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-World of Warcraft- V1.5 Terrain

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Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
Hey Everyone.

As a few of you Know, ShadowNasta Productions (Me and Tiranasta) Have released -WoW- V1.4c, And People have been Told of the 1.5 Release Early 2007 :p

Well, Because WEU had Died, we were unable to work on the map...Until now.
We are Removing all WEU Things to Be able to use it with Newgen. And then we can Hopefully Release an Alpha Release of the map.

But before then, Heres a Few Screenshots of the Terrain.
Probably not the best Terrain, but its a Vast Improvement of what was in 1.4c!


  • Azshara.jpg
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  • Echo Isles.jpg
    Echo Isles.jpg
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  • Strat.jpg
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  • Thousand Needles.jpg
    Thousand Needles.jpg
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  • Western Plaguelands.jpg
    Western Plaguelands.jpg
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  • Tirisfal Glades.jpg
    Tirisfal Glades.jpg
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  • Westfall.jpg
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  • Wetlands.jpg
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  • WSG.jpg
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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Its better then the previous, terrain, actually much better because of the previous terrain from 1.4 was horrible. And now if i have to rate the 1.4 terrain i would say 3/10 and i would rate this a 5/10.

Some tips.

- Make some hight variation here and there.
- Use the hidden grass models from blizzard instead of those bushes.
- Use more evaluation and heighten some areas a little bit so it looks more natural.
- Don't make roads go straight forward, unless they're in a city. Forest's look better without roads.
- Don't place doodads all over the world, place them in clusters.
EXAMPLE: 2 Rocks with 3 bushes in it and 2 flower or mushrooms near it.

I hope you do this over again.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
I want you to go into your map, select every single shrub doodad, and DELETE IT. They look SO bad... you should only use a few of them and in small clumps, not spread all over the place.

Those fires in the city, are ugly too. You should place them better and use less. Like raise them up so some are on the roofs, and in the windows, and use the larger fire doodad too.

Also, you should work on your tile variation. You place them in lines too much, which looks really unrealistic. It looks like someone has run over your map with a tractor.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
(shrubs are beautiful pieces of Blizzard goodness)

Not gonna lie I only liked the second screenshot. Less cliffs for making mounds like that 'barrens' shot. I suggest, perhaps, more tile variation, less flatness. Better trees!
Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
We did, Theyres around 38,000 Doodads over the 480x480 Sized map.

Basically the terrains not the important thing, The Gameplay in this is Great, there is a custom system designed by SNP (ShadowNasta Productions (Shadowz123 (ME) And Tiranasta)) For almost everything.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
So... <.< If the terrain isnt that important then why did you post pics of it here in the forst place? >.>

Agreed. The terrain looks like it was made by a 5 year old. Seriously, what the hell is up with all those shrubs, it's like you just selected the biggest size and spammed shrubs all over the place. The tile variation is horrible, there's really no atmosphere, only horrible, horrible attempts at terrain. I'm not saying the terrain has to be superb, but just try and actually work on it. Sure it takes time to work on such a huge map but the outcome is alot better and maybe people will actually play it then. I personally would never play a map with such half assed terrain no matter how great the system was.

Sorry for being aggressive but I'm just tired of RPG maps like these.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Don't get me wrong, but the terrain IS IMPORTANT. Although it may not show, maps that don't have good terrain are actually boring to play. It can be the best map triggered ever, but if the terrain is shit like this nobody will want to play it. I don't want to sound harsh, but it's the truth. Try your best to make it look good! ;)
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