Unable to save map

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Level 4
May 21, 2010
Hello, i was working on my project last night and when i finished a part and tried to save it it said "Unable to open file: map.w3xTemp\war3map.wts, Unable to save file: map.w3x." Any suggestions how can i fix this? I dont have any copies of the map so if this problem can't be solved i've lost 1 month work. I hope there is a solution to this.
Hey median. A couple of things:
  • Check your Warcraft III\Maps\Test folder. If you are lucky, there may be a backup in it.
  • Attach the map to a post (in this thread) or PM the map to me if you can.
  • Can you open it in an MPQ editor? (check our tools section for one, or google MPQ editors)
  • Are you using Jass NewGen Pack? It creates automatic backups in jassnewgenpack5d(or 5e or 2.0)/backups
  • Do you know what might've caused this issue? The .wts file is the string file for your map, containing a table of strings. Did you use any tools on your map? (such as a map protector, or map optimizer)
  • Operating system and Warcraft III version?
Level 4
May 21, 2010
Hi, thanks for your answer, I am using JNGP 5d and i found the backup, thanks. I am using Win7 SP1 64-bit. I pmed you the map. Oh and i can open it in MPQ Master. This happened about a week ago with an other map, but when i start a new map and try to save that I can save it without any problem, even if i close and reopen it and try to save it again. I dont know what is the problem..
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