Have you ever considered... horses?! I'm guessing the map is going to be quite large when the finished product comes out and having a horse will make traversing the landscape easier. Also, aesthetics! There should be a few Arthas on Horse models laying around which you could apply Joshua's skin unto. Might be a neat idea, iunno.
    Yup. I've actually already made a skin for that. I just have to find a way to implement it seamlessly. Haha.

    I also plan to implement other modes of transportation in the game. Like train stations and shipyards. You'll find out once you get to the other towns. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion btw.
    That's cool. Maybe... through purchasing a horse? I dunno lol
    I'm thinking something else, but I may consider it. :)
    Hey there! I have a question for Tactics Unleashed. Are items 'usable out of combat' usable in combat as well? I'm not too keen on risking it, haha. I'm very curious as I think the Cooked Jellyfish should be very useful. Although, Cooked Jellyfish does say that the effect lasts for the first 5 rounds, I was thinking if it was possible to immediately use it in the very first round.
    Nah, it's okay. Ask all you want. :) Battle points can only be taken the first time you fought a story battle. After that they're gone for good. There are ways to farm for points, but they're pretty hidden. Don't worry, with the amount of battles you'll fight, I'm sure you can amass a lot of points.

    Where are you now, btw? Have you beaten Danjou Forest?
    Yes, actually! With prior knowledge of birthstones and the focus crystal, it was actually a bit easier than I expected. Although I did find a few bugs:

    •Joshua casting Flamestrike on Danjou Forest was very odd. It didn't play his animation and it set the camera to the far right, but the flame attachment on Joshua's sword was visible, just not anywhere near him.
    •I'm using Yuri as my primary mage (currently has Flame and Dark Beam, although the latter isn't fully learned yet) and I can't seem to cast Flame on the Gork Hunters to the right. Very odd.
    •For some reason, when I was trying to reach the last remaining Gork Hunter, Joshua couldn't reach him, he wasn't able to move towards him as the grids seemed invisible. This may correlate somewhat to Yuri not being able to hit them. My entire squadron was on the left side nearing the Gork Hunter, the Gork Hunter being next to the 2nd chest available in the map. Joshua was on the right side, and he couldn't go straight upwards as the Grids weren't available for some reason.
    •Yuri was able to hit the Gork Hunter with Flame when the Gork Hunter was out of the straight path Joshua and the Gork Hunter was in, though. It may not be a problem with Flame not being able to hit, but that particular path. I'll send a pic of that specific place
    Oh my, so sorry that I missed your message to me last September, I was way too busy with studies to go online! If you're still up for me to beta test, I'd be glad to so. Altho it may take me a week or so to do it as school really has been keeping me on a tight leash
    Thanks Tanni! I understand that it's studies first man and that's great! I've been there. :)

    Anyway yeah, I'm currently running some beta tests with some of my friends here in THW. That's awesome! Of course more testers are welcome!

    I'm currently on a break though, so I can't send you the map right now. Gotta have some rest too haha. I will drop you a private message a few days from now, how about it? :D
    Okay, that's cool with me!
    A bad decision for the artstyle, yes.
    I also wonder if cinematics would even work properly with talking portraits and all in cinematic mode.
    After all, they replace their old cinematics with new camera movements and talking models instead of portraits.
    *sighs* Yeah, that sucks. :/

    I don't plan on buying it right away though, I might stick to the old game if I have to. There's just no point. The artstyle, I don't like 'em. The lack of custom content at the start, nope. The graphics, I'm fine with the old one. The only thing that makes me want it is the editor, and I have yet to see its updated functionality.
    Shar Dundred
    Shar Dundred
    After seeing how many bugs the recent patches have caused not only to the game but to the editor as well, I am not really confident about that one.
    I don't plan on buying it at all.
    True, the bugs haven't been fixed yet. We just have to wait and see if it's gonna be fixed eventually... or not.
    Hey man, I'm stuck on the eastern mines-fourth level (with the Hive building). There are way too many starting enemy units and they are all coming for the heroes. They also deal a lot of damage, 200+back, 166+side and 100 front while I deal 70-90 side and maybe some 100 back. I have some AoE spells but can't cast them all the time since the enemies move all the time and rarely can I find more than 2 together. Plus, the AoE spells are pretty weak 80-90 damage. Dervish is a bit tougher but it requires the hero to be melee near and that's very problematic with the enemy moving and if that hero could even cast the spell more than once before death.
    Gold is a problem. I don't have the top armour but one level below but pretty much have the most powerful weapons. Still, maybe some weapons are better than other for this situation and you can't exchange them.
    Any tips?
    I don't have any of the current weapon spells even on a low percentage. I did not drop my weapons. I only do that when I change them with others.
    I don't :| I needed more intelligence on Pratau for it but I need more gold for rings.

