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Warhammer 40k space marines

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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Hi ! i have a request for some warhammer 40000 Space marines as seen in the PC game Dawn of Warhammer 40000 and the table top game made by Games Workshop.

Models wanted:
I need 2 models, one as a standard Space marine and another as a Terminator elite space marine.

For those who don't know the warhammer universe:
s Warhammer 40,000 universe, a gothic, dystopian far future. Humanity has forged a large galaxy spanning empire, The Imperium, with the Immortal Emperor as humanity's leader and God. The Imperium is in a state of constant war with a multitude of alien aggressors, including the Orks and Eldar. In addition, humanity is waging a constant war against those that were once their brethren: fallen members of humanity who now serve the gods of Chaos and seek only to destroy the Imperium of Man.[5]
(from wikipedia)

Edit: I have Games Workshop stuff too now !:
In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, Mankind teeters upon the brink of extinction. The galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by ravening aliens, and threatened from within by malevolent creatures and heretic rebels. Only the strength of the Immortal Emperor of Terra stands between Humanity and its annihilation. Dedicated to His service are the countless warriors, agents and myriad servants of the Imperium. Foremost amongst them stand the Space Marines, mentally and physically engineered to be the supreme fighting force, the ultimate protectors of Mankind.

Wars rage over airless moons, in the dark, twisted depths of hive worlds and in the cold wastes between stars. From the immaterial realm of warp space, malicious entities send their unspeakable minions to slaughter the Emperor's chosen. Everywhere, soulless spectres and slavering monsters are poised to extinguish the life of Humanity.

Space marines themselves, as explained in the info-packet are the human empires armoured fist, striking hard fast and mercilessly.
even MORE information on them can be found here:

And now... for pictures !









Here are the terminators (the above dudes were standard space marines)

Heres a picture of a few 'termies with an assault cannon.

Yess its very pathetic amount of pictures, with any luck i can find some (good) art assets to add.

But thats basicly what i want.

Specifics: i want the space marine with a Bolter (the marines in (most) of the pictures there have them, ill get around to eliminating useless ones)

The terminator, well thats a different story, either an assault cannon (hand held minigun) or a storm bolter would be cool (SMG adaptation of the bolter, 2 barrels, wrist attached if i remember right)

One of the major downfalls of space marine models is that they are chapter specific, so i want mine team coloured on all major peices of armour (excluding kit peices, eye peices ect)

Beyond that everythings game, I'd personaly recomend just editing the existing marine model, most of it is preety accurate besides the chest and head.

Edit: scratch the terminator part, i just got a bunch

Edit: Just some elaboration, the map im planning to make is a loap map, and therefore is BASED off another map, as i do not have the original authors permission i therefore cannot post the map and so i cannot post screens.

Furthermore the map WILL be made should i recieve models

I also here World of Warhammer 40k needs some too, so if not me, make it for them. Link to the thread very soon.
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
No i meant the original model for that skin, it was made for a model called Chaos marine or something, it got removed from Wc3sear.ch like 1-2 years ago.

This is a red skin for the chaos space marine model.

Besides its a chaos marine, i wanted the good version.

Furthermore, the chaos space marine model didnt even look like the games workshop one, instead it was a very small edit of the model and a retexture of the oringinal Wc3 marine, so really much of the model was simply "wrong" mainly in the chest/head area.

Not only that but it is side specific, i wanted one with teamcolour, to represent many chapters of space marines.

So, in conclusion, a new custom model would have to be made, should someone sign on for it.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Elenai: No hijacking my thread ! If you want those eldar so much then make your own request, or model for that matter.
However, i can see the true purpose of that post, you want these models as much as i do, and this is good, the more intrest we get on this, the better chance these models will get done.

Mechanical Man: i was thinking it would be nice for the entire community to use, the options we have now are ... not adequate... For me personaly, if i had those models you bet I'd make a map about them. I had been planning a map for them in fact, but i decided not to act untill i had at least a basic space marine, the terminator would be nice too, but im happy with a standard space marine if thats not too much.

An example of a (good) map that needs models like this would be Warhammer 40k TD.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Hmm aye i think i understand your plight.

After some talk over in chat ive narrowed what needs to be done:
Take the base marine model from Wc3
Replace the head with a space marine helmet
Add a backpack
Change the chest to at the very least have no lights and at most have the 2 headed eagle featured in the screen shots
Then finaly either make the unit hold nothing or have a bolter assault rifle

And thats it ! that is all that is needed to make a standard space marine, a terminator is much more complicated !
Level 35
May 22, 2007
I think the main point is to make the models look as much like the original 40k models as possible, the Terran marines and UTN dont look like their equivenets. The Terran marines looks similar but lacks much of what is needed to be a Space Marines of the Emperor, IE: purity tags, bolter, the helmet, the eagle, skulls, a hammer perhaps, ect. The UTN dont have the guard look, IE: lasguns, skulls, the proper helmet. With General franks permission or him doing it himself, you could easily make it look like the junk yard orcs of 40k, though it might be a little difficult.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Mechanical man, please read my post :

After some talk over in chat ive narrowed what needs to be done:
Take the base marine model from Wc3
Replace the head with a space marine helmet
Add a backpack
Change the chest to at the very least have no lights and at most have the 2 headed eagle featured in the screen shots
Then finaly either make the unit hold nothing or have a bolter assault rifle

And thats it ! that is all that is needed to make a standard space marine, a terminator is much more complicated !

