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What about creating Starcraft and mean it ?!!

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Level 2
Feb 19, 2005
Hello. I am Flemming from Denmark. I have been experiencing the world editor for some years now. I have been making some small projects and I think I am ready to finally create something "real". Though I am no programmer, I know much about the editor and I got the ideas. My other weakness is, that I´m also no designer. If I go work out this great project I need help. I have downloaded all the starcraft skins/models from this page but I still need much more created. If you interested, you should mail me or message me in here. My mail is: [email protected] <-- this is also my MSN. Now excuse me, I got work to do :')
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
To be fair: the revolutionsthing is pretty bad...

Good: Models and textures etc. Rock hard!

Bad: Waiting... when it is finally finished, nobody will be playing W III (they have been working for 3 years now, and on modelssection: many protossmodels, yet not even 25% of the zerg/terranmodels have been finished.
Bad: They're making NO changes to the original (the marine/zergmodel is new, tough the marine/hydralisk from warcraft III look better in my eyes). When you select units, you still get the yellow pictures of the units as in starcraft (which could have been coloured icons as in warcraft III)
Bad: the only real difference is 3D. Yes, a huge difference, it will look better, but my problem is: they're trying toooo hard to make project revolutons just like starcraft... I think there won't even be real heroes, which would be véry bad (if there will be: what spells will the makers give to them?)

Don't flame on me if I'm wrong or my opinion crosses with yours, this is my opinion, and I think I'll be dead by the time I'll play revolutions...
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