Axe throw Cast
- Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to Shuriken Toss
- -------- /!\ WARNING : Do not spam this spell or it will result in a huge glitch and an abuse of axes being thrown /!\ --------
- -------- The minimal cooldown for this spell should be the same real as "AT_TimeCasting" for each level. --------
- -------- The spell also requires to be channeled to work. You need to set the correct duration in the Spell Editor (1 second for each axe). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Adds one more caster casting "Axe throw". --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_IntegerCasting1 = (AT_IntegerCasting1 + 1)
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the Integer to the caster. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_Caster[AT_IntegerCasting1] = (Triggering unit)
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the spell's level. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_Level[AT_IntegerCasting1] = (Level of Shuriken Toss for AT_Caster[AT_IntegerCasting1])
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- The following sets the damages and the number of axe which will be thrown. --------
- -------- Damages per second are determined by this simple operation : (DAMAGES SET)*33.33 --------
- -------- The 33.33 coef coresponds to the 0.03 interval from the "Axe moving Loop" trigger --------
- -------- i.e. : for the first level, the damages done per second are : 12.5*33.33 = 416.625 --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- If you need to apply aditionnal levels, simply copy/paste one of the --------
- -------- "If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)" --------
- -------- and match the correct integer/reals as seen on the following ones. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- AT_Level[AT_IntegerCasting1] Equal to 1
Then - Actions
- -------- Set the damages caused by the axe(s) for this level --------
- Set AT_Damages[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 50.00
- -------- Set the total number of axes thrown for this level --------
- Set AT_NumberAxesRemaining[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 1
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- AT_Level[AT_IntegerCasting1] Equal to 2
Then - Actions
- -------- Set the damages caused by the axe(s) for this level --------
- Set AT_Damages[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 75.00
- -------- Set the total number of axes thrown for this level --------
- Set AT_NumberAxesRemaining[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 2
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- AT_Level[AT_IntegerCasting1] Equal to 3
Then - Actions
- -------- Set the damages caused by the axe(s) for this level --------
- Set AT_Damages[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 100.00
- -------- Set the total number of axes thrown for this level --------
- Set AT_NumberAxesRemaining[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 3
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- AT_Level[AT_IntegerCasting1] Equal to 4
Then - Actions
- -------- Set the damages caused by the axe(s) for this level --------
- Set AT_Damages[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 125.00
- -------- Set the total number of axes thrown for this level --------
- Set AT_NumberAxesRemaining[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 4
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Makes the axes destroying trees or not (True = yes, false = no). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_DestroyTrees[AT_IntegerCasting1] = False
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Allows the axes to go over cliffs. (True = yes, false = no). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AllowCliffs[AT_IntegerCasting1] = True
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Allows the axes to go over water. (True = yes, false = no). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AllowWater[AT_IntegerCasting1] = True
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Allows the axes to go over buildings. (True = yes, false = no). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AllowBuildings[AT_IntegerCasting1] = True
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the angle where the caster will throw his axes. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_TempPoint = (Position of AT_Caster[AT_IntegerCasting1])
- Set AT_TempPoint2 = (Target point of ability being cast)
- Set AT_AngleMove[AT_IntegerCasting1] = (Angle from AT_TempPoint to AT_TempPoint2)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_AT_TempPoint)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_AT_TempPoint2)
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the time for casting (based on the caster speed animation (here, Rexxar)). --------
- -------- (0.300 + 0.700 (seen in the Object Editor)) --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_TimerCasting[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 1.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets area of effect of the axes (This AoE affects the units). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AoE1Axe[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 128.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets area of effect of the axes (This AoE affects trees). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AoE2Axe[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 120.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets area of effect of the axes (This AoE corresponds to the Caster's size, when the axes will collide on him while returning). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AoE3Axe[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 60.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the blood effect when the axes hurt the units. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_BloodEffect[AT_IntegerCasting1] = Abilities\Weapons\HydraliskImpact\HydraliskImpact.mdl
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the effect when an axe bumps into a wall (cliff) --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_BumpEffect[AT_IntegerCasting1] = Abilities\Weapons\RexxarMissile\RexxarMissile.mdl
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the distance where the axe will spawn from the caster (needs to be at least 0.01 more than the AoE >CASTER< range). --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_DistanceAxe[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 61.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets how fast the speed of the axe will decrease. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AxeSpeedDecreasement[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 1.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the starting speed movement. (The 2 variables must be the same.) --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_AxeSpeedCurrent[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 41.00
- Set AT_AxeSpeedDefault[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 41.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Sets the timer directly to 1.00, so that the first axe is instantly thrown. --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Set AT_TimerElapsedCasting[AT_IntegerCasting1] = 1.00
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- -------- Adds the caster to casters group --------
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
- Unit Group - Add AT_Caster[AT_IntegerCasting1] to AT_Group
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- AT_IntegerCasting2 Equal to 0
Then - Actions
- Trigger - Turn on Axe throw Casting <gen>
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Set AT_IntegerCasting2 = (AT_IntegerCasting2 + 1)
- Custom script: call ExecuteFunc( "KB3D_Registration" )