Besides, the request is for space marines, i already have about 3-4 suitable guard models and im sure you all can think of even better ones, however at the momment we lack any good Space Marine models, with the changes i mentioned in the quoted message the Space marine would look satisfactory.

I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for you people, i provide MANY pictures concepts and info-packets, i give you a good solid idea but allow for your own style to be prevalent in the final product, i give you an easy way to make a space marine, and all i want is just a little bit of slack here. C'mon guys, ive done about all i can think of to make this request work, why then does it seem that it will never be done ?

PS: now that you mention it, we actualy do have a good tau firewarrior in the database ! ill link to it if you guys want

Ghost765: Yeah, the most recent marines have that sort of "evil vader" look to them, which is awesome!
(and another reason why i wont accept the existing marine)
I would make eldar models my self, but I am an mdl editor vertex modeler, I need base models in order to create such models.

You can use gmax. And I can animate if you finish it.

Massive_attack said:
PS: now that you mention it, we actualy do have a good tau firewarrior in the database ! ill link to it if you guys want

Level 7
Apr 23, 2007
finally somebody requests 40k marines

Massive a good way to get all the different variations of space marines you'll need is to have somebody make a marine without a helmet, backpack, or a weapon that way you won't have to import 7 bifferent models for the variations you need.

btw could u tell me where to get the terminators
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
in real life ? a modelling store i guess.

In Wc3/wc3 modeling sites ? soory, there isnt any thats kind of why i made this request.

Also: a marine without all that stuff isnt a space marine really.

Id be happy with just one kind of helmet thanks, you can pick one from the bunch of pictures i provided.

As for the weapon thing... nah just a bolter would be nice.

Why would a space marine not wear his backpack ? the only marines that do that are scouts, and im not requesting them.

I dont need any variations actualy, all i want is a marine with a bolter and a terminator with either an assault cannon or a storm bolter.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
Days like this make me wish I could model..

Anyways..I had a space marine(Blood Angels, to be exact) skin SOMEWHERE, but I'm not sure if I still do. If I, good lord willing, come across it, I'll send it to you.

Just for clarification, I didn't MAKE the skin..I just HAVE it.
Level 7
Apr 23, 2007
well ya but i love assault marines and if you leave off the back pack you could attach a jump pack instead

also if they had their equipment separate with the main armor team colored then you could attach shoulder pads with different chapter iconography

regardless is it going to pre or post Horus Heresy and can i have a link when its done :) 40k FTW

i remem a while ago sum1 gave a link to a DoW predater which was team colored and obviously a rip :( .
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Kaboom master is nice that you love assault marines, but its ALOT easier just to leave them out, the request is for 2 models, no variations no nothing, just 2 models okay ? i dont want to ask for any complicated attachment system none of that crap, just a few models that are as simple as possible.

Edit: (post horus heresy, most recent rendition of the marines, newest ones)

The DoW predator has more than 1000 kb filesize i dont know about you but i consider that bullshit IMO.
Please someone make these.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
man i just downloaded the demo for warhammer 40k...omg its so gay ass fun!!!!!! its better than wc3... maybe i should use warhammer models instead of sc marines in my map if some1 makes em.... hey massive attack if ur map ever finishes and its a multi player map can i test it?
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
This thread is not about my map ! i fully intend to have these be PUBLICLY AVAILABLE MODELS as soon as they are ready, they wont be specificaly for my project but will simply be included in it.

But because i respect your questions,

1: its a bit hard to make my kind of map on earth, and therefore the player cannot go to the golden throne.

HOWEVER, the players will be on a hive/forge world, and will be able to go to MULTIPLE gothic churches (some with interiors others with simple exteriors) But that would be after the sides would be finalized balanced and the story created.

Plus, i am currently on vacation for 2 weeks, the map is hardly made and i have limited computer access.

Edit: and about the metal terrain thing, yess i probably should add it, if you could link me to a few skins of it that would be nice.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
gothic churches? golden throne? hive/forge worlds? KNOWLEDGE OVERLOAD!! KNOWLEDGE OVERLOAD!! CANNOT COMPUTE REPEAT CANNOT COMPUTE!! ABORT!! ABORT ABORT ABORT!! ABORTION COMPLETE. ok. golden throne is where the immortal emperor is right? and its like a loap is it not? since u stated that in ur first post... well anyways... SOME1 MAKE THE F*CKING MODELS SOON.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Yess, fuck my retarded map, someone better get on topic or i'll call werewulf to delete unneccicary posts, Fact is im not the only one who could use these so please lend a helping hand will ya ?

edit: Ghost, wikipedia is your friend :
Read the " hive world " section.
Also check out Dan Abnets novel: Acropolis, which features hive worlds and hive combat at its core.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
To be erm honest here i dont think anyone would miss me here if i suddenly died, oh well ive certainly found a niche in this forum for being a hater and leech.

Meh, i just wish someone would make it, but hey if they dont, i dont care, just one less map i have to make. I would aprreciate it if someone did however.

About the map: We already fucking went over this enough okay ? i dont have it, its not in a playable state, and you would hate it even if it was allright ?
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
The marine is a reskin
The tank has i huge filesize, making it useless (besides, did i ASK for a tank ? nope)

The other doodad models i dont need

O and btw: we dont support model rips
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