Hi, there is a really cool Zerg unit here but it has no attack animation, well... the unit has an attack animation but it's hidden...
The creator gave instructions on how to add the animation which I have tried and I can't get it to work ingame.
He says you can add it by adding "Attack" to the animations list and setting the "From" and "to" fields, it works fine in the model editor but ingame the model just freezes.
Can anyone help please?
Model is here:
These are the creators instructions:
"I took out the above ground attack animations cause origionaly, the lurker had no above ground attack, only below ground. If you want one you can still add one. Open up in magos, go to the sequence manager, right click and create new sequence, then put in ;37100; for the;from; and;38100; for the to. Thats the attack animations, which is still on there."
Hi, there is a really cool Zerg unit here but it has no attack animation, well... the unit has an attack animation but it's hidden...
The creator gave instructions on how to add the animation which I have tried and I can't get it to work ingame.
He says you can add it by adding "Attack" to the animations list and setting the "From" and "to" fields, it works fine in the model editor but ingame the model just freezes.
Can anyone help please?
Model is here:
These are the creators instructions:
"I took out the above ground attack animations cause origionaly, the lurker had no above ground attack, only below ground. If you want one you can still add one. Open up in magos, go to the sequence manager, right click and create new sequence, then put in ;37100; for the;from; and;38100; for the to. Thats the attack animations, which is still on there."
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