Unable to create directory

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What says "unable to create directory"? If it is World Editor then there must be some problem with creating the temporary files for the model during the save process. These temporary files are used as sources when building the map MPQ archive.

Possible causes could include third party applications blocking the file, such as antivirus or cloud backup software, the drive having insufficient disc space to house the temporary file, the temporary file containing illegal characters not supported by the file system or even that the resulting file system path length is longer than the maximum supported file system path length (260 characters for normal Windows applications).
Level 2
Jan 30, 2022
What says "unable to create directory"? If it is World Editor then there must be some problem with creating the temporary files for the model during the save process. These temporary files are used as sources when building the map MPQ archive.

Possible causes could include third party applications blocking the file, such as antivirus or cloud backup software, the drive having insufficient disc space to house the temporary file, the temporary file containing illegal characters not supported by the file system or even that the resulting file system path length is longer than the maximum supported file system path length (260 characters for normal Windows applications).
ok i tried it and i found to fix the unable to create directory problem i have to run it on administrator, but it still says could not load file which i think might be because of my version? im using version 1.26

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
ok i tried it and i found to fix the unable to create directory problem i have to run it on administrator, but it still says could not load file which i think might be because of my version? im using version 1.26
Sounds like a permission problem. The folders being used do not have write/read permission for the user account that is running World Editor.

You will want to try and fix the permissions in a reasonable way rather than running as an administrator. For example by giving your user account permission over the folders involved. This might be as simple as making the folder than contains Warcraft III (usually write locked for user accounts for security reasons) to allow user writing. Daily driving applications as an administrator is not a good idea from a security point of view and no game should require it.

This was likely fixed in newer versions of Warcraft III where the scratch pad workspace and user data was moved to a more appropriate documents folder rather than being inside program files.
Level 2
Jan 30, 2022
Could this be the problem then? im not sure what the minus means but i presume i just have to completely un-tick it

unfortunately its not using the path i gave it. But the unable to create directory is fixed.
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