Zone Control: Evolution
Right now I've just got the terrain laid out, have Human/Undead/NightElf/Orc Evo-units set-up(Quick Balanced) I could surely use help in the triggering department, getting 81 zones to be able to spawn upwards of 30 different units should prove interesting. Not to mention individual upgrades per unit(or race, dunno yet)... It's meant to be a quick match style game, don't know how the mass spawns will effect gameplay... Can't wait to release this, though! I've been wanting to mix Old Starcraft Zone Controls with Evolutions but, sadly... I never did. Hopefull, here it comes.
- Players: Up to 8 (Was thinking of adding a Team mode.)
- Size: 128x96 (81 Zones - 8 for Players = 73)
- Description:Basic Zone Control with 73 capturable zones. Kills initially get you Lumber, or "Evolution DNA", which can be used to select new units to spawn(Evo-units add a gold bounty to kills that increases with level of the unit). Each individual Zone can spawn it's own Evolution and all evolutions are effected by an upgrade from your Castle dubbed; Evolution Upgrade. Currently has 100 levels. Just picture having 5 zones, one pumping out Shamen, another Zerglings, another Marines, etc... You get the idea
- Triggering
- Balancing
- Terrain 'Pazass'
- Ideas/Suggestions/Criticism
Right now I've just got the terrain laid out, have Human/Undead/NightElf/Orc Evo-units set-up(Quick Balanced) I could surely use help in the triggering department, getting 81 zones to be able to spawn upwards of 30 different units should prove interesting. Not to mention individual upgrades per unit(or race, dunno yet)... It's meant to be a quick match style game, don't know how the mass spawns will effect gameplay... Can't wait to release this, though! I've been wanting to mix Old Starcraft Zone Controls with Evolutions but, sadly... I never did. Hopefull, here it comes.
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