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You NEVER Protect a map!

Does map protection hurt more than help?

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Level 7
Feb 6, 2006
Ok so you want to protect your map from stealing n00bs

Well I got news for ya, protection NEVER works

someone will eventually break the code and take it, It's inevitable

So my question is: Why do you do it?

If you protect it, people who download it can't play it.

but what do you care, 5 minutes of glory is obviously more important than people enjoying your map *sarcasm*

And don't give me any crap, I am not some n00b trying to steal a map
Level 4
Jan 30, 2006
i think that if u put custom stuff and a loading screen with your name the noobs"mapmakers who haqve no idead what there doing" wont be able to change it
I do now there are people who try to steal your map but you can add something "secret"(i.e a unused unit) i am all agaisnt protecting maps
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Ok so you want to protect your map from stealing n00bs
So my question is: Why do you do it?
Heh, well you pretty much just answered your own question there... but the answer is because they have the impression that it DOES work.

Overall I've seen protection screw people out of sources of learning more then detering potential thieves. Its every map makers dream that their map will become the next Dota (in terms of popularity). When it does, THEN you might want to start worrying about theives or people simply making "improvements" to your map. But when its still a no-name map, its silly to protect it.

Its like I said in my sticky about map protection...y'know, the one that states very clearly not to bring up topics on map protection on this site (hint hint), that the only true way to protect your map is to neither make it nor submit it...which includes never playing it on b.net.
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