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Will it be 16+?

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Level 14
Nov 25, 2004
:) you should

well, if it becomes 16+, or even worse, 18+, blizzard would lose around 50% of it's community (starcraft and warcraft are usually played by 14-18 years old). we may not care, but i've heard that some countries are really strict on the age limit (germany?)
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Yeah well.. i mean Warhammer 40k is 16+ .. so i dont rly get that.. and with SC2 i saw all those movies of marines getting killed by protoss dudes and exploding with a lot of blood and arms and legs flying around.. I like it ^^ Was just curious about the age :p
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Y they are trying to get it to T-level. But i want the zergies to be nasty =)

Anyways, because of some kids playing Cod2 (Which is 16+) i get trouble with irritating admins. Like i was swearing on a server and they forbid swearing because there are 11 year olds playing? like fuck those stupid kids lol its a game for 16+ so let me swear or get lost? that didnt make sense at all o_O.. i dont care for the age limitation on anything but in that kind of situation i would say to the dude whos playing it that he does it an his own risk and not some stupid persons who care about them not having them to say fuck all the time but instead watching to how people get killed? burned corspes? blabla?.. they are dumb.. they must die -___-
Level 24
Sep 3, 2007
So is here :p I know you are from Romania, but serbia is probably balkanian centre of pyracy/hacked games, made to be played online. We have no age limit (actually we do by low, but no one cares about it) so in PC clubs, a 5 year old kid can play doom3. Though that is rather a stupid idea.

here in Bosnia is absolutely the same situation... man, a 6 year boy comes and buys Doom :slp:
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
We're a little more strict (You can't buy a game rated M or 17+ unless you are that age,. and it's a mssive fine if you're caught selling a game to someone when they aren't that age), but most kids just have parents buy the games for them. The parents don't know anything about the game, the content, and the guy behind the counter usually doesn't care enough to inform them.
We're a little more strict (You can't buy a game rated M or 17+ unless you are that age,. and it's a mssive fine if you're caught selling a game to someone when they aren't that age), but most kids just have parents buy the games for them. The parents don't know anything about the game, the content, and the guy behind the counter usually doesn't care enough to inform them.

Well my sister lives in Canada too, she said they are strict in that as well, but she also said that they inform you of the game ratings when you buy it. [She lives in Toronto, btw, maybe a state difference?, or simply a different seller]
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Toronto is roughly an hour and 30 minutes from where I live. No difference in province, it's just up the highway a bit.

And yeah, they do every now and then (Wal-Mart is notorious for this), but places like EB Games don't usually care. Maybe that's because most of the people (I'd say all of them but you neve rcan be too sure) working there are gamers, and they know how it is when something comes between a gamer and his/her games.
Level 7
Feb 25, 2007
Even if you are under age it doesn't matter. Who here acctually obides by the ratings? I was around 10 or 9 when I bought warcraft. And around 6 when me and my brother bought SC and Diablo. Like someone said earlier their parents buy it for them. The parents don't look inless their really REALLY strict. So to be honest anyone can get any game for their parents don't care and are definatly over 18.
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