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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Ale_tuskarr
-Heroes Cost 1 lumber
-Heroes made stronger
-20 waves
Future updates:
-More gold
-New Heroes
-New spells
Visit http://www.wc3s.smfnew.com for more info

Hero Defence

Warglaves (Map)

03:14, 18th Sep 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected Overall quality is too low.




03:14, 18th Sep 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

Overall quality is too low.
Level 3
Aug 10, 2009
Ok I dont understand what you were thinking when you uploaded this.."map" on hive.

First of all it ISN'T PLAYABLE! The heroes cost more gold than you already have!

MANY typos! Please open some dictionary or something when writing the description because this is totally lame...

The description on hive is also pathetic...no more comments there...

I believe that you should leave World Editor and go do something else because apparently you are not so good.
Last edited:
Level 2
Aug 11, 2009
Well....I agree with Coier.So it means Not PlaYable....Re-think it and please ,test it with friends on b.net or something before posting it here..0/5
Level 8
Apr 13, 2006
Ok, maybe he is new to WE you don't have to be so mean.

I didn't play the map but "heroes being too expensive" can be easily fixed and he also mentioned that this is a WIP. Also, he just asked your opinion if the map Idea is good and if he should continue working on it.

I agree that you shouldn't have posted the map because it's unplayable, but you should post a thread in the WIP section of the forums.

I'm not going to rate it because I haven't tested it, but if you think that it can become a fun map or maybe just for the practice, you should continue with it as long as you want.
Level 7
Mar 29, 2009
It isn't that bad. maybe 1/5. But fix one thing. Make the heroes cost 1 lumber and make a trigger so everyone starts with 1 lumber.
You should add a shop or two with items. If you know how to make item recipes, (If you know how to do it) then you should do that too!
You should improve the description.
If it's going to be fun, then the map needs heroes with custom skills. If you don't want to make custom abilities, then just take the ones that are for other heroes and mix the abilities. You should also change the abilities you use if they are the normal ones. You should add more waves!
And you have to do something that makes the map interesting.
I want you to update the map and make it better!
If you need help with anything, just ask!

EDIT: sorry, didn't see the shop, but you should make more items. Some damage items and permanent attribute items.
as I sad the map is a beta its only if i should go on with it or is it just time wasting...And yes I saw the gold/hero cost problem to late I will update the map soon with some fixes and yes it is my map the terrain and some triggers arent made by me and I am sorry for uploading such a if we can call it a "map" and yes maybe I should post it in development section...And this beta was made for single player so that you type in "greedisgood" and play!
The updata will be soon...
It isn't that bad. maybe 1/5. But fix one thing. Make the heroes cost 1 lumber and make a trigger so everyone starts with 1 lumber.
You should add a shop or two with items. If you know how to make item recipes, (If you know how to do it) then you should do that too!
You should improve the description.
If it's going to be fun, then the map needs heroes with custom skills. If you don't want to make custom abilities, then just take the ones that are for other heroes and mix the abilities. You should also change the abilities you use if they are the normal ones. You should add more waves!
And you have to do something that makes the map interesting.
I want you to update the map and make it better!
If you need help with anything, just ask!

EDIT: sorry, didn't see the shop, but you should make more items. Some damage items and permanent attribute items.
The shop is in the middle I will add some shops near the starting position of the player...