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New Icon model made by me : Warqueen by Tarrasque

Warqueen (Icon)

Level 30
Jul 18, 2024
Un clásico certificado de Jigrael. Un buen ícono ( aunque ¿estoy loco? ¿No muchos íconos de héroes tienen el color del equipo? ) (aparentemente algunos sí lo tienen (Archimago, Rey de la Montaña, Cacique Tauren), aunque la mayoría no en los ojos. Suelen hacerlos blancos/amarillos, rara vez con pupilas. De todos modos).
I've noticed those details in the remastered Warcraft icons, they really have subtle colorful backgrounds whether it's a hero or a unit, there are some users who overlay those colors for the heroes and for my taste that partially covers the details and the full image of the icon, in my opinion, this is how the classic Warcraft icons look, I try not to make them look so realistic, to fit in with the aesthetics of the game, here is an example of the original remastered icon to support what I think :

troll reference.jpg
I've noticed those details in the remastered Warcraft icons, they really have subtle colorful backgrounds whether it's a hero or a unit, there are some users who overlay those colors for the heroes and for my taste that partially covers the details and the full image of the icon, in my opinion, this is how the classic Warcraft icons look, I try not to make them look so realistic, to fit in with the aesthetics of the game, here is an example of the original remastered icon to support what I think :

View attachment 508344
you're right about colored background. The rifleman icon even got blue hood in the icon, since it can change teamcolor, it's the only example I can think of, but I saw red background in the WC3 someone had it but I dont remember who