Wolverabid Fund

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Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
Hello everybody
I just spoke with Wolverabid's sister for two hours.
Basically Wolverabid is down and need money to start up again. Without car insurance and phone it's hard to get back up.
I have therefore started a fund for everyone to donate. I will be sending the money to his sister and she will make sure he spends the money on exactly that.
I will chip in some myself. I don't know exactly how much, maybe 100-200$
Anyway. If you can, please do.
Users will be awarded with the same donor awards as if you donated to Hive.

Please also write a letter for him here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f478/wolverabid-letter-part-106172/#post897968

Xarwin - 50$
Squiggy - 20$
ragingspeedhorn - 15$
Grim_labour - 20$
Cavman - 10$
DarkDenizen - 40$
Sum: 155$

To Add:
Pyritie - 40$
Ralle - 65$ (I promised 100$ if Grim_labour donated 100$ but he didn't, so I ended sending 65$)
redmarine - 40$
Sum: 145$

Real Sum: 300$

Grim_labour - 140$
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Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
The letter has been posted. His sister has something to say:
Wolverabid's Sis said:
To My Big Brother,

Please don't be angry with me for being truthful. Your truthfulness along with many other characteristics (i.e intelligence, kindness, respectfulness, humbleness, sense of humor, etc, etc) is what makes me proud to be your sister! You just need to get off your ass and make it happen.

Your in deep poo poo so please listen and take the advise of your online community of friends, they are truly a remarkable group and I'd say they care about you as much as I do. It just goes to show you that what goes around comes around, all you have to do is ask. Luv Ya Bunches! xoxo

Dear Hive Community,

Thank you, thank you and thank you again! I appreciate your help so much and as always I'll do my best to make sure Wolverabid gets the help he so deserves.

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