Hi, i need help with this script (Warcraft 2: 2nd Generation -Strategy Master)
Because the Mod is not be worked on any more and i want to play it in Lan, without this bug:
When Player1 open the "Build Structure"-Button, the construction-menu is also open for allied Player 2.
Does anyone have a solution for this or a better script ?
Because the Mod is not be worked on any more and i want to play it in Lan, without this bug:
When Player1 open the "Build Structure"-Button, the construction-menu is also open for allied Player 2.
Does anyone have a solution for this or a better script ?
function Advanced_Build takes unit caster,integer buildtype returns nothing
local integer new_builder_id= 0
local unit new_builder= null
local player p= GetOwningPlayer(caster)
if buildtype == cgm_HADVBUILD then
set new_builder_id=cgm_ADVPEASANT
elseif buildtype == cgm_OADVBUILD then
set new_builder_id=cgm_ADVPEON
elseif buildtype == cgm_HSTDBUILD then
set new_builder_id=cgm_PEASANT
set new_builder_id=cgm_PEON
if GetUnitTypeId(caster) != new_builder_id then
set new_builder=ReplaceWorkerWJ(caster , new_builder_id)
call SelectUnitAddForPlayer(new_builder, p)
set new_builder=caster
//call TriggerSleepAction( 0.10 )
// call GroupAddUnitSimple( new_builder, spg_UNITGRPAdvancedBuildCommand )
call IssueImmediateOrderBJ(new_builder, "build")
set new_builder=null
set p=null
function Trgs_Worker_Advanced_Build_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == cgm_HADVBUILD or GetSpellAbilityId() == cgm_OADVBUILD or GetSpellAbilityId() == cgm_HSTDBUILD or GetSpellAbilityId() == cgm_OSTDBUILD
function Trgs_Worker_Advanced_Build_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call Advanced_Build(GetSpellAbilityUnit() , GetSpellAbilityId())
function InitTrgs_Worker_Advanced_Build takes nothing returns nothing
set trg_Worker_Advanced_Build=CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg_Worker_Advanced_Build, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST)
call TriggerAddCondition(trg_Worker_Advanced_Build, Condition(function Trgs_Worker_Advanced_Build_Conditions))
call TriggerAddAction(trg_Worker_Advanced_Build, function Trgs_Worker_Advanced_Build_Actions)