-- Earth-Fury --
Date: November 23rd 2007
Action Taken: Ignored
Rating: N/A
[*] This map is of extreamly low quality and displays ether an unfamiliarity with the tools, or a lack of effort.
Its too easy to win, as taking every command point can be done before someone even knows wth is going on. Coupled with the blandness of the terrain and lack of gameplay mechanics besides "attack" and "take command point", I'm ignoring this.
Date: November 23rd 2007
Action Taken: Ignored
Rating: N/A
[*] This map is of extreamly low quality and displays ether an unfamiliarity with the tools, or a lack of effort.
Its too easy to win, as taking every command point can be done before someone even knows wth is going on. Coupled with the blandness of the terrain and lack of gameplay mechanics besides "attack" and "take command point", I'm ignoring this.