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weapon switching

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Level 2
May 1, 2004
my character in a multiplayer map (8 of them) has four weapons (work like shockwave) but can have only one at once. So there are eight abilities I have made: weapons 1-4 and acitvate weapons 1-4. I can't make it work so that when you use an "activate" skill, the character loses the current weapon, gains the "activate" for that, the loses the cast "activate skill and gains the new weapon skill.
Level 3
Aug 27, 2004
sorry but i dont get it.
i could follow this: "my character in a multiplayer map (8 of them) has four weapons (work like shockwave) but can have only one at once." :p

at the moment i could just tell you that you can add special effects to hands and foots with triggers.
but i dont know if you mean that. please explain a little more.
btw you cant change the weapon look itself, that means for example you cant remove the sword from a footman and give him an axe.
but since i dont know exactly what you wanna do i better wait for more info.
i also heard in this forum that when you add a ability via triggers you cant level that ability, but i am not sure if that is true, i havent tried it myself yet.
Level 2
May 1, 2004
ok, let me try to explain. There are eight spells total, four attacks and four dummies. This character has, at one time, one spell that does damage and three dummies. Each of the dummies says "activate ...". When you press a dummy, I want the current damage spell to vanish(remove ability) and be replaced by the other, until now unused dummy(add ability). Then the dummy you pressed vanishes and is replaced by a damage spell. I don't need to change models or anything. I have a way to do it but I think it will lag(uses a bunh of if...thens. The problem is that it must work for 8 players with one trigger.
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
1) Base the spells off different abilities that can be turned on/off. (Defend, Spell Defense, etc.)
2) Under the field Art - Caster, insert the path for the appropriate weapon. Insert the appropriate attachment points.
4) When a unit is issused an order that activates one of the weapons, order it to deactivate the others.

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