Im trying to make a tree that looks a certain way(i wanna change the size)and i see no way to edit the trees/destrcutables so I try to edit a tree that is in the enviroment section.When iI try to change the model either says 'cannot load (the model name) and puts a pink box :x ...and when i try it som times with a different shows me a white tree(in-game and in-editor).Anyone know how or why it is happening this way and how do i make a tree that isnt white? :roll:
Is there any negative effects from having LOTS of doodads in your map?If so..what are they and what can i do to fix it besides deleting some?
How do I get durability on items(making them not add thier damaage/defense/etc. making them usless untill repaired).How to make items have visual durability checker.And how would i make them repairable using a merchant.
I'm not using alot of flaming doodads..just trees and fences and stuff.
I still dont know what you mean by..."That's happens when youselect the wrong .mdl file in the object editor for the trees.Its an easy fix."....then how do I make a tree bigger and smaller and other stuff that I can't do when i select the object editor and the only files I can select don't include Trees/Destructables(Meaning:When I click "Create New Custom Doodad" And try to choose the base Model File and other properties,I can't select Trees/Destructables.And I can't edit the regular Trees/Destructables on the standard doodads list).I just wanna make the old gray tree that Blood Raven stands under in Diablo2/LOD looks most like the tree she stands by;Tall,No leaves,Just plain old
Any ideas of how to do that?
Not only can i not post anywaye les that still given me NO FREAKING INFO OF HOW TO MAKE A TRREE!
Is there any negative effects from having LOTS of doodads in your map?If so..what are they and what can i do to fix it besides deleting some?
How do I get durability on items(making them not add thier damaage/defense/etc. making them usless untill repaired).How to make items have visual durability checker.And how would i make them repairable using a merchant.
I'm not using alot of flaming doodads..just trees and fences and stuff.
I still dont know what you mean by..."That's happens when youselect the wrong .mdl file in the object editor for the trees.Its an easy fix."....then how do I make a tree bigger and smaller and other stuff that I can't do when i select the object editor and the only files I can select don't include Trees/Destructables(Meaning:When I click "Create New Custom Doodad" And try to choose the base Model File and other properties,I can't select Trees/Destructables.And I can't edit the regular Trees/Destructables on the standard doodads list).I just wanna make the old gray tree that Blood Raven stands under in Diablo2/LOD looks most like the tree she stands by;Tall,No leaves,Just plain old
Any ideas of how to do that?
Not only can i not post anywaye les that still given me NO FREAKING INFO OF HOW TO MAKE A TRREE!