how can I end the game (with a victory) if the player destroyed all of the computers units. (There are no buildings on the map just a computer controlled Nightelf armee.)
I tried
event: unit - a unit dies
cond: number of living <soldiers> units owned by <player 2 (blue)> equals <0>
aktion: game - victory <player 1 (red)>
My problem is that in the condition I am asked for a particular unit type.
Thank you for your help
how can I end the game (with a victory) if the player destroyed all of the computers units. (There are no buildings on the map just a computer controlled Nightelf armee.)
I tried
event: unit - a unit dies
cond: number of living <soldiers> units owned by <player 2 (blue)> equals <0>
aktion: game - victory <player 1 (red)>
My problem is that in the condition I am asked for a particular unit type.
Thank you for your help