Zuldazar plant Pack

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Converted from world of warcraft.

The pack includes 20 different models of shrubs and trees from Zuldazar zone.

For the correct model work, remove the path "war3mapImported\" from all blp files in the import manager.

Credits to Blizzard.
Converted by Ageron.

8zul_bigleafybush_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_bigleafybush_c02.mdx (Model)

8zul_bigleafybush_c03.mdx (Model)

8zul_bush_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_bush_b04.mdx (Model)

8zul_fanleaf_a01.mdx (Model)

8zul_fanleaf_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_fanleaf_b03.mdx (Model)

8zul_fanleaf_b04.mdx (Model)

8zul_fernbush_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_fernbush_b02.mdx (Model)

8zul_leafybush_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_leafybush_b02.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmplant_a01.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmplant_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmplant_b02.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmplant_b03.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmplant_b04.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmtree_b01.mdx (Model)

8zul_palmtree_b02.mdx (Model)
