Basically a Vampirism spin-off, but with a big twist: the game is dependent on heroes more than towers. The story is basically when five demons are unleashed onto Earth, where six zealots reside. First, they must find an angel beacon where they are transformed into Angels. Then, they begin building a base for themselves to protect themselves from demons. The demons must work together (tank, healer, ranged DPS, melee DPS, AoE) and blow bases down. Teamwork is an important factor. The angels must survive for 30 minutes, when the sixth demon is released into the world: the Archdevil. He is a little of every class and extremely powerful. Fortunately, if the Angels are strong enough and have trained against many creeps and demons, they can kill the Archdevil (controlled by the computer). This comes with it's own personal reward, as the angel who strikes the killing blow turns into an Archangel, a much powerful angel. Takes the tanking from other Vampires and can make an invulnerabillity/snare field as an ultimate. Items can be bought from different buildings, and the towers are based on a system: