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Uther's Party Ultima-Q secret lich game...

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Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
Anywho has played Uther's party ultima-q version before, please tell how the HELL DO YOU GET THE DAMN LICH SECRET GAME!?

P.S Actually, as far as I got was taking the ??? Item on the cliff, and pass it to the lich, and make the waredn/assassin to 'assassinate' lich, then I typed '18346', and couldn't get further.
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Level 1
Jul 28, 2006
All i can tell you is, dont assisinate, give him the item, purge him then do the 18346 or watever. thats as far as i got, pushing him to the circle never worked
Level 5
Nov 17, 2005
Well, I found the item and gave it to the Lich - nothing happened. Then I purged him and he said "Who is it? Who is it?" and started to transform at least twice every second. Then I typed 18346, just as you guys did (btw, why 18346?), and he said "What was that? Can anyone hear me?". And that was as far as I got, just as somone. So what do you think the next step is? Obviously, you have to answer him somehow, right, but in chat or by some ability (like roar)?
Level 7
Nov 12, 2005
18346 is something people found by looking at the map's code...
i've heard that once you do all that you start the ghoul game and have a 25% chance to get the lich when you do this. however i never tested this and it sounds kind of impossible...
Level 1
Aug 10, 2006
Lich Game Solved!

Well, I've only done this once, so some of the steps may be unnessecary, or the final result may have a random chance of happening, but here's how I got the lich game.

1) Get the most points in the first 8 games, or give the winner these instructions.

2) Take the Pandaren Brewmaster, grab the item located at the top of the hill just behind him, and give said item to the Cursed Lich.

3) PURGE the Lich. Don't assassinate, PURGE.

4) Wait about 5 seconds, then type in 18346.

5) Use Archimonde's roar ability.

6) Wait about 10 seconds, then put ghoul on the platform.

This may or may not result in the winner of the 8 games having a Cursed Lich.

Here's some screenshots of the one time I've done this.



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Level 1
Aug 10, 2006
I played another round of the lich, still not as the host. I'm gonna do some more testing today...

I saved a replay of the game, if you want to see it, I'll try to put it on my MSN space. (See above for link).

If I have any breakthroughs, I'll let you know.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2006
Played 2 more rounds today. That brings my total up to 5.

I don't think you can be the host...

Remember to PURGE, not assassinate, and purge with the SEAL, not the satyr. Just realized you might have gotten that mixed up.

And roaring isn't necessary.

Also, approach the platform from the left-hand side. Probably doesn't do anything, but I've played it more from the left than I have from the right.

Check my space, I now have screenshots from FIVE occasions.

If you want a copy of a replay, send an email to: [email protected]

Level 2
May 27, 2006
It goes further than that. In the area above the game selection is a 'Ring of Loathing' hence why he says 'If only i had gotten my lucky ring'. However, i have no idea what to do with the ring after, as it blinks around character selection every time you try to.
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