• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.

WarCraft Maul: Complete 1.4


- Added New Race
- Added New Difficulty Settings
- Added Difficulty Ratings For Each Race
- Added Chaos BladeMaster (new chaos orcs tower)
- Added Silver Arrow (new Ultron tower)
- Added Fire Lord (new Tavern tower)
- Fixed Arachnid Main Building Size (same as all the others now)
- Fixed Arachnid Builder (now summons like others)
- Fixed Dreanei Builder (now summons like others)
- Fixed Corrupted NE Towers Being Able To Build Anywhere
- Fixed Hapry Scout Being Inplace of Naga Tower
- Fixed Drenai Towers Still Doing Dmg To Each Other (should no longer happen :D)
- Fixed Arachnid Worker Not Counting As A Worker
- Fixed a few minor spelling mistakes 'arrack' (PoopOnUrPorch)
- Changed Dreadlord attack model (was laggy and annoying)
- Changed Some Of The Arachnid Icons
- Changed Arachnid Webcasters Ability To On By Default
- Reduced Cost of the Corrupted NE Den (Shelbmonster)
- Reduced Spiderling Range
- Reduced Jake's Dmg
- Reduced Corrupt Moonwell Dmg
- Reduced Corrupted Fountain of LIfe Dmg
- Reduced Model Sizes Of Multiple Larger Towers Such As The Corrupted Fountain of Life
- Removed Poison from Arachnid Towers
- Increased Corrupt NE Wisp Selection Size (shoudl be a little easier to select)
- Fixed Fire Pandaren not doing the amount of dmg it should
- Fixed Corrupted Warden not doing the amount of dmg it should
- Fixed Corrupted Shandris attack range, ment to be 1000 not 100
- Gnoll Warden now has chaos dmg
- Reworked the Corrupted NE again as splash

WarCraft Maul: Complete 1.4 (Map)
