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Understand or Not?

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Level 24
May 15, 2013
I'm having a little thought of this.
I've been watching others on how people see them, being different and weird, its like they don't understand them as you do.

So I have a question, do you ever get to be understood by others? Okay okay again, do people understand who you are, being different?
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
No one has truly understood me before, which I guess is a complaint many people have. even when I explain myself openly and honestly, people always respond with confusion. Sometimes I can not explain myself...myself, which just leaves an confused string of words that leaves everyone lost.

I can say however that I understand my friends, I'm able to complete their sentences and think what they are thinking before they think it. I don't think it's because I know them very well, it is simply because people are generic with their speech habits and in what they think.

For instance I use the work 'interesting' to convey many different meanings, which means if you were to ask me a question in real life that is insightful but hard to add my own input, I'll most likely say 'Interesting' and look very thoughtful even if I'm doing nothing but considering what to say next.

given the same situation a friend of mind will laugh somewhat hysterical and then pretend to understand as if he was following, his a bit stupid which is why he does this(my opinion). To mask his ignorance he laughs as a means of saying, 'I understand' when really he has no idea.

Another friend will make a pun or a quick quip and change the topic... I hate that because when you are on a topic it is because it is of interest to you. To suddenly change topic is jarring and as annoying as being ignored.

Anyhow as you can tell, people are a set mixture of responses and not really spontaneous. it is only when we consider our selves in the situation that we become self awe enough to respond with original thought.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
I agree with you.
I have the same thought as well. For you to be understood by others, you must understand them (but how can they understand you if there is ignorance in them, it's just one of the negatives I found in a person. Well I guess it's common for most people.)

Sometimes I see them pretending, like you said, they understand when they really have no idea. It's just some way to let them comfort you in my opinion, or that you just want to talk.
It hurts for me able to notice them pretending, I guess it's better not knowing they just go along or not.

Being ignored, for me, is rather the more annoying one (the awkwardness I guess). Changing topics is less annoying as it is, unless you're the one started of course. Out of these two, It's better not to think of them since people just forget about, moving on I guess.

In my view, the way how people understand just really depends on how selfish or selfless they are. But I really doubt that people can understand one another, it's just conflicting in their nature sometimes.
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