I am working on a Hero Wars map that uses tft features. I used the USMWE 4.1 editor to do al l the triggers and stuff. I just downloaded WE Unlimited because i need some triggers for enhancing spells that are only in WE Unlimited. When i open the map in WE Unlimited and try to save it (without making any changes), it saves it as expansion--Saying that advanced expansion only triggers are being used in the map (I DIDNT MAKE ANY CHANGES!!). But if i open the map in USMWE 4.1 it keeps it in Roc. [A]Is there any way that WE Unlimited wont change the map to expansion?????[/B] I've seen some maps like Hero Line Wars that uses the WE Unlimited trigger (Unit-damage unit to be specific) . Also, i was able to get rid off the first message by extracting all .slk files and changing the version to 0 (roc). Is there any way so the any WE Unlimited triggers can be used to make a RoC map????