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Wood WM

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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This is one of my first buildings.
If u like it i will make other buildings using same texture so u will get more buidlings with a shared woodmany texture.

Building House Lumbermill Workshop Nazi

Wood WM (Model)

16:04, 30th Jun 2011 Frankster: The texture you 'made' is not very wc3-stylish and is way too pale and light and does not possess any shading. On the model, I sense a lot unneeded polygons and lots of bad wrap. The animation is a joke...




16:04, 30th Jun 2011

The texture you 'made' is not very wc3-stylish and is way too pale and light and does not possess any shading.
On the model, I sense a lot unneeded polygons and lots of bad wrap.
The animation is a joke.
Good idea, but horrible execution.