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Want Terrainer, possibly long term

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Level 8
Sep 1, 2009
Right uh, I need a terrain guy that is good, you don't have to be the best, but ok would be nice. I need someone who can do Forests, Deserts, Villages, a wide variety of things. If you could link me a piece of your work, so i can tell that your good, that would be appreciated, since i wont go on words alone. What i need at this moment is a good forest terrain, with little amount of imports as possible if you need them. And a village. The map is going to be a Medieval Life thing, but no, not a ripoff of LOAP, since that game sucks, a lot. I will edit what i need in the terrain, so i don't want someone who will be pissed that i edit the terrain either. Also, i am quite willing for you to change any part of the map, as long as i can edit it to my tastes. I will send you my map so you can edit it as you please to make the terrain as good as possible. You may also change the positions of regions and units, as i will just edit the triggers afterwards. If you do, +rep, and your going on the starting screen, and quest log.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Nice description but this should be in project recruitment also even thought this is said just everywhere if you want a better chance to get a terrainer get to know people.
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