WoW Winged Eredar Doommaiden

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Work Process
  • Exported to .glTF using wow.export
  • Imported into Blender and exported out of Blender using Bogdan+Twilac's MDL importer/exporter
  • Textures converted to .dds
  • Baked to T-Pose
  • Converted MDX1000 to MDX800
  • Renamed animations to match WC3 animation names
  • Removed animations not used by WC3
  • Configured animation looping
  • Added Attachments
  • Added portrait camera
  • Modified texture alpha and material configuration to display properly in WC3
  • Added a simple decay animation
  • Added custom teamcolor using texture alpha channel
  • Added Death Sound
  • Added Footprints
Notes for Mapmakers
  • Uses .dds Direct Draw Surface textures for faster rendering in-game and significantly reduced size when the map is saved as a .w3x file. The texture file size will look bigger than .blp until you save the map. When the map is saved as a file it will save significantly smaller than when using .blp textures at the same quality level.
  • Uses walk and walk fast animations. Mappers will have to configure the speeds walk and walk fast occur in the object editor in the properties of the custom unit.
  • 318540-514dcdad9e39cbc855467503671acf75.png
WoW File Path
  • creature/wingederedar/wingederedar.m2

Icon (Icon)

WoW Winged Eredar (Model)

Hello! I've downloaded your model, did some testing and I can offer my review: I couldn't find anything wrong with the model, it works and performs well ingame. She is gorgeous and having Team Color and Decay are a great plus. Thanks for including...


Ported Models Reviewer
Level 36
Sep 19, 2010
I've downloaded your model, did some testing and I can offer my review:

I couldn't find anything wrong with the model, it works and performs well ingame. She is gorgeous and having Team Color and Decay are a great plus.
Thanks for including Spell and Spell Throw. Will set to Approved (High Quality).


Ported Models Reviewer
Level 36
Sep 19, 2010
Thank you sorry I didn't see you already had posted the more armored version. I do not know the in-game World of Warcraft character names for a lot of these models.
it's fine, this is a totally different model. the armored version represents the boss model from the Antorus Raid. This is like an Elite creep

I was a WoW GM for a private server, I know pretty much all the content, you can ask me anytime if you want, I don't mind asnwering