We would very much like to collaborate, my husband Malpheus is coordinating development of several WC3 RTS remakes such as War of the 12 Kingdoms (Under Development), War of the Lost Kingdoms (Terrained/Pathed awaiting further development/programmer), Rise of Empires (Under Development), and Broken Alliances (Very Soon).
You can see more of my work/contact me at Milpheus.com, and you can contact him at his Brokenalliances.com site, his sc2eagle.com site, or on skype as Malpheus.
We have quite a few mods already published for our use, but would love to share some ideas and perhaps even swap some projects between us from time to time. We've been following and are very big fans of your work, we're pretty much right on your heels data-wise, just GAH! that much work is impressive, good tedious work on your parts, well earned beauty unfolding as a product!