I wanted to create an attachment again, just a mundane one, not something special. This is the result, a quite simple dagger.
About the model:
This is just a mundane, common little dagger, seen very often in the hands of various people and creatures. It wide spread, from villagers up to military or assassin specialists. Villagers commonly carry it around as the main defense tool when wandering from one place to another, while most other bearers carry it as a concealed weapon for emergency, for example after being arrested or loosing their main weapon(s). This light-weight, cheap-made blade is extremely easy to come by, sold by nearly every blacksmith and weapon trader and occasionally by many others too. Its use is simple, and it can serve anybody well, not just experts. It also has many uses, starting from kitchen blade riching up to assassination tool. Although not the best weapon of choice, it can still cause severe damage if handled properly.
By downloading this ressource you receive 2 models: an actual model, which is the attachment version, and a portrait file, which is the item version (for drops). The attachment can be attached to both hands (left and right) and is made to fit models from the size of a villager up to the size of Arthas (common hero size).
Feel free to use it in any way you want. Have fun with it!
EDIT 1: re-uploaded it (very same model as before). The only reason for its initial rejection was due to a change in the portrait/complementary model field.
blade, dagger, simple dagger, attachment, weapon, knife, cutter, sharp edge
EDIT 2: updated the model so that it fits into the New Hive's rules. It now has a death anim. At the end of the death anim it disappears. I intentionally made the death anim be nearly as long as the death plus dissipate anim from heroes, so that it doesn't disappear akwardly during the wielder's death.
Also has now a rear-facing version of the attachment included, specifically made for models that use the Demon hunter's anims (named VileBladeReversed.mdx).