    Yeah... that was it... the bug that filled my slots with 1337 percentages instead of spells. Deleting them and picking up the weapon again lead to the spells being learned.
    I'm afraid I'll have to use the gold cheat if it works to get the proper gear though in this circumstance...
    No problem man, you can do anything that can help you finish this campaign. Sorry for it being difficult to understand, I never did a proper tutorial on this stuff.

    Btw, IIRC, there are more powerful weapons coming but they're secretly hidden in the temple map (2 maps ahead of where you are currently). I think you will need the skill Searchmark (or is it Unlock? I can't remember) to find them. They aren't needed to finish the campaign though so don't worry if you can't find them. Good luck!
    Thanks Jamir!
    Even though you won't update your older campaigns, I'll still do a review on TU: chapter 1. Somethings in the review may help you in the remake.
    Thanks. No problem. And yes, your review is very helpful to me and I'm eager to read your comments on chapter 1. :)
    How did you know? Haha. Man, my body clock is nuts that if I sleep too early, I also wake up way too early. Like... very early. It's okay though because I feel like this is the time when I'm in the zone of working on my campaign. I give it a few hours and then go back to sleep. :/

    Or maybe it's because of my avatar? Nah, it's not related. :)
    Happy mapping, it's what's important.
    2nd melee contest poll started, in the link you can (if you wish) download all the maps from the zip file, see them all and rate what do you think are the 5 best maps. If you don´t have competitive melee knoledge, is okay, you can use other criteria like: enviroment, effort, map shape and others. The general public opinion is important to define 20% of the final score https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/melee-mapping-contest-2-poll.308814/
    I'll try them this weekend. :)
    the poll will close the 8 of october so you can take your time to do it.
    Just noticed that my old campaigns are now linked to my account. That's awesome! Thank you @KILLCIDE!
    Great. I will try to get the screenshots for you and then give you a link to them.
    Hi jamir, i uploaded six images, when you have downloaded them, let me know, so I can delete them (they in my map description album since I did not want to make a new one). I could not get any from the second mission, since I died on the first mission when trying to rush through it. Ha-ha.

    Done. :)

    Oh gee, thanks a lot for the effort man. I owe you one. Nah I think it's enough already to show the users what the gameplay looks like. So yeah. And gosh, I just realized how horrible the UI looks now with the dialog boxes and such when compared to my new system. Haha.
    I'll be looking forward to your project!
    By the way, you're from the Philippines? I'm from Quezon City.
    Oh nice! That's awesome. And we're so close too. I live in Paranaque but I go to work in Manila.

    I also love jrpgs haha , I still play them alot even until now, I don't care if it's good or even the badly made ones I always try to play them at least once.

    What's your favorite jrpg btw? I think mine's the tales of and ff series

    Anyway, sorry for the long delay in my reply. It's really difficult to create a campaign when you have a job. But I'm doing my best. And thanks for the support! :)
    I'm the same, even if they're quite bad, there's still something charming to them!

    Deciding my favorite JRPG is kind of hard, but the Persona series is close to my heart. Golden Sun is also like right at the top of my favorites, but I haven't finished the game yet, a bit preoccupied with studies, y'know?

    No problemo! Again, wish you all the best. Will be checking your forum often for updates
    Thanks! Oh yeah, I love the Persona series too!
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I was actually awaiting your reply because I really love SRPGs and JRPGS! And for the genre to be adapted into WC3 with a nice-looking aesthetic and a cool looking story is really neat. I wish you the best of luck!
    Sure, please. Thanks! :)
    @Ralle, please. The man wills it.
    Thanks for your support deepstrasz. I think I'm fine if it can't be done, since those campaigns are a bit old now and not really very popular. And right now, me, being in the process of creating the remake. But still, I really do appreciate it. Thank you.
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